Transactions on Software Engineering

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0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
Preventing Defects: The Impact of Requirements
Traceability Completeness on Software Quality
Patrick Rempel and Parick Mader ¨
Technische Universitat Ilmenau ¨
Software Engineering for Safety-Critical Systems Group
[email protected] and [email protected]
Abstract—Requirements traceability has long been recognized as an important quality of a well-engineered system. Among
stakeholders, traceability is often unpopular due to the unclear benefits. In fact, little evidence exists regarding the expected traceability
benefits. There is a need for empirical work that studies the effect of traceability. In this paper, we focus on the four main requirements
implementation supporting activities that utilize traceability. For each activity, we propose generalized traceability completeness
measures. In a defined process, we selected 24 medium to large-scale open-source projects. For each software project, we quantified
the degree to which a studied development activity was enabled by existing traceability with the proposed measures. We analyzed that
data in a multi-level Poisson regression analysis. We found that the degree of traceability completeness for three of the studied
activities significantly affects software quality, which we quantified as defect rate. Our results provide for the first time empirical
evidence that more complete traceability decreases the expected defect rate in the developed software. The strong impact of
traceability completeness on the defect rate suggests that traceability is of great practical value for any kind of software development
project, even if traceability is not mandated by a standard or regulation.
Index Terms—requirements traceability; traceability completeness; traceability metrics; change impact analysis; requirements
satisfaction analysis; source code justification analysis; software quality; error proneness; defects; bugs; empirical validation;
regression analysis
Rcritical element of any rigorous software development EQUIREMENTS traceability is broadly recognized as a
process [12], but especially for building high-assurance and
safety-critical software systems [65]. It is defined as the
“ability to follow the life of a requirement in both a backward and a forward direction” [38]. Finkelstein argues that
“[requirements traceability] provides the information management support for [..] complex multi-threaded customer
relationships and the technical substrate for rapid system
evolution” [30]. The resulting network of interrelated software artifacts can be used to “answer questions of both the
software product and its development process” [11].
However, the implementation of requirements traceability leads to increased development effort and documentation workload, which can only be compensated by higher
quality [16, 3, 14, 77] and reduced overall costs if traceability
is applied purposefully [99]. Cleland-Huang et al. assume
for a traceability cost model that the manual creation of a
trace link among two artifacts takes on average 15 minutes
[13]. Depending on the artifact types, the average creation
times can vary between 10 and 45 minutes [47]. This often
leads to a traceability benefit problem [52]. Among stakeholders, requirements traceability is often unpopular due
to the extra effort it creates and the unclear benefits and
beneficiaries [4, 78, 79]. In fact, there is little hard evidence
regarding the benefits to expect from creating software
Therefore, we previously conducted a controlled experiment in which we studied the effect of traceability on
subjects performing software development tasks [75, 76].
We found that subjects that had traceability available for
a task, performed on average 24% faster and created 50%
more accurate solutions than the subjects that performed
tasks without traceability. These results are very encouraging and show expectable benefits, especially regarding
effort reduction and the output accuracy, on a discrete task
basis. However, the experiment poses three limitations with
respect to the generalizability of results. First, subjects were
using complete and correct traces, which is rarely the case
in industry. Second, subjects were no project stakeholders
and therefore not familiar with the project. Third, subjects
submitted their solution to a task, but had no chance to
incrementally improve it through debugging.
These limitations make it hard to generalize results beyond a single task perspective and to determine an aggregated effect for a whole development project. Furthermore,
the observed higher correctness achieved by subjects working with traceability raises an interesting research question
which the preceding experiments cannot answer. Does the
capturing and usage of requirements traceability within a
development project lead to a software product of higher
quality? To answer this question, we conducted a large case
study assessing the effect of requirements traceability in
supporting implementation tasks for 24 medium- to largescale open-source development projects. In preparation for
this study, we derived a description model from the existing
body of knowledge that characterizes use cases of traceability in the context of software development. Based on
this description model, we further derive a set of traceability completeness measures, where each measure quantifies

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
missing trace links with respect to the necessities of a
traceability use case. We found a strong correlation between
the degree to which traceability was available in support
of different implementation scenarios and software quality,
which we quantified as defect rate. Our study presents for
the first time strong evidence that purposed traceability in
fact raises the quality of implemented source code.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We
formulate the research questions for our study in Section 2.
In Section 3, we develop a preliminary description model
for our study by characterizing the requirements implementation process and deriving traceability use cases, which
are asserted to be beneficial for the implementation process.
Section 4 introduces the design of our study and the applied
data collection procedure. In Section 5, we describe how
we statistically analyzed the collected data. The statistical
analysis results are presented in Section 6. We discuss these
results in Section 7 with regard to our formulated research
questions. In Section 8, we discuss potential threats to the
validity of the discovered results and how we mitigated
them. In Section 9, we discuss work related to our study
and finally, in Section 10 we draw conclusions and outline
future research directions.
Software quality has been the subject of numerous empirical
research in the past (e.g., [31, 88, 87, 42, 68]), leading to a
large body of empirical knowledge on that topic. Thereby,
a variety of influential factors on software quality has been
studied, such as requirements attributes [31, 104], organizational attributes of software development projects [88, 10],
or software complexity metrics [42, 87, 119, 9].
The work presented in this paper focuses on the completeness of requirements traceability in software projects
and how it impacts the implementation quality of requirements. Requirements traceability is broadly recognized as
a critical factor for software quality [12]. Researchers argue
that requirements traceability supports software engineers
in understanding complex systems as well as to account
for the consequences of ongoing changes [30]. Practitioners
argue that traceability can help to determine completion,
is essential to analyze the impact of changes, and provides confidence that the requirements are satisfied [110].
Additionally, software safety standards, such as DO-178C
[111], ISO-26262-6 [54], and IEC-61508-3 [51] and software
maturity standards, such as CMMI [17] and SPICE [55]
explicitly mandate requirements traceability.
Although requirements traceability is a commonly accepted quality of rigorous software development processes
[12], empirical evidence on the impact of traceability completeness on the software product quality is lacking. In an
attempt to close this gap, we studied the effect of requirements traceability availability on the completing time and
correctness of specific development tasks in a controlled
experiment [75, 76]. As discussed in the previous section,
the experiment investigated two extreme cases only, where
traceability is either missing completely or a complete set
of trace links is provided. The results of recent empirical
traceability studies [80, 106, 109, 78, 70, 69] revealed that
these two extreme cases do not reflect current software engineering practice. All 30 analyzed projects used requirements
traceability to support various software engineering activities, but failed to implement complete sets of trace links with
respect to the traceability usage goals [106, 109, 103]. The
degree of completeness greatly varied among the analyzed
projects. All these empirical results led to the hypothesis that
the degree of requirements traceability completeness is a
software implementation quality driver, because important
software engineering activities for the assurance of implementation quality depend on requirements traceability.
Based on this hypothesis, we derived the following three
research questions:
RQ-1: Does the degree to which existing artifacts are traceable (traceability completeness) with respect to the implementation supporting activities high-level impact analysis,
low-level impact analysis, requirements satisfaction analysis, and source code justification analysis affect software
RQ-2: Does the effect investigated in RQ-1, if any exists, vary
for the four different implementation supporting activities?
RQ-3: What are the orientation (negative vs. positive) and
the intensity of the effect investigated in RQ-1, if any exists?
In projects with large development teams, software engineers often need to understand relationships between artifacts that were created or maintained by other software engineers. Hence, cooperative development requires communication between the involved contributors [48]. Requirements
traceability can be used to communicate artifact relationships among contributors. We hypothesize that traceability
is more beneficial for development projects with a higher
amount of distinct requirements engineers or developers.
The need to perform quality assurance activities re-occurs
with every software change. Since people’s memories typically fade over time [24], we hypothesize that captured
traceability information is particularly beneficial if time
spans between requirement changes or code changes are
longer. Based on these hypotheses, we derived the following
two research questions:
RQ-4: Is the effect investigated in RQ-1, if any exists, additionally impacted by the development team size?
RQ-5: Is the effect investigated in RQ-1, if any exists, additionally impacted by the time span between software
In this section, we derive a description model from the
existing body of knowledge on requirements traceability
that characterizes major traceability use cases in the context
of software development. Researchers found through case
studies that the benefits of available requirements traceability depend on the intended usage [27]. Different intended
traceability usage scenarios may require different artifacts
to be related [106]. For example, the demonstration of regulatory compliance requires traceability between regulatory
codes and requirements, while in contrast, the demonstration of implementation completeness requires traceability

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
between requirements and source code. In the following
three subsections, we first derive two general implementation scenarios during software development (Section 3.1),
we then identify four common traceability use cases that
we discuss in the context of the derived implementation
scenarios (Section 3.2), and finally we discuss the concept of
requirements traceability completeness with respect to the
four common traceability use cases (Section 3.3).
3.1 Software Implementation
In this paper, the term implementation refers to the process of developing source code to realize new or changed
software requirements. This realization process typically
involves intermediate artifacts. Gunter et al. [46] proposed
a “reference model for requirements and specifications”
and distinguish three general artifact types:
, design specification, and source code. We denote R
as a set of requirements specifications that explicitly describe
what customers expect from a software system,
D as a set
of design specifications that contain explicit instructions on
how to build a software system in order to satisfy
R, and
S as a set of source codes that implement D in order to
build the software system. As described by Rajlich and Bennett [98], the software development life-cycle spans three
different stages:
initial development, evolution, and servicing.
While in the
initial development stage, only new requirements
are discovered and implemented, in the two later stages
evolution and servicing) new requirements may still be discovered and implemented but also existing requirements
are changed. Changes can be triggered, for example, by the
customer, by changes in applied libraries or technologies
or by discovered issues in the exiting implementation. We
C as a set of requirement change specifications
that describe how a software system is supposed to be
changed to meet newly emerged, shifted, or misunderstood
customers’ expectations. For the further discussion of implementation scenarios and traceability use cases, we refer
C as a separate artifact that is related via trace link
to the initial requirement. Different tools implement this
change concept in different ways (e.g., as new version of
the requirement or as a separate change request artifact).
However, the implication remain the same, independently
of how the concept is implemented. In Figure 1, all described
artifact sets are shown as Venn diagram, each set contains
illustrating example artifacts and is mapped to corresponding implementation phases and software life-cycle stages. In
general, two implementation scenarios can be distinguished:
SC-1: implementing a new requirement
SC-2: implementing a requirements change
We will refer back to these two generic implementation
scenarios when we derive and discuss the four major traceability use cases in their context within the next subsection.
3.2 Traceability Use Cases in the Context of Software
A necessary precondition to achieve requirements traceability is the explicit creation of trace links [39]. As depicted
in Figure 1, vertical and horizontal traceability relationships
are distinguished in the literature [97, 71, 94]. While vertical
traceability refers to dependencies among artifacts that are
part of a single work product within the software development process (e.g., a dependency between two requirements
artifacts), horizontal traceability refers to relationships between artifacts that are part of different work products (e.g.,
a source code artifact implementing a design artifact).
The usage of traceability refers to the activity of following trace links from a source artifact to a target artifact
[39] to achieve an explicit goal in a development project
[95]. Rierson [110] argues that using traceability provides
two main benefits for stakeholders. First, it is essential to
change impact analysis, and second, it helps to determine
completion. Thereby, impact analysis refers to identifying
the consequences of implementing a new or a changed requirement [7]. Completion analysis refers to resolving either
the traceability from requirements to their implementation
or vice versa and allows determining whether or not all the
specification and the implementation are complete [99]. In
a requirements traceability case study, Ramesh et al. [99]
found that traceability usage practices vary among different project roles. While project managers and requirements
engineers are concerned with the change impact on and
the completeness of requirements artifacts, system engineers
and developers are concerned with the change impact on
and the completeness of source code artifacts. Empirical
studies on traceability usage substantiated these findings
[100, 4, 8, 74, 26, 91, 92, 28, 89, 22].
In summary, analyzing change impact and determining
completeness are the most common traceability use cases
in practice. Traceability users are either concerned with
requirements or source code artifacts. Hence, we derived
the following traceability use cases that are relevant for
the implementation of new requirements (SC-1) and for the
implementation of changed requirements (SC-2):
UC-1: Analyzing the impact of a new or changed requirement on dependent requirements (High-level impact analysis).
UC-2: Analyzing the impact of a new or changed requirement on dependent code artifacts (Low-level impact analysis).
UC-3: Analyzing if a new or changed requirement is satisfied by code artifacts (Requirements satisfaction analysis).
UC-4: Analyzing if a new or changed code artifact is justified
by a requirement (
Source code justification analysis).
In the following subsections, we discuss these four traceability use cases and refer especially to three characteristics:
source artifacts on which the analysis is applied, the
trace link paths that are followed to conduct the analysis,
and the
destination artifacts to which trace link paths are
resolved. Additionally, we provide illustrating examples for
each discussed use case.
3.2.1 UC-1: High-level impact analysis
The first traceability use case (UC-1) is concerned with the
analysis of effects that a new or a changed requirement has
on its dependent requirements artifacts. Vertical traceability
relations from a new or changed requirement to dependent
requirements or requirement changes are to be resolved by
the stakeholder in order to identify what other requirements

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
s2 Implemenation process relationships
s3 (horizontal traceability)
d2 s4
Set of artifacts
c1 d3
Dependency relationships
vertical traceability)
Requirement Design Source code
Artifacts per implementation phase
& Sevicing
Lifecycle Stages
Fig. 1. Artifacts and their traceability across the software life-cycle stages: initial development, evolution, and servicing (adapted from [46, 98])
Overview of the four traceability use cases (UC-1, UC-2, UC-3, and UC-4) for each implementation scenario (SC-1 and SC-2)

Traceability Use Cases
Conducted throughout the entire lifecycle Conducted after a requirement was implemented
UC-1: High-level
impact analysis
UC-2: Low-level
impact analysis
UC-3: Requirements
satisfaction analysis
UC-4: Source code
justification analysis
SC-1: Implementing
a new requirement
SC-2: Implementing
a requirements change

r1 d1
r1 d1
r1 d1
r2 d2
r1 d1
r2 d2
r1 d1
r2 d2
r1 d1
r2 d2
r1 d1
r2 d2
c1 d3 s5
r1 d1
r2 d2
c1 d3 s5
Key: Use case origin Use case destination Existing artifact New artifact Trace link
are potentially impacted. Thus, we denote UC-1 as “Highlevel impact analysis”. The source artifacts for UC-1 depend
on the implementation scenario. For SC-1 (implementing a
new requirement), the source artifact is an element of
R. Accordingly, for SC-2 (implementing a changed requirement)
the source artifact is an element of
C. The destination artifacts
are dependent requirement artifacts, which are potentially
impacted by the new or changed requirement. For both
implementation scenarios, the destination artifacts are elements of
R [ C. The trace link paths between source and
destination artifacts consists of vertical trace links across
requirement artifacts only. Thus, trace paths that support
UC-1 can consist of any of the following trace links in any
r ! r, r ! c, c ! c, and c ! r, where r 2 R and
c 2 C. Figure 2 defines all possible trace link paths for UC-1
in a syntax graph like notation.
Examples: The first column in Table 1 shows examples of
UC-1 applied in the scenarios SC-1 and SC-2. In the example
that illustrates SC-1, the set of source artifacts consists of the
newly created requirement
r2 and the set of target artifacts
consists of
r1, which is the only dependent requirement of
r2. The artifacts r2 and r1 are connected through the trace
link path
r2 ! r1. In the example that illustrates SC-2, the
set of source artifacts consists of a changed requirement
and the set of target artifacts consists of r1 and r2 which
are the dependent requirements of
c1. While c1 and r2 are
connected through the trace link path
c1 ! r2, c1 and r1 are
connected through the trace link path
c1 ! r2 ! r1.
3.2.2 UC-2: Low-level impact analysis
The second traceability use case (UC-2) is concerned with
the analysis of effects that a new or a changed requirement has on its dependent source code artifacts. Therefore,
not only vertical but also horizontal traceability relations
from the new or changed requirement through dependent

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
r c
r c
Fig. 2. Syntax graph of possible trace link paths supporting UC-1 (the
box with an arrow inside represents a trace link)
r c
r c
d s
Fig. 3. Syntax graph of possible trace link paths supporting UC-2 (the
box with an arrow inside represents a trace link)
requirement artifacts to source code artifacts that implement the dependent requirement artifacts are to be resolved
by the stakeholder in order to identify what source code
artifacts are potentially impacted. Thus, we denote UC-
2 as “Low-level impact analysis”. The
source artifacts for
UC-2 depend on the implementation scenario. For SC-1,
the source artifact is an element of
R, while for SC-2 the
source artifact is an element of
C. The destination artifacts
are dependent artifacts at source code level, which are
potentially impacted by the new or changed requirement.
For both implementation scenarios, the destination artifacts
are elements of
S. The trace link paths between source and
destination artifacts consist of two parts. Analogous to UC-
1, the first part consists of any of the following trace links
in any sequence:
r ! r, r ! c, c ! c, and c ! r, where
r 2 R and c 2 C. The second part consists of a trace link
path between a requirement and a source code artifact with
zero to many intermediate design artifacts:
r[! d]! s or
c[! d]! s, where d 2 D, s 2 S, r 2 R, and c 2 C. Figure
3 provides a generalized definition of all possible trace link
paths that support UC-2 in a syntax graph like notation.
Examples: The second column in Table 1 shows examples of UC-2 applied in the scenarios SC-1 and SC-2. In
the example that illustrates SC-1, the set of source artifacts
consists of the newly created requirement
r2 and the set of
target artifacts consists of
s1 and s2, which are the source
codes that implement the requirement
r1, which is a dependent requirement of r2. The artifacts r2 and s1 are connected
through the trace link path
r2 ! r1 ! d1 ! s1 and the
r2 and s2 are connected through the trace link path
r2 ! r1 ! d1 ! s2. In the example that illustrates SC-2, the
set of source artifacts consists of the changed requirement
and the set of target artifacts consists of s1, s2, s3, and s4,
which are the source codes that implement the dependent
r1 and r2. The following trace paths exists: c1
and s1 are connected through c1 ! r2 ! r1 ! d1 ! s1, c1
and s2 are connected through c1 ! r2 ! r1 ! d1 ! s2, c1
and s3 are connected through c1 ! r2 ! d2 ! s3, and c1
and s4 are connected through c1 ! r2 ! d2 ! s4.
3.2.3 UC-3: Requirements satisfaction analysis
The third traceability use case (UC-3) is concerned with
completeness determination for new or changed requirements. Therefore, horizontal traceability is resolved by the
stakeholder to follow the implementation process subsequently from its originating requirement to its final result
r c
d s
Fig. 4. Syntax graph of possible trace link paths supporting UC-3 (the
box with an arrow inside represents a trace link)
(source code) in order to identify whether or not all stated
requirements are satisfied by source code. We denote UC-
3 as “Requirements satisfaction analysis”. The
source artifacts depend on the implementation scenario. For SC-1, the
source artifact is an element of
R, while for SC-2 the source
artifact is an element of
C. The destination artifacts are the
artifacts at source code level that implement the new or
changed requirement. Thus, for both implementation scenarios, the destination artifacts are elements of
S. The trace
link paths
between source and destination artifacts consist
of horizontal trace links only. Each trace link path of UC-3
connects a requirement with a source code artifact through
zero to many intermediate design artifacts:
r[! d]! s or
c[! d]! s, where d 2 D, s 2 S, r 2 R, and c 2 C. Figure
4 provides a generalized definition of all possible trace link
paths supporting UC-3 in a syntax graph like notation.
Examples: The third column in Table 1 shows examples
of UC-3 applied in the scenarios SC-1 and SC-2. In the
example that illustrates SC-1, the set of source artifacts
consists of the newly created requirement
r2 and the set
of target artifacts consists of
s3 and s4, which are the
source code artifacts that implement
r2. While r2 and s3
are connected through the trace link path r2 ! d2 ! s3, the
r2 and s4 are connected through the trace link path
r2 ! d2 ! s4. In the example that illustrates SC-2, the set of
source artifacts consists of the changed requirement
c1 and
the set of target artifacts consists of
s5, which is the source
code artifact that implements
c1. The artifacts c1 and s5 are
connected through
c1 ! d3 ! s5.
3.2.4 UC-4: Source code justification analysis
The fourth traceability use case (UC-4) is concerned with determining whether or not each source code artifact satisfies
at least one requirement. Therefore, the stakeholder resolves
horizontal traceability in reverse direction, from the source
code to its originating requirements. If a source code artifact
is not traceable to at least one originating requirement, the
implemented software may contain unintended functionality, which is not justified by any requirement. We denote
UC-4 as “Source code justification analysis”. The
are the newly created artifacts at implementation
level (
S). The destination artifacts depend on the supported
implementation scenario and are either elements of
R for
SC-1 or elements of
C for SC-2. The trace link paths between source and destination artifacts consist of horizontal
trace links only. Each trace link path of UC-4 connects a
source code artifact with a requirement artifact through zero
to many intermediate design artifacts:
s[! d]! r or
s[! d]! c, where d 2 D, s 2 S, r 2 R, and c 2 C. Figure
5 provides a generalized definition of all possible trace link
paths supporting UC-4 in a syntax graph like notation.
Examples: The fourth column in Table 1 shows examples
of UC-4 applied in the scenarios SC-1 and SC-2. In the

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
r c
s d
Fig. 5. Syntax graph of possible trace link paths supporting UC-4 (the
box with an arrow inside represents a trace link)
example that illustrates SC-1, the set of source artifacts
consists of the newly created source code artifacts
s3 and
s4 and the set of target artifacts consists of r2, which is the
justification for the source code artifacts
s3 and s4. While the
s3 and r2 are connected through the reverse trace
link path
s3 ! d2 ! r2, the artifacts s4 and r2 are connected
through the reverse trace link path
s4 ! d2 ! r2. In
the example that illustrates scenario SC-2, the set of source
artifacts consists of the newly created source code
s5 and the
set of target artifacts consists of
c1, which is the justification
s5. The artifacts s5 and c1 are connected through the
reverse trace link path
s5 ! d3 ! c1.
3.3 Requirements Traceability Completeness
As stated in research question RQ-1, the main goal of this
work was to study if the degree of requirements traceability completeness with respect to implementation supporting activities depending on traceability influences software
quality. In Section 3.2, we characterized these implementation supporting activities as traceability use cases. Each
traceability use case and the underlying analysis require
different trace link paths to be executable. A traceability use
case can be performed for each element within the set of
source artifacts. Hence, each artifact that is an element of the
source artifact set of a traceability use case must be traceable
to one or many artifacts that are an element of the
set of this use case through a path of trace links that
conform to the use case specific
trace link path definition (see
Figures 2 – 5). The number of source artifacts that misses
traceability with respect to the concerned traceability use
case determine the degree of traceability completeness per
entity of analysis. The more artifacts with missing traceability the lower is the traceability completeness as required
by the traceability use case and the underlying analysis.
In Section 4.3, we provide the exact definitions to measure
the traceability completeness for each of the four identified
traceability use cases. We consider the proposed measures
a suitable approximation for quantifying traceability completeness with respect to a traceability use case. However,
since the proposed measures solely quantify the degree of
non-traced artifacts, our measurement approach implies the
risk that in cases where one source artifact is related to
multiple target artifacts, missing traces cannot be recognized
and the source artifacts may be incorrectly considered as
complete. For example, if a project member is creating traces
from one requirement to multiple source code artifacts and
accidentally misses one of the code artifacts. Thus, the
validity of the proposed measures depends on the quality
of the created trace links. We provide a critical discussion of
the studied cases’ traceability quality and a more thorough
discussion of trace quality threats in Section 8.1.
To investigate our research questions (see Section 2), an indepth analysis of software development artifacts and their
traceability is required. For this study, we focused on opensource projects due to the public availability of the required
artifacts and traceability information. We collected development artifacts and traceability data from 24 open-source
software projects with industrial relevance. In this section,
we describe how we selected appropriate projects, the
projects’ characteristics, and the process we implemented
to collect the data for our analysis.
4.1 Case Selection Strategy
We considered projects from five publicly available opensource repositories: Apache [120], JBoss [59], Codehaus [18],
SourceForge [118], and GoogleCode [37] as potential cases
for our study. We defined the following
criteria for a case to
be included in our study. The case:
1) must capture the development artifacts (requirements,
requirement changes, defect descriptions, and source
code) that are part of the two implementation scenarios
SC-1 and SC-2 (see also Section 3.1),
2) must capture horizontal and vertical requirements
traceability that is required to perform the traceability
use cases UC-1 to UC-4 (see also Section 3.2),
3) must be under active development for at least three
years, and must have evolved over at least five stable
releases to ensure that the analyzed project is mature.
The following search strategy enforced these criteria.
First, we extracted a list of available projects from each
repository ordered by project popularity. We determined
the projects’ popularity by the number of downloads.. We
iterated over each list and manually checked whether or
not the project is under active development, the project
history is long enough, the project’s issue tracker contained
requirement artifacts, requirement changes, unique artifact
identifiers, as well as trace links between requirements artifacts (see first, second, and third case inclusion criterion).
If none of the first 20 projects’ issue trackers fulfilled all
requirements, we randomly selected 20 additional projects
from the list and repeated our manual check. If none of
these 40 projects’ issue trackers fulfilled all requirements, we
skipped the search for projects in this repository (GoogleCode and SourceForge).
Second, we checked whether or not the project’s Software Configuration Management (SCM) system comprised
commit logs containing references to artifact identifiers of
the project’s issue tracker (see first and second case inclusion
criterion). At this stage, we identified 17 that fulfilled all
inclusion criteria.
Third, we applied the information oriented selection
Maximum Variation Cases [32] to draw representative samples with varying project characteristics from
among the remaining cases. We considered five dimensions
with three categories per dimension: organization (Apache,
Codehaus, JBoss), requirements (
<1k, 1k–5k, >5k), lines of
code (
<50k, 50k–200k, >200k), horizontal trace links (<500,
>2k), and vertical trace links (<5k, 5k–20k, >20k).
To maximize the utility of information from our samples,
we defined that each dimension
×category tuple must be
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
represented by at least four cases. For tuples that were not
represented by at least four cases after the second step, we
manually searched for suitable cases. Eventually, we gained
a list of 24 cases.
4.2 Unit of Analysis
Although we collected artifacts from 24 projects, we analyzed the data at a more granular level to increase the
number of data point for the statistical analysis. We utilized
the fact that each studied development project comprised
multiple components and that the majority of the studied
software development artifacts and defect reports were associated with one or many software component. Hence, the
unit of analysis for this study is a software component.
4.3 Independent Variables
To address our research questions (Section 2), we identified
eight measures that were computed for artifacts of the 24
studied software projects (see Section 4.6). In this section,
we describe these measures, which serve as independent
variables in our statistical analysis.
Traceability completeness with respect to UC-1 (Qtrc;UC1). The
traceability use case UC-1 (see also Section 3.2.1) requires
trace link paths as defined in Figure 2.
The number of artifacts that miss traceability to support
UC-1 is quantified as follows:
jfaja 2 C ^ traceableC!RC(a) = ?gj (1)
The function
C!RC : C ! 2R[C maps a requirement change (a 2 C) onto a set of requirements and
requirement changes (
R [ C) that have a direct or transitive
traceability relationship with
a. Thus, if traceableC!RC(a)
is an empty set, the requirement change a has no direct
or transitive traceability relationship to any
R or C. For
each software component
i, we quantified the traceability
completeness with respect to UC-1 as
Qtrc;UC i 1.
Traceability completeness with respect to UC-2 (Qtrc;UC2): The
traceability use case UC-2 (see also Section 3.2.2) requires
trace link paths as defined in Figure 3. The number of
artifacts that miss traceability to support UC-2 is quantified
as follows:
jtraceableRC!P (traceableRC!RC(a)) = ?j
traceableRC!RC(a)j (2)
The function
traceableRC!P : R [ C ! 2P maps a
requirement or requirement change (
a 2 R [ C) onto
a set of source codes (
S) that have a direct or transitive traceability relationship with a. Similarly, the function
traceableRC!RC : R [ C ! 2R[C maps a requirement
or requirement change (
a 2 R [ C) onto a set of requirements and requirement changes (R [ C) that have
a direct or transitive traceability relationship with
a. The
traceableRC!P (traceableRC!RC(a)) = ? contains all
requirements and requirement changes that depend on
a but
are not traceable to any source code artifact and thus misses
the traceability to support UC-2. Each trace link path of UC-
2 starts with a vertical trace link, which is also required by
UC-1 and therefore considered by the traceability completeness measure for UC-1. To eliminate dependencies between
the measures for UC-1 and UC-2, we normalize the number
of requirements and requirement changes that depend on
a but are not traceable to any source code artifact with the
number of requirements and requirement changes that have
a direct or transitive traceability relationship with
a. For
each software component
i, we quantified the traceability
completeness with respect to UC-2 as
Qtrc;UC i 2.
Traceability completeness with respect to UC-3 (Qtrc;UC3): The
traceability use case UC-3 (see also 3.2.3) requires trace
link paths as defined in Figure 4. We quantify the number
of artifacts that miss traceability with to support UC-3 as
jfaja 2 R [ C ^ traceableRC!P (a) = ?gj (3)
Analogous to UC-2, the mapping function
RC!P (a) is leveraged. The artifact a has no
direct or transitive traceability relationship to any
S if
RC!P (a) is an empty set. This indicates that a
misses traceability to support UC-3. For each software
i, we quantified the traceability completeness
with respect to UC-3 as
Qtrc;UC i 3.
Traceability completeness with respect to UC-4 (Qtrc;UC4): The
traceability use case UC-4 (see also Section 3.2.4) requires
trace link paths as defined in Figure 5. We quantify the
number of artifacts that miss traceability to support UC-4
as follows:
jfaja 2 P ^ traceableP!RC(a) = ?gj (4)
The function
traceableP!RC : P ! 2R[C maps a source
code artifact
a onto a set of requirements or requirement
changes that have a direct or transitive traceability relationship with
a. If traceableP!RC(a) is an empty set, the
a has no direct or transitive traceability relationship
to any
R or C and misses traceability to support UC-4. For
each software component
i, we quantified the traceability
completeness with respect to UC-4 as
Qtrc;UC i 4.
Number of requirements contributors (NRCtrb): Requirements
within a software project are created or modified by requirements contributors. We counted the number of distinct
issue tracker account names who created requirements or
requirement changes as
NRCtrb i per software component i.
Number of source code contributors (NSCtrb): Changes to
source codes within a Software Configuration Management
(SCM) tool are issued through commits by code contributors. We counted the number of distinct SCM tool account
names who issued commits to the SCM repository as
NSCtrb i
per software component i.
Average time span between requirements modifications (MRDist):
To calculate the average time span between consecutive
requirements and requirement changes, all artifacts of a
software component were ordered by their creation timestamp. We computed the average time span between adjacent artifacts of the ordered set as
MRDist i per software
0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
Average time span between source code modifications (MSDist):
All source code commits were ordered by time-stamp and
the average time span between adjacent changes was computed as
MSDist i per software component i.
4.4 Dependent Variable
Our research questions are concerned with only one effect to
study, the software quality of the analyzed software projects
(see Section 2). Kitchenham and Pfleeger [67] suggest the
number of defects as a measure for “software manufacturing quality” and subsequent studies, conducted by various
researchers, successfully applied this measure in studies
similar to ours. Therefore, we selected the
number of defects
(NDef ) as measure to operationalize the software quality
within the 24 studied projects. All studied projects used an
issue tracker system to document defects and their resolution. Project contributors file their discovered defects in this
system. We used these filed defects to calculate the number
of defects as
per software component i. However, the
existence of a defect issue does not necessarily imply the
existence of a software defect. Hence, we only considered
defects within the issue tracker that had the resolution types:
done, implemented, and fixed. We excluded all defects with the
resolution types:
cannotreproduce, communityanswered, duplicate, goneaway, incomplete, invalid, notaproblem, wontfix, and
4.5 Data Collection Process
The data collection process for this study consisted of five
steps (see Figure 6). We sequentially applied this process to
all 24 cases to collect the necessary data for our empirical
Project A Traceability Repository
Component A.1
Component A.2

Component A.1
Traceability completeness
with resepect to
UC-1, UC-2, UC-3, and UC-4
d1 s1
r2 d2 s3
d3 s4
r4 d4 s7
r c
r c
? s
r c
s s
Project B 4
Component B.1
Component B.2

Clustering traceability
repository artifacts from the
issue tracker by projects and
project components
Clustering traceability
repository artifacts from the
SCM by projects and project
Analyzing a
project s issue
Analyzing a
project s SCM
Computing measures
for each study variable
per project and project
Fig. 6. Overview of the applied data collection process consisting of five
Step ˚: Analyzing a project’s issue tracker. Common
to all projects was that they used the issue tracker tool Jira
[5] to manage requirements, requirement changes, design
artifacts, and defects. The issue tracker tool supports the
creation of trace links between any issue types. All projects
extensively used this feature to establish traceability among
the managed artifacts. Further, all projects followed a requirements change process as depicted in the lower row
of Table 1. Accordingly, requirement changes are captured
as newly created requirement change artifacts in the issue tracker, which are linked to the changed requirement
through vertical trace links. Each requirement change artifact carries a unique identifier. We implemented a collector
application that leverages the web service interface of the
issue tracker and parses its standardized XML representation for artifacts and trace links. Through the developed
application, we downloaded and parsed all requirements,
requirement changes, design artifacts and defect descriptions, as well as the trace links between these artifacts.
¸: Analyzing a project’s SCM. We implemented
another collector application that downloads all code
changes and commit messages from the SCM repository.
While 16 of the selected cases leveraged Git [36] as SCM
system, the remaining 8 cases leveraged Subversion [127].
Every commit message was parsed for issue artifact identifiers, to discover horizontal trace links between the referred
requirements or design artifact kept within the issue tracker
and the source code artifacts of that commit. Since requirement changes are captured separately from requirements in
the issue tracker, source code artifacts are explicitly linked
to either the requirement or any related requirement change
that was created throughout the change process. All collected and parsed software development artifacts and trace
links (Step
˚ and ¸) were stored in a study repository for
further analysis.
: Clustering traceability repository artifacts from
the issue tracker by software components.
All studied
cases decomposed the developed software into software
components, where each component encapsulated a set of
related functions or data. In this study, a single project
component was the smallest entity of analysis (see Section
4.2). To enable a component based analysis of the study
repository, for each collected artifact a unique component
identifier was stored from which the artifact stemmed. The
Jira issue tracker provides an issue attribute that stores the
project components to which an artifact belongs. However,
this attribute is not mandatory within the issue tracker
tool and can potentially be empty for each artifact. Several
artifacts were not mapped to any component, and thus were
excluded from the measure computation (refer to Step
An analysis showed that across all projects more than 80%
of the issue tracker artifacts were mapped to one or many
˝: Clustering traceability repository artifacts from
the SCM by software components.
Source code artifacts
committed to the SCM were organized in folders that reflected the software components. However, for some components the naming conventions slightly differed between
the issue tracker and the SCM. In these cases, the issue
tracker component name comprised the main concept and
additional descriptive words while the corresponding SCM
component name solely comprised the main concept. We
manually created a mapping table per project to match
related software component names used in the issue tracker
and the SCM. We validated all mapping tables through
consensus decision-making. Issue tracker components, for
which we could not find a component folder within the SCM
were excluded from the analysis. These excluded components were created for project administration purposes such
as “build-process”, “website”, and “documentation”. Due

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
to this artifact to component mapping, the study repository
could be clustered by software components.
˛: Computing measures for each study variable
per project and project component.
In this step, based
on the clustered artifacts and trace links within the central repository, the measures for the independent variables
discussed in Section 4.3 (
Qtrc;UC i 1, Qtrc;UC i 2, Qtrc;UC i 3,
Qtrc;UC i 4, NRCtrb i , NSCtrb i , MRDist i , and MSDist i ) and for
the dependent variable (
NDef i ) discussed in Section 4.4 were
computed per software component
i. For this purpose, we
implemented a computation application that uses the open
source library QuickGraph [62], which provides generic
graph data structures and algorithms. The resulting measure
data were stored for further statistical analysis.
4.6 Studied Cases
Table 2 shows characteristics of the studied cases. For all
projects, we gained raw data by collecting relevant project
artifacts referenced at the projects’ websites and created till
16th, 2014. We make the raw data on which this
study is based publicly available to ensure that our study
can be reproduced and replicated [105]. The second column
Requirements) summarizes the number of requirements and
requirement changes per studied software project. Across all
projects, an average of 1,277 requirements exists per project,
with a minimum of 41 requirements (IronJacamar) and a
maximum of 4,464 requirements (mongoDB). The third column (
Lines of Code) shows the lines of code per project. On
average, a project was implemented by 232,733 lines of code,
with a minimum of 6,457 lines (TorqueBox) and a maximum
of 942,409 lines (GeoTools). The fourth column (
Commits to
) shows the number of committed changes to the SCM.
On average, 7,001 changes were committed to the project’s
SCM, with a minimum of 177 (Smooks) and a maximum
of 26,679 (mongoDB). The fifth column (
Vertical trace links)
shows the number of vertical trace links per project. On
average, each project captured 11,222 vertical trace links,
with a minimum of 24 (Gumtree) and a maximum of 101,752
(JBoss Seam2). The last column (
Horizontal trace links) shows
number of horizontal trace links per project. On average,
each project captured 30,937 horizontal trace links, with
a minimum of 143 (Grails) and a maximum of 226,116
(Apache Lucene).
All analyzed trace links were created by respective
project members as ordinary part of their development.
Vertical trace links were created through the issue trackers’
traceability functionality and horizontal trace links through
commit messages submitted to the SCM. To establish horizontal trace links, project members added unique issue
tracker artifact ids in squared brackets to the commit log
of changed source code. Commit logs containing multiple
issue tracker artifact ids established multiple horizontal
trace links.
Based on the measures captured within the data collection process (see also Section 4.5) we performed statistical
analyses to study the impact of requirements traceability
Characteristics of the studied projects

of code
to SCM
trace links
trace links
Activiti BPMN [1] 790 19,605 4,667 344 24,974
Apache Archiva [121] 522 83,972 7,536 1,034 20,189
Apache Axis2 [122] 1,117 144,412 11,151 1,772 45,964
Apache Derby [123] 2,046 264,350 7,940 6,570 49,310
Drools [57] 115 256,088 9,484 61,194 63,328
Errai Framework [58] 321 27,863 6,873 15,496 6,039
GeoServer [33] 1,853 349,094 3,311 2,950 44,761
GeoTools [34] 1,633 942,409 3,460 1,912 26,817
Grails [41] 1,752 74,355 14,597 2,084 143
Groovy [43] 1,763 149,909 11,617 1,622 20,293
Groovy-Eclipse [44] 397 13,418 2,839 390 16,745
GumTree [45] 585 383,201 601 24 164
Apache Hadoop [124] 3,046 806,763 10,509 7,588 97,918
HornetQ [49] 334 352,306 10,901 26,518 22,187
IronJacamar [53] 41 85,908 2,161 23,098 9,780
JBoss Narayana [60] 514 297,996 1,341 44,710 12,876
Apache Lucene [125] 2,619 693,928 12,862 1,834 226,116
mongoDB [86] 4,464 653,705 26,679 9,548 48,962
Apache Pig [126] 1,151 29,870 2,810 1,798 15,934
JBoss Seam2 [113] 1,652 24,143 11,305 101,752 10,373
Smooks [114] 314 78,202 177 166 1285
SonarQube [116] 2,948 72,911 12,031 3,248 28,872
Sonar CSharp [117] 241 12,643 1,392 140 170
TorqueBox [61] 428 6.457 4,576 2,361 24,830

Summary statistics across all analyzed software projects (N = 24)

Variable Mean SD Min 1stQ Median 3rdQ Max
Qtrc;UC1 451.8 502.5 0.0 1.0 189.0 826.0 1403.0
Qtrc;UC2 5.6 5.0 0.3 1.8 4.8 7.2 19.7
Qtrc;UC3 367.1 346.9 0.0 112.3 215.0 649.0 1088.0
Qtrc;UC4 51,955.1 66,063.0 59.0 11,059.8 22,124.5 65,936.5 270,140.0
T [years] 6.0 2.6 2.1 3.9 5.1 8.6 10.9
9.3 5.8 1.0 6.3 8.0 13.0 26.0
37.3 27.2 3.0 15.5 26.0 57.3 97.0
RDist [years]
1.57 0.90 0.01 1.05 1.49 1.96 4.53
SDist [years]
0.21 0.19 0.01 0.08 0.13 0.30 0.69
1,209.2 1,224.0 9.0 277.8 899.0 1,614.3 5,038.0

on software quality. All statistical analyses were performed
within the R environment [130].
Table 3 shows
mean, standard deviation (SD), minimum
(Min), first quartile, median (second quartile), third quartile and
maximum (Max) of all quantification measures across the 24
studied projects. Similarly, Table 4 shows all quantification
measures for the 610 software components that the 24
projects were composed of.
To study the impact of traceability on the software
quality, a generalized linear Poisson regression model was
applied. Poisson regressions can be applied to situations in
which the response variable is a number of events that occur
in a given period of time, which is the case for the studied
number of defects within a software component (
NDef ).
Figure 7 shows the number of
NDef across all software
components, which indeed closely follows a Poisson distribution. The linear Poisson regression model is defined as

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
Summary statistics across all analyzed components (N = 610)

Variable Mean SD Min 1stQ Median 3rdQ Max
Qtrc;UC1 27.5 40.9 1.0 4.0 13.0 35.0 325.0
Qtrc;UC2 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0
Qtrc;UC3 19.3 30.7 1.0 3.0 8.0 23.0 216.0
Qtrc;UC4 3,624.8 9,262.6 1.0 221.8 802.5 2,339.8 105,457.0
T [years] 4.6 2.8 0.01 2.8 3.5 6.5 10.9
3.4 3.1 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 26.0
18.9 16.0 1.0 8.0 14.0 25.0 97.0
RDist [years]
1.68 1.62 0.00 0.003 1.41 2.59 7.36
SDist [years]
0.23 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.35 2.71
52.8 93.4 1.0 5.0 19.0 57.0 820.0

Number of software component defects
0 50 100 150 200
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Fig. 7. The histogram of the number of defects NDef across all software
components of all studied projects shows a Poisson distribution. The red
curve visualizes the density estimates.
ln(λi) = β0 +
nX h
βhxhi + i (5)
λi is the expected NDef for a software component
i, β0 is the intercept of the model, xhi are the independent
variables describing the modeled phenomena,
βh are the
slopes of the independent variables,
n is the number of
independent variables, and
i is the random error of the
regression model.
The linear Poisson regression model (see Equation 5)
assumes that the period of time is constant across observations. As the duration of development varies for each
software component on which the number of defects occur,
the development time per software components must be
included in the model. As described in [63], we include the
T to the model, which changes the linear Poission
regression model as follows:
lnii = β0 + Xn
βhxhi + i (6)
Ti is the period over which a software component i
was developed. This period was computed by calculating
the timespan between the create date of the oldest artifact
and the change data of the most recent changed artifact
of a software component
i. The linear Poisson regression
model rests on the assumption of independently distributed
error terms for the individual observations. This assumption
implies that no relationships exists among the individuals. The 610 analyzed software components in this study
stemmed from 24 distinct software projects. However, the
software projects differ among others in terms of size, developers, and release cycles. Thus, there may indeed exist
relationships between software components of the same
software project. To avoid violating the model’s assumption
of independent errors, we decided to use a multi-level
model design that incorporates potential intra-project relationships among software components. Thereby, software
components are nested within software projects and each
software component appears in one project only. In the context of multi-level regression models, there are potentially
separate intercepts and slopes of the independent variables
for each cluster of software components that belong to one
project. The two-level Poisson regression model is described
as follows:
lnλTij i  = γ00 + U0j + Xn
γh0xhij + Uhjxhij + i (7)
ij is the expected number of defects per software
i in software project j, γ00 is the cluster independent intercept part that remains constant across all
software projects,
U0j is the cluster dependent intercept part
that varies across the projects,
γh0 is the cluster independent
slope of the independent variables
xhij, and Uhj are the
cluster dependent slopes of
An initial multi-level generalized linear Poisson regression model was fitted, consisting of all independent variables (
Qtrc;UC1, Qtrc;UC2, Qtrc;UC3, Qtrc;UC4, NRCtrb,
RDist, NSCtrb, MSDist) and all possible second-order
interactions between these independent variables describing
the number of defects in software components clustered into
the analyzed software projects (
1jP rojectRnd). A significant interaction between two independent variables indicates that the relationship between one independent and
the dependent variable depends on the level of another
independent variable. This initial model was tested for overdispersion (Residual deviance = 4,468.7; Residual degree
of freedom = 495). The ratio of 9.03 between the residual
deviance and the degree of freedom was larger than 1.0
and clearly indicated over-dispersed data. To compensate
for this over-dispersion, we additionally assumed a random
between-transects error at component level
that is additive on the scale of the linear predictor as
proposed by Maindonald & Braun [83] and is considered
superior to the constant multiplier used in the alternative
quasi-Poisson error assumption.
According to the principle of parsimony for statistical
modeling [20], statistical models should feature as few
parameters as possible to be minimal adequate. To derive
such a minimal adequate model from the initial statistical
model, we applied a stepwise model simplification process
as proposed by Crawley [20]. After fitting the initial model,
we iteratively removed the least significant terms from the
model and applied a Chi-squared test to find out whether
the removal caused a significant increase in deviance over
the initial model. If the Chi-squared test rejected the nullhypothesis that the deviance was increased significantly,

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
we continued the simplification process with the reduced
model. The resulting simplified model consists of the following parts:
Variables: Qtrc;UC1, Qtrc;UC2, Qtrc;UC3, NRCtrb,
RDist, and MSDist.
Interactions: Qtrc;UC1 : Qtrc;UC3, Qtrc;UC1 :
RCtrb, and Qtrc;UC2 : Qtrc;UC3.
Random terms: (1jP rojectRnd) and (1jCompRnd).
A potential problem when using a regression model
arises when predictor variables are highly correlated. This
multicollinearity amongst the effect-causing variables can
inflate the variance amongst these variables in the model.
The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) would indicate multicollinearity if it exceeds a value of 10 (see Belsley et al. [6]),
which was not the case for our model: VIF(
Qtrc;UC1) = 5.09,
Qtrc;UC2) = 1.1, VIF(Qtrc;UC3) = 3.4, VIF(Qtrc;UC4)
= 1.07, VIF(
NRCtrb) = 2.62, VIF(MRDist) = 1.44, and
MSDist) = 1.32.
Table 5 shows the random effects of the fitted model. The
random effect values were used to calculate the Intra Class
Correlation (ICC) as described in [29] for the 24 project clusters (ICC = 0.066). The ICC indicates that only 6.6% of the
variance in software component defects can be attributed
to the project membership of a software component, which
implies a very weak relationship among the defects for two
components of the same project. This very low ICC value
implies that the multilevel data structure of our study (610
components from 24 different projects) do not impact the
dependent variable. Hence, the study setup can be considered to be valid to investigate the effect of the independent
variables (see Section 4.3) on the dependent variable (see
Section 4.4) among the 610 analyzed components.
Random effects of the fitted multi-level Poisson regression

Groups Observations Variance SD
P rojectRnd 24 0.144 0.379
CompRnd 610 0.661 0.813

Table 6 summarizes the fixed effects of the finally fitted
model. Column
Estα shows the estimated coefficients of
this model. In Poisson regression the modeled dependent
variable is the natural logarithm of the conditional mean
(see Section 6). To facilitate a more intuitive interpretation,
the estimated variable coefficients are additionally exponentiated (see column
eEstα) and so transformed into the original
scale of the dependent variable. The column
z-value shows
the test statistics for the null hypothesis that the associated
coefficient is equal to 0. The column
Pr(> jzj) shows the
p value for the test that the coefficient is equal to 0. A p
value less than 0.05 indicates statistical significance. The
studied independent variables of the fitted model have very
different scales of measurement (see Tables 3 and 4). To
evaluate the relative importance of one independent variable in relation to the others, we transformed each independent variable
Xi into XiT with a standardized scale across
all variables. We established comparability of the relative
causal effect across independent variables by standardizing
each variable to common characteristics [66], namely mean
X¯i and standard deviation SD(Xi) of the variable Xi in
the sample:
XiT = (Xi X¯i)=SD(Xi). This linear transformation rescaled each independent variable to have a zero
mean and standard deviation one. We independently fitted
this standardized model. Column
Estβ shows the estimated
coefficients of the fitted standardized model, where the units
of each independent variable are standard deviations. This
means that while the estimated coefficients of the nonstandardized model (column
Estα) reflect the actual causal
law, the estimated coefficients of the standardized model
reflect the relative contribution of the independent variables.
RKβ shows the rank order of a variable’s relative
importance with lower ranks referring to higher relative
importance on the causal effect.
Fixed effects of the fitted multi-level Poisson regression

Effect variable Estα eEstα z-value Pr(> jzj) Estβ RKβ
Intercept -3.323 0.036 -27.498 <.0001 ***
Qtrc;UC1 0.023 1.023 6.087 <.0001 *** 0.734 1
Qtrc;UC2 0.018 1.018 5.926 <.0001 *** 0.508 2
Qtrc;UC3 0.011 1.011 2.915 0.004 ** 0.212 4
0.098 1.103 5.559 <.0001 *** 0.428 3
0.002 1.002 3.165 0.002 ** 0.066 8
-0.001 0.999 -3.032 0.002 ** -0.131 6
Qtrc;UC1 : Qtrc;UC3 -.0001 .9999 -3.899 <.0001 *** -0.083 7
Qtrc;UC1 : NRCtrb -.0002 .9998 -2.134 0.032 * -0.059 9
Qtrc;UC2 : Qtrc;UC3 -.0002 .9998 -4.548 <.0001 *** -0.194 5

significance codes for Pr(> jzj): < .0001 ‘***’, 0.01 ‘**’, 0.05 ‘*’
The first row of the table shows the estimated intercept
(-3.323) and estimates the logarithm of
NDef across software components when each of the independent variable
would be zero. As it is not possible, for example, to have
zero requirements contributors in a software project, the
intercept value is only of minor practical relevance in the
interpretation of this statistical model.
The second row shows that the variable
Qtrc;UC1 significantly affects the defect rate (P r(> jzj) < 0.0001). Each
additional requirement lacking the necessary traceability
to dependent requirements for supporting use case “highlevel impact analysis” (refer to Section 3.2.1) increases the
expected software component defect rate by 2.3% and has
the highest relative importance among the independent
variables on the causal effect. The third row shows that
the variable
Qtrc;UC2 also significantly affects the defect
rate (
P r(> jzj) < 0.0001). Each dependent requirement
that does not feature the necessary traceability to support
use case “low-level impact analysis” (refer to Section 3.2.2)
increases the expected defect software component rate by
2% and has the second highest relative importance among
the independent variables on the causal effect. The fourth
row shows that the variable
Qtrc;UC3 also significantly
affects the defect rate (
P r(> jzj) = 0:004). Each additional
requirement that does not feature the necessary traceability
to the implementing source code for use case “requirements
satisfaction analysis” increases the expected defect rate by
1.1% and has the fourth highest relative importance among
the independent variables on the causal effect.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
The variables Qtrc;UC4 and NSCtrb were eliminated
during the stepwise model simplification process due to
their insignificance for the deviance of the dependent variable, and thus do not appear in Table 6. This implies that
neither the degree of traceability completeness of a software
component with respect to UC-4 nor the number of source
code contributors of a software component have a significant impact on the software component’s defect rate.
The results in Table 6 also show that
RCtrb has a
strongly significant effect (
P r(> jzj) < 0.0001) on the defect
rate. One additional requirements contributor per software
component increases the expected defect rate by 10.3% and
has the third highest relative importance.
MRDist has a
significant effect (
P r(> jzj) = 0.002) on the defect rate.
A one year increase of the
MRDist increases the expected
defect rate by 0.2% and has the eighth highest relative
MSDist has a significant effect (P r(> jzj) =
0.002) on the defect rate. A one year increase of the MSDist
decreases the expected defect rate by 0.1% and has the sixth
highest relative importance.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 8. Interaction effect between incomplete traceability for use
case UC-1 (
Qtrc;UC1) and the number of requirements contributors
In addition to the discussed independent variables, the
regression analysis also showed three interactions between
these variables to have a significant effect on the dependent
variable. The interaction effect of
Qtrc;UC1 : NRCtrb is
disordinal with a crossing point at 270 requirements (see
Figure 8). For software components with less or equal to
270 requirements, more contributors intensify the effect that
Qtrc;UC1 has on the expected defects. For components with
more than 270 requirements, more contributors attenuate
this effect. The interaction effect of
Qtrc;UC1 : Qtrc;UC3
means that a higher amount of Qtrc;UC3 attenuates the
effect of
Qtrc;UC1 on the NDef (see Figure 9). Similarly,
the interaction effect of
Qtrc;UC1 : Qtrc;UC3 means that a
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 9. Interaction effect between incomplete traceability for use case
UC-1 (
Qtrc;UC1) and incomplete traceability for use case UC-3
0 100 200 300 400 500
Fig. 10. Interaction effect between incomplete traceability for use
case UC-2 (
Qtrc;UC2) and incomplete traceability for use case UC-3
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
higher amount of Qtrc;UC3 attenuates the effect of Qtrc;UC2
on N
Def (see Figure 10).
In this section, we discuss the implications of the study’s
statistical results (see Section 6) with regards to our research
questions (refer to Section 2).
7.1 Does traceability completeness affect software
To investigate RQ-1, we conducted a two-level Poisson
regression analysis (see Section 5). The results indicate that
the degree to which artifacts are traceable has a statistically
significant impact on the number of defects, and thus on
the software quality. Thereby, the level of significance was
less or equal to 0.01 for three of the studied traceability
use cases (UC-1, UC-2, and UC-3). This finding is of great
practical value for software project managers who need to
decide if and how much traceability should be captured.
While the work of Cleland-Huang et al. [13] as well as
Heindl and Biffl [47] provided clarification on the costs to
be expected for implementing requirements traceability, the
benefits to be expected to compensate these costs remaind
unclear [4]. The results of this study provide for the first time
empirical evidence, based on open source software projects
that are frequently used in industrial developments, that
the implementation of requirements traceability to enable
the software engineering activities
high-level impact analysis,
low-level impact analysis, and requirements satisfaction analysis
significantly reduces the defect rate of the implemented software. Since a reduced software defect rate entails less need
for software maintenance, well established cost estimation
schemes for software maintenance tasks [115, 2] can be used
to quantify the expected savings. This enables practitioners
to perform cost-benefits analyses with respect to the implementation of requirements traceability, providing a reliable
basis for decision makers in software projects.
The results also show that the degree of traceable artifacts required for use case UC-4 has no significant impact
on the dependent variable. These results confirmed our
findings in [8] that traceability is less important for software
implementation tasks.
Finding 1 (RQ-1). Traceability
completeness affects
software quality significantly
The finding of prior controlled experiments [75, 56, 76],
conducted within artificial software development environments, that the availability of traceability implies a higher
software implementation correctness has been partly confirmed by our study. However, contrary to the previous
studies, the results of this study show that this effect does
not exists for all kinds of requirements traceability. This
finding is of great value for decision makers in software
projects who solely aim to improve software quality. For
example, projects not required to implement traceability by
legal obligations or safety guidelines could potentially focus their requirements traceability implementation to those
trace links that are expected to improve software quality
7.2 Does the effect vary for traceability use cases?
The study results our statistical analysis also provide answers to RQ-2 and RQ-3. They show that the degree of
completeness of traceability required to support the use
cases “High-level impact analysis” (refer to Section 3.2.1),
“Low-level impact analysis” (refer to Section 3.2.2), and
“Requirements satisfaction analysis” (refer to Section 3.2.3),
influences the number of defects and thus the software
Finding 2 (RQ-2). The
effect of traceability completeness on software quality varies among traceability
use cases: UC-1
 UC-2  UC-3.
For each of the three use cases, improving the degree
of traceability completeness leads to an improved expected
software quality. The relative importance of the degree of
traceability completeness for the expected software quality
improvement varies among the three use cases: UC-1 ranks
first, UC-2 ranks second, and UC-3 ranks fourth within the
regression model. The degree of traceability completeness
for UC-4 does not significantly affect software quality. Accordingly, the following prioritization order is suggested:
 UC-2  UC-3.
Finding 3 (RQ-3). An
increase of traceability completeness also increases software quality.
7.3 Is the effect impacted by development team size?
As summarized in Table 6, the number of requirements
RCtrb has a weak significant interaction with
the traceability availability of UC-1, which is relevant with
respect to
RQ-4. As shown in Figure 8, the interaction effect
Qtrc;UC1 : NRCtrb varies depending on the number of
requirements within the software component. For software
components with less or equal than 270 requirements, more
contributors intensify the effect that an increase in
is associated with increased expected defects. For components with more than 270 requirements, more contributors
attenuate this effect. The number of programming code
SCtrb has no significant interaction with the
traceability availability of any use case.
The results of our study rejected our hypothesis that the
team size impacts the effect of traceability completeness on
the defect rate. Contrary to our initial assumption, the results of our study show that the effect does not significantly
vary across projects with different team sizes, ranging from
1 to 26 requirements contributors and 1 to 97 source code
contributors per component. This implies that the findings
we discussed in the Sections 7.1 and 7.2 hold at least for
team sizes varying between 1 and 97 contributors. Managers
of software projects at any team size within this range
can expect a decreased number of defects from improving
the degree of the traceability completeness as previously
discussed. A possible reason for this result could be the
fact that we solely analyzed open source projects, which
typically comprise project members that work from many
different and often widely distributed locations. Even in

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
projects with small team sizes information about artifact
relationships needs to be documented explicitly.
Finding 4 (RQ-4). The
effect of traceability completeness on software quality is not dependent upon the
team size.
7.4 Is the effect impacted by time span between software changes?
Table 6 shows that there is no significant interaction between
the requirements change time span
MRDist or programming
code change time span
MSDist and any traceability availability measure. This means for RQ-5 that the results of our
study reject our hypothesis that longer requirements change
time spans or source code change time spans make the use
of traceability more valuable, because developers may forget
requirements dependencies over time.
The results of our study also rejected our hypothesis that
the time span between software changes impacts the effect
of traceability completeness on the defect rate. The effect
does not significantly vary across projects with different
time spans between software changes, ranging from less
than 1 day to more than 7 years for requirements changes
and less than 1 day to more than 2 years for software
changes. This implies that the findings we discussed in the
Sections 7.1 and 7.2 hold at least for average change time
spans in those ranges. A possible reason for this result could
be the complexity and maturity of the analyzed projects. We
concluded that memorizing relationships between artifacts
in projects with this complexity is of minor practical relevance.
Finding 5 (RQ-5). The
effect of traceability completeness on software quality is not dependent upon the
time span between code changes.
7.5 Limitations
A potential limitation of this study is the fact that our
study does not consider the actual usage of the available
trace links, because none of the analyzed projects provide
explicit statistics on how often a specific trace link path
was traversed by whom. While there is the theoretical
chance that the implemented trace links were not actually
used, we regard this as not realistic for the following three
reasons. First, all analyzed projects define guidelines for
project contributors that explicitly demand the creation of
trace links. The Apache Derby project [123], for example,
encourages developers in their project guidelines [128] to
include the following in a commit log message: the ID of the
JIRA issue
” and to “make sure you use the format DERBY-NNN
so that JIRA picks it up
”. Similarly, the Guide for Hadoop Core
[129] states “commit message should include a JIRA
issue id [..]
”. Similar guidelines exist for all analyzed projects.
Further, these guidelines also urge project stakeholders to
use captured trace links to support and improve software
engineering activities. The Grails project [41], for example,
explains in section
Contributing to Grails of the project’s
reference documentation [40] “
This may not seem particularly
important, but having a JIRA issue ID in a commit message means
that we can find out at a later date why a change was made [..]
Second, the fact that so much manual effort (average: 11,222
horizontal links and 30,937 vertical trace links per project)
was spent to manually create trace links is a clear indicator
that projects’ stakeholders expect benefits from traceability
usage, and thus make actual use of them. Third, a manual
analysis of representative samples drawn from the textual
comments within the issue tracker attached to requirements
revealed that these comments often provide arguments
based on existing artifact dependencies represented by captured trace links. The following discussion between developers of the Apache Derby project exemplifies the usage of
trace links. The context is that requirement change DERBY-
6482 is related to the requirement change artifacts DERBY-
6256 and DERBY-3684, the bug artifact DERBY-6683, and the
task artifact DERBY-6459. The assignee of the related task
issue DERBY-6459 asked the reporter of this issue: “
you like me to hold off on finishing DERBY-6459 until this
work is completed? [..] I created a second patch for DERBY-
6459 to incorporate the changes you made for DERBY-6256. I’m
wondering if it might make sense to commit the existing patch [..]
and then file another one for future VTI changes.
” Statements
like these demonstrate that stakeholders are aware of the
complex dependencies among artifacts and use them for
their development work.
In this section, we discuss threats to the validity of our study
and how we mitigated them. To systematize the discussion,
we structure potential threats into four common categories:
construct validity, external validity, internal validity, and
reliability (see [112, 132]).
8.1 Construct Validity
Software quality. The effect to be measured in our study is
the software quality of a developed software component. We
operationalized this effect as the number of defects that were
filed and assigned to one or many software components
within the issue tracker throughout the project’s development. This effect operationalization as number of defects
could be a threat to construct validity if the filed defect
issues do not sufficiently represent the occurred software
defects. Assuming that the issue tracking and management
was performed properly, because all 24 studied cases are
widely disseminated and mature open source software tools
with a broad user group, the number of filed defects that
were accepted by the developers as a defect that needs to
be fixed should be a good indicator of the software quality
of a software component. Also, this measure has already
been applied in other studies in the past [119, 87, 31]. The
assumption that the issues were tracked carefully by the
analyzed projects is supported by the fact that each of
them explicitly defined a development process for project
contributors, which among others prescribe to always create
a defect issue if an software defect was detected. Since we
studied open-source projects where anyone is allowed to file
defect issues, a potential threat exists that issues were filed

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
that do not represent an actual software defect. To mitigate
this threat, we excluded all issues that were not accepted by
the developers as a valid defect.
Traceability completeness. We proposed the four measures
Qtrc;UC1, Qtrc;UC2, Qtrc;UC3, and Qtrc;UC4 to operationalize the degree of traceability completeness with respect to the four most common traceability usage scenarios
derived through the analysis of existing literature. To ensure
the construct validity of these measures, we had to address
the questions to which degree our proposed measures are
suitable to measure the degree of traceability completeness
in support of the four use cases. Hence, we developed in
Section 3 a qualitative description model that provides for
each of the four traceability use cases a generic definition of
all possible trace link paths between source and target artifacts. Assuming that our derived description model is valid,
the derived traceability completeness measures should be
a good indicator of the traceability completeness of the
analyzed software components.
Team size and change time span. For the construct validity
of the other independent variables, we had to address the
question to which degree the measures
NRCtrb and NSCtrb
measure the concept team size as well as MRDist and
SDist measure the concept change time span. The team
of an open source development project typically consists of
people who contribute to the project by following a predefined project contribution process. Accordingly, we consider
the number of requirements and source code contributors
as a valid measure for the team size of open source projects.
Since all analyzed projects followed a predefined contribution process, all changes to the developed software were
initiated by new issue tracker items followed by commits to
the SCM repository. This led us to the assumption that the
time span between issue tracker items and SCM repository
commits that are ordered by creation time is a valid measure
for the change time span.
Documentation quality. A necessary precondition for analyzing the projects on a per-component basis is that the issue
tracker items and the committed SCM items are assigned to
one or many components of the developed software. Hence,
there exists a potential threat that missing item to component assignments skew the operationalization measures that
were used to study the effect of traceability completeness
on the software quality. To mitigate this threat, we analyzed
whether a project contained artifacts that were not assigned
to any component. Although, we found these widow artifacts in all projects, the percentage was less than 1% across
all projects. Therefore, we consider our operationalization
measures as not skewed by missing artifact to component
assignments. Another potential threat to construct validity
is that developers created incorrect artifact to component
assignments by mistake. Although we cannot completely
rule out that implementation mistakes were made by the
developers, we consider this threat sufficiently mitigated by
the fact that every implementation activity of the analyzed
projects is reviewed by at least a second person.
Traceability Quality. The analyzed trace links were created
manually by project members in all analyzed projects. This
implies the risk that semantically incorrect trace links were
created or trace links were forgotten by mistake. The following three aspects indicate a very high trace link quality in all
projects. First, all projects’ quality assurance process is based
on the created trace links. Three projects (Apache Archiva,
Apache Axis2, and Apache Hadoop) established a process
where changes are automatically tested in a continuous
manner and in a second step reviewed by humans. The
remaining 21 projects established a manual process where
changes are reviewed and tested by humans. All 24 projects
have in common that the quality of the established trace
links is implicitly verified through this process. Second, the
explicit change approval process in all 24 projects ensures
that the four-eyes-principle is applied for each manually
created trace link. Third, the openness of all 24 projects (all
development artifacts are publicly available) enables anyone
to participate in the project and review the created trace
links. Due to these facts, we consider the risk of incorrect or
forgotten trace links sufficiently mitigated.
8.2 External Validity
For our study, we solely focused on open-source projects,
since those were the only available projects to us that
provided all the necessary information to conduct this
study. A potential threat to external validity arises when
we want to generalize our findings to a wider population
that includes commercial developments. To identify commonalities and differences between open-source and closedsource projects, we compared the 24 analyzed open-source
projects with 17 closed-source projects, which we analyzed
in two previous studies [106, 108]. We found that the used
software lifecycle management tools (Jira, Git) of the 24
open-source projects was also the most popular combination
of tools for the closed-source projects. While open-source
tools primarily focus on automated unit tests for software
quality assurance, the majority of closed-source projects
applied a combination of automated unit tests and manual
user acceptance tests. Both project types typically applied
a similar agile development methodology. However, the
sizes of development teams were significantly different. The
average team size of open-source projects was on average
ten times bigger than the team size of the compared closed
source projects. Since we found that the team size does not
significantly influences the impact of the degree of traceability completeness on the software quality (see Section
7), we consider our findings to be generalizable to a large
population of closed-source projects. However, replications
of our study with closed-sourced projects are required to
justify our assumption by further empirical evidence.
Another potential threat to the external validity could
be an insufficient distribution of projects across characteristics like project size, number of releases, project longevity,
number of contributors, project domain, and used software lifecycle tools. As outlined in Table 2, our study
featured software projects of varying sizes ranging from
small projects with few requirements (e.g., IronJacamar: 41
requirements) to very big projects with many requirements
(e.g., mongoDB: 4,464 requirements). Projects also varied
in terms of number of releases, project longevity, number
of contributors, and project domains (see Tables 3 and 4).

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
Thus, we consider our results as generalizable to projects
with varying characteristics. However, all analyzed projects
used the same set of tools for managing the software lifecycle. Additionally, the distribution of the studied projects
could probably further be improved by adding more diverse
8.3 Internal Validity
We applied regression analysis, which is a common statistical tool to identify explanatory independent variables
that are related to the dependent variable. We found that
the degree of traceability completeness has a statistically
significant impact on the software quality. Such statistical
relationships do not necessarily entail a causal relationship,
but rather provide empirical evidence. Only controlled experiments, where one independent variable is varied in a
controlled manner and all other independent variables remain constant, could really demonstrate causality. However,
conducting controlled experiments in such big and complex
software development projects is unrealistic.
Another potential threat to internal validity is the fact
that studied software components were developed over
different time intervals. To mitigate this threat, we added
the development time of a software component
T as a
normalization parameter to the regression model (refer to
Section 6).
There is a threat that project-specific characteristics that
are not covered by our metrics, additionally influence the
dependent variable. Such hidden influential relationship
would bias the results of the regression analysis. To mitigate
this threat, we applied generalized linear mixed model
regression analysis with the project as a random factor. The
relatively low intra class correlation (ICC = 0.066) indicates
very similar distributed variances across the 24 projects and
leaves less room for hidden factors.
Since our dependent variable is measured as count data,
we applied a Poisson regression model. However, the violation of assumptions that are inherent to the Poisson regression, is another potential threat to internal validity. Thus,
we tested our statical model for over-dispersion and mitigated the in fact over-dispersed data by adding a random
between-transects error at component level, as proposed by
Maindonald and Braun [83].
8.4 Reliability
Data. The 24 studied cases, from which we drew our
conclusions, were selected by the authors of this study.
This selection might be biased due to certain experiences
or preferences of the authors. To mitigate this threat, we
specified a set of case selection criteria upfront (see Section
4.1), which we derived from our research questions, the
examined traceability use cases, and the proposed traceability metrics. This selection strategy ensured that we selected
cases, which are suitable for the studied problem. However,
other researchers could have selected other projects.
Data collection. A potential threat exists in the collection
and preparation of the project data used to measure dependent and independent variables. To avoid especially manual
bias during the project data preparation and to ensure
reproducible results, we fully automated the process of data
collection and preparation. Due to the public availability
of the project artifacts and the fully automated collection
and analysis process, our study can be replicated and additional projects could be included to further broaden the
data corpus. We carefully verified our tool that automates
this process. Therefore, we validated intermediate results
of the process manually and cross-checked the data for
inconsistencies and contradictions.
Statistical analysis. Another potential threat may exist in
the statistical modeling and the elimination of irrelevant
factors from the model, which was manually conducted by
the researchers. To mitigate this threat, we applied a clearly
defined and reproducible model simplification process as
defined by Crawley [20]. Additionally, we make the raw
data on which this study is based publicly available to
ensure that our study can be reproduced and replicated
We carefully searched for previous work with relation to
the study reported in this paper and classify the discussion
into four topics: previous empirical work on traceability in
general, previously proposed traceability metrics, previous
work that studied specifically the impact of traceability on
software quality, and previous work that studied other factors than traceability for their influence on software quality.
9.1 Empirical Work on Software Traceability in General
Gotel and Finkelstein [38] reported the findings of a yearlong empirical study on requirements traceability conducted
in 1992. The study involved around one hundred software
development practitioners, holding a variety of positions
within a large organization and with experience of up to 30
years. The authors were concerned with understanding and
exposing the scope of the problem area and found multiple
perspectives on what traceability was expected to enable
and on the problems experienced. However, the authors did
not report about the actual benefits of traceability to their
Arkley and Riddle [4] reported on a survey of nine
software projects, small to multi-national in scope, undertaken using questionnaires and interviews. The authors
identified three issues related to traceability: the necessity
for extra entry data when using traceability tools; a lack
of understanding on how to employ traceability; and the
lack of perceived direct benefits to the main development
process. Our study especially addresses the third point in
that we can demonstrate for the first time that there is clear
benefit in terms of higher software quality from recording
and maintaining traceability information within a project.
Ramesh et al. [99] emphasized on the high costs of creating and maintaining traceability. The authors concluded
that these costs can potentially be compensated by higher
quality and reduced overall maintenance costs if traceability
is applied purposefully. While the authors’ conclusion was
a vision statement at the time when it was written, we can
now provide empirical evidence that purposed traceability
in fact leads to higher product quality, which entails reduced

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
software maintenance costs. However, it remains a future
exercise to set the benefits of software traceability in relation
to its costs.
Domges and Pohl [96, 27] claimed that neglecting trace- ¨
ability completely or capturing traces in an unstructured
or incomplete manner will lead to reduced system quality,
expensive iterations of defect corrections, and increased
project costs. Since the authors did not support their visionary claim by empirical results, it has been subject to many
controversial debates among researchers and practitioners.
We can now demonstrate the practical relevance and applicability of these visionary predictions through empirical
9.2 Requirements Traceability Metrics
Various researchers proposed traceability metrics to characterize traced software artifacts. For example, Pfleeger and
Bohner [94] proposed software maintenance metrics for
traceability graphs. They distinguish vertical traceability
metrics (i.e., cyclomatic complexity and size) and horizontal
traceability metrics. While vertical metrics are meant to
characterize the developed product, horizontal metrics are
meant to characterize the development process. In preparation of our study, we proposed a set of traceability use
case specific metrics that measure the completeness of the
implemented trace links within a project with respect to a
traceability use case.
To generically measure the complexity of requirements
traceability, Costello and Liu [19] proposed the use of linkage statistic metrics. Dick [25] extends the idea of analyzing traceability graphs by introducing trace link semantics,
which he calls rich traceability. Main advantage of his approach is that propositional reasoning can be applied to
analyze traceability relationships for their consistency. Hull
et al. [50] carry on with the idea of analyzing rich traceability
graphs and propose further metrics:
breadth is related to
the coverage and measures the progress of a development
depth measures the number of granularity layers per
development phase,
growth is related to the potential change
balance measures the distribution of growth factors,
latent change measures the impact on a change. Regan
et al. [101] proposed multiple traceability metrics for the
categories management issues, social issues, and technical
issues, which served as a foundation for a traceability assessment model [102].
While all the proposed requirements traceability metrics were meant to measure specific characteristics of the
requirements traceability graph, no empirical evidence is
available on whether and how these metrics support practitioners with software engineering activities to improve the
software quality. We used these metrics as an initial inspiration for the definition of the proposed set of traceability
completeness measures.
9.3 Impact of Requirements Traceability on the Implementation Quality
In previous work, we studied the effect of traceability on
developers’ performance when performing software implementation and maintenance tasks [75, 76] within a controlled experiment. We found that study participants performed on average 24% faster and created 50% more correct
solutions if they had traces between relevant requirements
and the source code available when solving a task.
Jaber et al. [56] replicated the experiment with similar development tasks from another software development
project. They even observed a 86% improvement in task
In [104], we investigated whether existing traceability
can be used to measure the complexity of requirements
in agile software development projects. Therefore, we proposed the three complexity metrics
number of related requirements, average distance to related requirements, and requirements
information flow
to assess the complexity of vertical traces
among the requirements. We found that these complexity
metrics can be leveraged to predict the error proneness
of requirements implementations, and thus to estimate the
requirements’ implementation risk. Eventually, this information can then be used to rank requirements implementation tasks within the project’s backlog according to the
implementation risk in a much more objective way than it
is possible today.
9.4 Factors Influencing Implementation Quality
There exists a variety of previous work that empirically investigated other factors than traceability for their influence
on software implementation quality. Fitzgerald et al. [31]
studied the impact of requirements attributes such as
number of words, bag of words, requirements creator, or requirements
on the software quality. Similarly to our study,
the authors investigated two open-source projects due to
the public availability of the development artifacts. The
authors used naive Bayes, decision table, linear regression
and M5P-tree classification algorithms for investigating the
relationship and concluded that linear regression and M5Ptree produced the best results.
The studies of Nagappan et al. [88] and Cataldo and
Herbsleb [10] investigated the influence of organizational
attributes on software quality. Each study solely investigated closed-source development projects of one company.
The authors applied logistic regression analysis, which is a
common approach for binary dependent variables, because
they investigated the impact on the error proneness rather
than the actual number of defects per component.
Since complexity is considered as an important driver for
software defects, a variety of studies investigated the impact
of software complexity metrics on the software quality.
Graves et al. [42] studied the impact of metrics such as
of code
, McCabe, functions, or breaks on the software quality of
a closed-source legacy system that comprised 80 modules.
Similar to our approach, the authors fitted a generalized
linear model to investigate the effect. Nagappan et al. [87]
analyzed the impact of complexity metrics on the software
quality for five different closed-source projects by fitting one
logistic regression model for each project. For each project
they found a set of metrics that correlated with the software
quality. However, there was no single set of metrics that
fitted all projects. Contrary to our study, the authors did
not apply a multi-level regression analysis to overcome this
As the manual creation and maintenance of trace links is
associated with high costs [47], researchers studied information retrieval based approaches to support automated trace

0098-5589 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2016.2622264, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering
recovery scenarios [84, 15, 23, 81, 82, 90, 64, 107, 73, 72].
However, automated trace recovery implies the risk that
potentially incorrect trace links are created [131, 85]. To
address this traceability quality problem, Panichella et al.
[93] leveraged structural artifact information to improve
the correctness of the recovered traces. Further, Dasgupta
et al. [21] successfully incorporated relevant documentation
artifacts into the automated retrieval process. It was also
shown that a combination of multiple information retrieval
approaches can improve the overall recovery performance
In this paper we focused on studying the impact of requirements traceability on software implementation quality.
Requirements traceability has long been recognized as an
important quality of a well-engineered software. Among
stakeholders, traceability is often unpopular due to the extra
effort it creates and the unclear benefits and beneficiaries. So
far there was little hard evidence regarding the benefits to
expect from creating and maintaining traceability.
We identified and investigated the four most relevant
software engineering activities that depend on the availability of requirements traceability. These refer (1) to impact
analysis on the requirements level and (2) between requirements and source code, as well as (3) to completeness analysis of source code vs. requirements and (4) requirements
vs. source code. We proposed four measures to quantify
the degree to which a project’s requirements traceability is
complete with respect to these four software engineering
activities. Furthermore, we conducted an empirical study
with 24 open-source software development projects and
applied these measures on the granularity of software components. The results of our study show empirical evidence
that requirements traceability has a significant impact on
the software implementation quality of the studied software
components. For three of the four identified implementation
supporting activities we found that the more complete the
necessary traceability to execute these activities the lower
the defect rate within the analyzed software component.
Our results provide for the first time empirical evidence
that improving the degree of traceability completeness indeed decreases the defect rate to be expected, and thus helps
to raise implementation quality of the developed software.
This finding supports practitioners with project planing on
whether and what traceability to be established for a software development, because the direct impact on software
implementation quality can be estimated. The results also
provide concrete figures on the benefits to be expected from
capturing specific trace links.
The tool we developed to automatically collect and
analyze project specific software development artifacts can
be used by practitioners to automatically calculate their
degree of traceability implementation completeness. Similar
to existing initiatives (e.g., SonarQube [116]) that continuously calculate and monitor software complexity metrics
of open source projects, we plan to setup a webpage that
continuously monitors the traceability completeness with
respect to different software engineering activities requiring
traceability. This webpage will provide a ready-to-use tool
for practitioners that does not require any project installation or customization.
A direct integration of our proposed measures into the
dashboard of existing software lifecycle management tools
could provide valuable information to project managers
about the status of the the development projects. Additionally, software engineers who conduct an activity that
requires traceability could use this information to find out
whether or not and to which extent existing traceability can
be used for this activity.
Future work will focus on analyzing the costs for establishing traceability. We plan to further investigate if the
proposed metrics can be used to detect hot spots among the
components for which additional traceability would have
the highest impact on the overall defect rate.
We are funded by the German Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) grants: 01IS14026A, 01IS16003B and by
the Thuringer Aufbaubank (TAB) grant: 2015FE9033. We ¨
would like to thank Jana Waldchen and Michael Rzanny ¨
for sharing their statistical expertise and providing early
feedback on our empirical validation methods.
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