Visualization and data processing

179 views 6:36 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023

Assessment 2

The following exercises are designed to assess your understanding of concepts, implementation, and interpretation of topics in Visualization and Data Processing. Some questions may require you to search and use R functions that we have not used so far.  In all following questions submit codes and output.

Note: The questions in this assessment may have multiple correct solutions. Hence submission of R code is essential. Almost no statistical background is presumed knowledge for this assessment. All methods required for solution are available on the content pages of Weeks 2-10 of this subject. Some of them have been covered in detail during collaborate sessions.

Answer sheet and script (code).

All outputs must be followed by a short statement, for full marks. You could use on of the following alternatives in responding to the questions.

  1. Please use a new word document to provide your responses sequentially using Section and Question numbers. You could paste your annotated R code followed by the output and discussion, in the word document.
  2.  In a word document provide your output and discussion. Submit the –annotated (commented)- R code separately. Codes without annotation won’t receive full marks.
  3. If you know Rmarkdown, you could use that to create an integrated report. However, Rmarkdown is NOT a requirement for this subject.

M. Function: Section Marks 5

An R package is simply a collection of functions. Each function does a specific task. Write a (single) function that computes –

  1. Arithmetic mean,
  2. Standard deviation, and
  3. Range. Range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a variable

for any variable of an R data.frame(). Implement this function on the airquality data available with baseR. Show your code and output.

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