Workshop 2

159 views 10:15 am 0 Comments July 26, 2023

TCHR2002 Children,Sample Page
Families and Communities
Workshop 2
Toni Byrne and Cassy Read

Plan for today:
Portfolio 1: Recap Question 1
Unpacking part B of question 1
Question 2
Everything there is to know about
Questions – put your questions in
the chat

Question 1 recap
Any questions regarding Question 1 Part A? (questions in the chat)
Unpacking Part B
Choose one topic e.g. changing attitudes
of mothers working. Think about how
this moves through each layer and
effects PP in the child’s microsystem.

How to frame
your answer using
Create a table
Q: Do I need to explain each layer of the system
in my response?
A: No – don’t use your word count defining each
Q: Should I reference Bronfenbrenner when I am
using the terminology from the theory?
A: Yes! Best practice is to reference language and
ideas that are not yours.

Question 2
The extent to which victims of bullying suffer negative
outcomes is partly determined by how they
cope with
being bullied. In your future practice, how can you ensure
the children in your care have
the skills and strategies to
overcome bullying incidents. Make links to the Early Years
Learning Framework (DET, 2019) where relevant.
Some points to get you started:
1. How will you help children build resilience?
2. How will children know what to do if they are bullied?
3. There should be a strong focus on wellbeing (social and
emotional wellbeing)
4. You can link to this week’s reading National Principles
for Child Safe Organisations
5. What does the EYLF say about this topic? (View next

Linking Question 2 to the EYLF
Are there any principles or practice that might align?
Reviewing the rubric
Question 3
You are working at a long day care centre where a new family has enrolled. You have
planned a cooking experience with the children when the boy (aged 4) states, “cooking is
the girl’s job, boys should not cook!” Discuss the following points:
What language and actions would you use to handle this situation? What are you going
to say to the child? What about to the other children? Will the child need to
How can you teach gender equality as part of the Australian culture with children aged 3-
What will you use to teach gender equality? Books? Puppets? Real life examples?
What are the strategies you could implement to work towards social justice and equity?
Think about your partnerships with families and how you will work with your fellow

the rubric

How to
TCHR2002 APA.pptx
What’s next
Engage in the unit learning material (module 2) before attending a tutorial.
Ask questions and engage with your peers in the discussion forum.
Start Question 2 and 3 of Assessment 1.

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