Work Experience Childcare

150 views 9:56 am 0 Comments September 30, 2023
  1. Planning and Preparation 
  • Describe the career roles and opportunities available in the ECEC sector in Ireland
  • Describe the types of organizations that make up this sector
  • Analyse the key challenges and opportunities facing the ECEC sector as a whole
  • Outline work-related issues and needs that may arise2. Audit of skills relevant to the ECEC sector
    • Complete a detailed audit of skills relevant to a role in the ECEC sector to include Personal skills.
    • Interpersonal skills (3 marks), and professional skills
    • Identify your learning goals and action points for completing work experience based on gaps identified in your skills audit
    • (FYI… At the moment, I have an L6 SNA diploma and am busy with an L5 Child Development course.)

    3. Finding Employment in the Sector

    •  Identify strategies to assist in finding employment, include evidence in your portfolio of an online job search on an appropriate website
    • Write a Curriculum Vitae tailored for a role in ECEC
    • Prepare a letter of application for a role as a full-time ECEC practitioner
    • Prepare a sample e-mail applying for a role as a full-time ECEC practitioner to which you would attach your CV – Include a statement/contract outlining your contractual obligations

    4. Rights and Responsibilities 

    • Describe the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in the ECEC sector:- – Health, safety and welfare at work
    • Equality legislation – the child care act
    • Child Protection Legislation  – Data protection ) GDPR legislation

    5. Conclusion

    • Provide a conclusive outline of how your learning on this module has:- – Prepared you to find work in the ECEC sector
    • Prepare you to engage in work in the ECEC sector
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