What challenges do you envisage in your work placement

150 views 8:01 am 0 Comments September 4, 2023

Assignment 1 Details:
As part of professional placement units, you will ultimately work in an organization for a
limited period.
What challenges do you envisage in your work placement? Identify and discuss at least two
key challenges that you will face. Also discuss the strategy that you intend to apply to
overcome these challenges.
Word limit: 1000-1200
: There is considerable literature that has identified some of the challenges that new
employees face when they start in a new organization. Broadly, these may relate to social,
cultural, or professional issues.
For part one of the assignment, you must identify at least two challenges and discuss why and
how they are more important than others.
Part two of this assignment is about your strategy to deal with the challenges you may have
This assignment is worth 20 marks divided as follows:
Introduction and background: 5
Challenges: 10
Strategy: 5
Due date: Sunday week 3 of the semester

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