Transforming Healthcare Business Case Project

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7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
MSc Global Healthcare Management
7136SOH Transforming Healthcare Business Case Project
CW1 20-minute Individual PresentationHuman Computer Interaction
Submission by Friday 9
th June 2023, no later than 1800
Viva by 16
th June 2023, no later than 1800
The following provides some guidance on the requirements of coursework 1 for 7136SOH
Transforming Healthcare Business Case Project which you will develop eewith tutorial
support from your project supervisor.
The purpose of the individual presentation is to establish that you have identified a
healthcare management problem and analysed its underlying cause(s), using relevant
literature and management tools to determine the relevance and viability of your business
case project.
Coursework 1: 20-minute Individual Presentation (10 credits)
You will be required to prepare and submit the following demonstrate achievement of
learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3:
An individual 20-minute live presentation (in-person), ± 2 minutes. Submit supporting
PowerPoint slides of
no more than 12 slides, providing an overview of your analysis
and evaluation of the health care management problem/issue, defining it using
management theory/ tools, the underlying root cause(s), stakeholder analysis,
providing justification for why it should be prioritised as a management problem and
addressing ethical issues. To be submitted no later than 6:00pm on Friday 9
th of June
2023, and all viva’s done on or before 6:00pm on Friday 16
th of June 2023. The live inperson presentation will also assess your presentation skills and ability to convince a
Health Board on the need for your proposed business case project.
The information should clearly demonstrate:
Critical analysis and evaluation of the healthcare management problem/issue.
Critical evaluation of the management problem using management tools.
Critical evaluation of the management problem, providing justification why it
should be prioritised considering ethical issues.
The presentation will be live and in-person and should fully complement the material
contained within the slides submitted, which should be designed professionally. Please
remember that in a presentation of 12 slides it will be difficult to contain all the information
about the healthcare management problem, but the aim is to prioritise key information that
demonstrates your depth of knowledge and level of thinking.

7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
Intended Module Learning Outcomes to be achieved in this coursework are:
1. Critically analyse a current practice-based management problem or issue, which impacts
upon patient care or health care delivery, critically appraising the evidence to justify the
need for the project
2. Critically demonstrate understanding of the ethical issues involved in addressing the
management problem and undertaking the business case project, and in so doing gain the
necessary ethical approval and first stage approval to proceed to implementation.
3. Critically justify the business case project orally
Structure of the Presentation
It is important to carefully consider the content and format of the presentation. Information
should be clear and concise. You should consider the needs of the audience (Health Board)
who should be able to follow and understand the content of your presentation and
justification for decisions reached.
The PowerPoint presentation must not exceed 12 slides, including reference slides and any
additional slides that are included will not be marked. The first slide must include a clear title
of the project, with your name, student ID number, module code and title and course name.
The second slide is likely to offer the aims or outline of the presentation. The penultimate
slide will offer a conclusion and recommendations. The final slide will provide a reference list
of all citations referred to in the presentation.
The time allowed for the in-person live presentation should in total be 20 minutes (± 2
minutes). The information delivered should be appropriately paced, complementing the
material used on the slide. Do not overestimate how much you can deliver in 20 minutes,
remember too much information will be overwhelming for your audience in the timeframe.
Prepare a presentation with impact, so that key messages are given.
Your presentation should begin with information about yourself, and brief background related
to the module and must include your name and student ID number. This will be followed by
an introduction and aims of the presentation, outlining the proposed structure to guide the
audience. At the end you will need to summarise the main points and reach some form of
conclusion/recommendations related to the management problem.
The main part of the presentation (slides 3-10) will demonstrate achievement of the learning
outcomes 1 to 3.
The presentation should refer to seminal journal articles from the academic literature, grey
literature and policy documents in identifying the health management problem or issue using
management theories and tools and also providing a justification for why it should be
prioritised as a healthcare management problem. The references used should be cited at per
APA Reference style, on the relevant slide. In addition, the final slide will provide the
reference list of citations. This should adhere to the Coventry University Guide to Referencing
in APA style.
Preparing the PowerPoint slides
7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
The PowerPoint presentation should be designed and structured professionally.
The opening slide should identify the title of your project, your name, Student ID
number and course name/ module code.
Review and prepare a summary of each section of the project. This will help you
decide on the key information/ messages that you wish to convey to your
audience in demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes. You do not
need to include everything. Use an appropriate number of slides/elements and
allocate headings/content to each. Do not overcrowd the slides with too much
information, the notes pages should provide examples to illustrate points,
demonstrating depth of understanding.
Be consistent with the background/layout/format of slides/elements/ animation
Think carefully about the design features. Clear typeface is important.
Do not vary the typeface excessively. Use both capitals and lower-case text.
The font size should not be smaller than 18 point. The space between lines should
be larger than single spacing. Text should be legible, uncluttered, and consistent.
Colour schemes should be decided upon, two/three colours might be an
appropriate number to consider.
Any illustrations should be presented clearly and labelled/ referenced
appropriately. The use of the Coventry University logo should be referenced.
Once complete practice your presentation to ensure that it can be delivered at an
appropriate pace in the 20 minutes.
Ask for constructive feedback from a housemate or family member and use it to
improve the presentation.
Preparing for the live in-person presentation
Please consider the clarity of your voice, pace of your delivery. It is not the quantity of
information in your delivery but the quality of that information and ability to demonstrate
depth of understanding.
Think about the venue that would be suitable for your presentation and work you’re your
supervisor to book the venue ahead of time. Ensure to find an environment that is free of
distractions, background noise and interruptions whilst you are making your presentation.
Any disturbances or distractions are likely to impact on the clarity of the delivery are likely to
impact on the markers ability to follow your presentation.
Ensure that you have sight of a timer to ensure that the 20 minutes is used effectively.
Any parts of the recording after 22 minutes will not be considered in the marking.
Ensure you have a bottle or glass of water available.
Ensure that your mobile phone is switched off or on silent/flight/focus mode.
Inform others who may disturb you at the timing of the recording to minimise any
Ensure that you make adequate arrangements for any children that live with you to
ensure that they are being looked after during the presentation as they may not be
allowed into the venue.
Rather than reading directly from a pre-prepared script, you may want to have a series of
bullet points that you speak to ensuring that all you want to cover is addressed. Reading from
a script does not necessarily demonstrate the depth of understanding required and that you
are the author of the work.

7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
In preparing the presentation, you should read it through with a critical eye, recognising
aspects that you have done well and others that could be improved. Highlight anything that
you have written that you are not sure about, or which you feel you could have been justified
more fully.
Plagiarism and Cheating
There is always a great temptation for some students to pass off other people’s published
work as their own and so commit plagiarism. There is difficulty in defining plagiarism but if
examiners find that your work has been cited directly from books and journals, or another
student’s work, without acknowledgement then a prima facia case of plagiarism will be
investigated. The University takes this very seriously and if the case is proven then it is highly
likely that the student’s work will be failed. It can result in expulsion from the University. To
avoid this you should remember that:
It is legitimate to summarise/ paraphrase the ideas of others from a range of source
material (books, journal articles, documents etc.) provided that you use your own
words. When doing so, you should reference your primary source.
If you do use phrases, sentences or paragraphs from published sources (direct
quotations) within the presentation, then you must indicate these as such.
How do you cite material in oral presentations?
Please refer to the document on the Aula web regarding how best to cite your sources during
the presentation.
Marking/ Moderation of the Individual Presentation
The attached feedback form will be used in marking the presentation. The tutors marking the
presentation slides will be from the module team and may not always be your supervisor.
Therefore, do not make assumptions about their level of knowledge of the project topic.
There is a two-week turnaround for the marking and internal moderation of this assessment.
The key issue the marker will be considering is your overall performance related to
achievement of the learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Were you able to articulate a clear justification for the healthcare management problem and
the need to prioritise it?
Internal moderation will be undertaken once all assessments have been marked, reviewing
the marking of the presentations between the markers to ensure consistency and fairness.
The presentation slides will be made available to any external examiner to review alongside
the feedback given and mark awarded.
Submission of Coursework through Turnitin via the Assignment Link on Aula
You will be required to submit a copy of your PowerPoint presentation as a single document
through the Submission link on the AULA module web by Friday 9
th of June 2023, no later than

7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
Appendix 1 – Feedback Form 20-minute individual presentation

Module Code/ Title: 7136SOH Transforming Healthcare Business Case Project
Student Name:
Student ID:
Date: May 2023
Attempt: 1st / 2nd / 3rd
Name of Marker:
Name of Second

Learning Outcomes
1. Critically analyse a current practice-based management problem or issue, which impacts upon patient
care or health care delivery, critically appraising the evidence to justify the need for the project
2. Critically demonstrate understanding of the ethical issues involved in addressing the management
problem and undertaking the business case project, and in so doing gain the necessary ethical approval
and first stage approval to proceed to implementation.
3. Critically justify the business case project orally.

(E = Essential; D = Desirable)
Areas of Strength / Areas for Development
Introduction and background to organisational
health care management issue demonstrating
critical analysis and evaluation (E)
Critical Analysis and Evaluation of the research
literature/ evidence providing justification for
addressing the problem (E)
Critical application of management theory and
tools, with justification, analysing the healthcare
management problem (E)
Understanding of Ethical principles in addressing
the health care management problem (E)
Initial consideration of potential evidence-based
solutions (D)
Coherence of action Plan for next steps is feasible
and realistic (D)
Presentation Skills (D)

Overall Assessment Mark

Marker’s Name:

7136SOH 2324MAYSEP
Appendix 1 – HLS Faculty Postgraduate Assessment Marking Criteria

72, 75, 78
82, 85, 88
90, 95, 100
The student addresses the question
fully, including excellent summaries,
critical analysis, synthesis and
evaluation. At the higher end the
assignment may demonstrate
originality and creativity.
The entire work is clearly
structured, addresses the topic
authoritatively, is based on
extensive and critically informed
background reading, and is also
A clear and convincing line of
critical and evaluative argument is
demonstrated throughout. A
degree of originality and insight
should also be present, supported
by evidence of wider reading,
some of which goes beyond the
recommended reading.
Demonstrates creativity and
some originality in the selection
and presentation of evidence.
Provides thorough critical
analysis of seminal work, and an
informed knowledge of
theoretical positions. All
evidence cited is correctly
referenced in the text as well as
in the References.
Very Good
62, 65, 68
The question is addressed
authoritatively, with evidence of
additional reading and an emphasis
on analysis, synthesis and
The evidence is presented clearly
in relation to the question set.
There is a sound structure which
clearly links sections, and ensures
arguments are fully articulated
and supported.
A clear and convincing line of
argument is presented, and it is
fully supported by a critical
evaluation of sources. Some
evidence of originality and insight
may be present supported by
evidence of wide reading
The evidence selected is of high
quality, and goes beyond the
recommended reading. It is
presented in a well organised
way, and most claims are
supported by relevant evidence
that has been critically
52, 55, 58
For the most part the question is
addressed. There is evidence of an
understanding of most of the issues
and the relevant literature, though
there may be some omissions.
Evidence of some analysis, synthesis
and evaluation.
A good structure but relationships
between some statements and
sections may not always be fully
articulated. Some sections are
descriptive rather than
There is demonstration of the
ability to provide some clear and
structured arguments, but there is
little evidence of originality.
Evidence of reading from
appropriate sources with some
critical evaluation.
Some relevant evidence is
presented which is generally
well organised and there is
evidence of some critical
appraisal. For the most part
accurate referencing of the text
and reference list.
42, 45, 48
Some aspects of the question are
addressed. A limited amount of
relevant material is included, though
is sometimes poorly presented.
Limited evidence of analysis,
synthesis and evaluation
Structure lacks coherence,
relationships between statements
and sections are not always
articulated. The majority of work
is descriptive rather than
Some arguments are produced,
but there is limited critical analysis
or reference to an appropriate
range of sources.
Some evidence is included but
this is limited. Omissions and
errors in referencing are
35, 30, 25, 20,10,
Fails to answer the question or to
address the topic appropriately, and
is not presented at PG level.
Poor structure. There are few
clear links between statements or
sections, and the assignment is
Little convincing or supported
argument is presented,
demonstrated a limited
understanding of the topic.
Minimal reference is made to
relevant and supportive
evidence, with little indication
of wider reading.
Poor referencing.


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