The Practice of Management

148 views 7:30 am 0 Comments June 23, 2023

Background:  Since Week 1, we have been studying Critical Theory (CT), Critical Management Studies (CMS), The Manager of Tomorrow, and Cognitive Diversity.  CMS analyses management and organisations from a ‘critical’ perspective, making use of Critical Theory (CT), which often criticises and critiques management rather than praising management, and draws attention to overlooked and ignored aspects of businesses and organisations, and the way they are managed.


  • Form teams of a maximum of four (4) students
  • Choose ONE Critical Theory (CT) from the longer list in our main e:book / textbook by Tadajewski*, available here: “Key Concepts in Critical Management Studies” (2011), by Mark Tadajewski, available FREE as an e;book form the London Met Library here:
  • There are over 50 Critical Theories (CTs) to choose from, and each ‘Critical Theory (CT) is approx. two pages long.
  • You can NOT choose one of the three we have already studied in class (i.e. Marxism, Feminism, Capitalism / Anti-Capitalism).
  • Choose ONE UK-based Public Limited Company (PLC), preferably a creative one (e.g. a media / broadcasting company, a publishing company, a fashion company, or a music company, etc). See for a list of all UK PLCs, and choose ONE. Your task is to analyse the most recent Annual Report, available from the website of your chosen PLC.
  • Ideally, as there is so much choice, each team should select a different CT, and a different PLC.

The Assignment is in two parts, Part 1, and Part 2.

PART 1: Team presentation

Referring to your chosen CT, your task is to:

  1. Explain your chosen CT in further detail, and how it relates to CT and CMS more widely
  2. Demonstrate how your chosen CT can be used and applied to analyse and critique business and management in the wider world
  3. Show how your chosen CT can be used and applied to analyse and critique the PLC of your choice, with clear recommendations for any suggested changes or impact on your PLC’s improvement
  4. On ONE slide / page, visually present your team profile, showing how you made use of  Cognitive Diversity within your team, as you prepared for and delivered this assignment
  5. Present your analysis to the class in a 15-minute (maximum) presentation

PART 2: Team ‘Critical Reflection’ (use the PRO-FORMA, below)

After all presentations are complete, as a team, use the Pro-Forma (below) and write a 250-word full-referenced ‘Critical Reflection’ of the team assignment, using the following structure:

  • your team’s preparation and performance,
  • each team member’s preparation and performance,
  • how you and your team made use of your team’s Cognitive Diversity,
  • the performance of the other teams you saw,
  • agree that either (i) all team members should receive the same grade, or (ii) if one (or more) team members deserve a higher grade

Upload this Word file (one file per team) to the Turnitin site

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