163 views 8:03 am 0 Comments July 22, 2023


SAP103 WEEK 5 TUTORIAL ACTIVITYMarketing Research and Data Analysis

Raisa, the mother of two children under eight, is the victim of domestic violence perpetrated by her de facto partner. Raisa fled the home after numerous incidents of escalating violence towards her and the children. Her partner had threatened to kill her and her family. She feared that if she went to her family’s place, he would find her there and her life and the lives of her family would be endangered.

Raisa was too scared to contact the government department responsible for child protection because she feared her children would be taken from her since she had no accommodation. In the past she had left her partner, taking the children with her. She returned to the relationship one month later because she needed housing for her and the children.

The first night away from home she and the children slept in the car and did not eat. Raisa had no money and left all possessions behind.

Raisa attended the (Parramatta Local Court (NSW)/ Dandenong Magistrates Court (VIC))/ Joondalup Courthouse (WA)/Brisbane Magistrates Court) in relation to an (Apprehended Violence Order (NSW)/ Family Violence Protection Order (VIC)/ Family Violence Restraining Order (WA)/ Domestic Violence Order (QLD)) that the police were taking our for her and the children’s protection.


What services might Raisa be able to access in court, and in the community?

What are the priority legal issues that you think Legal Aid or a Community Legal Service could assist Raisa with?

Identify a local Legal Aid or Community Legal Service that could assist Raisa with each legal issue identified?

What type of support for Raisa and her children might a human services organisation provide?

What might be the outcome for Raisa and her children without this support identified above?

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