Written Proposal Report Guidelines

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CC2018N Professional Development for Computing Spring Semester 2011-12Marketing Research and Data Analysis

CC2018N Professional Development for Computing Spring Semester 2011-12



oursework 2 – Project Proposal Hand in date: Tuesday 15th May 2012

You must submit one hard copy of your project proposal report with the signed Project Approval Form to the Undergraduate Office by the due date.

This coursework is worth 50% of the final mark for the module.

The main purpose of the project proposal is to define the scope and the objectives of your project and to describe the plan of work to be undertaken in order to achieve a successful project completion. In general, the proposal report should cover:

What you are planning to do

Why you have chosen to do it

How you are planning to achieve it

When you are planning to do it

If you are participating in a group project, you must focus in your proposal report on the project aspects that you are going to fulfil.

Written Proposal Report Guidelines

The written project proposal report should be between about 3,000 words long. The word limit should not include the title page, table of contents, references, bibliography and the Gantt chart. The margins should be set to 2.5cm on the left and 2cm on the right, top and bottom page margins, and the font used should be appropriate (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman, etc.) size 12, single spaced. Page numbering should start from the main body of your report. You should include a references section specifying sources used during the preparation of this report (including teaching materials, websites, textbooks, etc.). You should also indicate where you have used your references in the main body of the report. Suggestions for the length of each section are given below as a general guideline.

Your work should include:


Cover page – this front page should have

Your personal details (LondonMet ID number, first name and family name). The proposed title of your project

Your degree title

Your supervisor’s name

Submission date of proposal

This page should not have a page number.


Table of Contents – This should show numbered headings and sub-headings of your report with the appropriate page numbers. The ToC itself should not have a page number.


Main body – in this section you should have a structure similar to the one shown below, with numbered headings and sub-headings in your proposal document:


Introduction – set the context of your project and describe what it is about, what you hope to achieve and how you plan to do it. You should also explain your interest in the project and what you expect to gain from it. If you have a client, provide a brief background of the client and their goals, and describe what the benefit of the project would be to them.

(suggest between half and one page)

Background and literature review – this section should be approximately a third of your proposal (about 1,000 words long). Through the literature review you should provide the background to your project topic/area and demonstrate an understanding of the subject and the key issues involved. You should indicate any ethical and/or legal implications. You must show where you have used your references.

(suggest about two pages)

Aims and objectives – identify and explain the main aim(s) of the project; this should be followed by a list of objectives that collectively cover the project deliverables. The objectives need to be SMART, and could cover academic objectives (e.g. research into a particular theory) and personal objectives (e.g. skills you are planning to acquire to help with the project)

(suggest between half and one page)

Proposed method, tools and techniques – identify a method, tools and techniques that are relevant to the project or your role within the project (e.g. modelling tools, programming tools, project management tools, etc). You must include a brief justification for your choice(s).

(suggest between half and one page)

Project boundaries, resources, constraints, risks, contingency plans define the boundaries of the project and justify your assumptions. Identify the constraints as well as the resources available. Examine possible risk factors associated with your project, and provide a fallback plan in each case.

(suggest between half and one page)

Project plan – identify the major milestones and deliverables and produce a high-level work breakdown structure (i.e. work packages and activities). Using a single Gantt chart for the whole project, schedule the list of work packages and activities needing to be undertaken during your project. You can use Excel, Word or MS Project for your Gantt chart; you should ensure that it matches to the work breakdown structure and is printed in an appropriate scale. You can append your Gantt chart to the end of the report.

(suggest half a page for the text only; Gantt chart in addition)


References and Bibliography – these sections should be at the end of your proposal and must identify all the sources used in preparing this proposal. The bibliography should include background reading that is not explicitly referenced in your proposal. You should use the Harvard style of referencing

(no page limit)


Supervisor approval form – this form must be completed by you and your supervisor and attached to your submission to the undergraduate office.

CC2018N Professional Development for Computing Spring Semester 2011-12



arking Scheme

The marking scheme for the project proposal report is shown below so keep this in mind when you are preparing for this coursework. Marks will be lost if any sections are missing.

Title page and Table of Contents 3 marks

Introduction 6 marks

Background and literature review 7 marks

Aims and objectives 7 marks

Proposed method, tools and techniques 6 marks

Project boundaries, resources, constraints, risks, 6 marks

contingency plans

Project Plan 6 marks

References and Bibliography 5 marks

English and presentation (clarity, spelling, style) 2 marks

Project approval form 2 marks

Total 50 marks

CC2018N Professional Development for Computing Spring Semester 2011-12



C2018 Professional Development for Computing Project Approval Form

This form indicates that the student making a project proposal has discussed the idea for an honours level project with a member of staff who would act as project supervisor.

Student id number:Name of student:
Degree title:
Proposed title of project:
Short description of project:
I confirm that I have discussed the ideas for my final year project with a lecturer who would supervise my project.Signature of student:



Name of project supervisor:Signature of project supervisor:



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