The Global Business Environment

180 views 8:59 am 0 Comments June 30, 2023

Faculty of Business and Law

Assignment Brief Mode E and R Regulations

Module Title:

The Global Business Environment – Evolution and Dynamics

Assignment Number

Coursework 1

Module Code:


Assignment Title

Group Presentation plus a

300 Word Individual Reflective Piece

Module Leader:

Dr Efrider Fifi Maramwidze

Assignment Credits

5 credits
Release Date:

15/ 05 / 2023

Submission Date/Time:

05 / 07 /2023 18:00


Time and Place:

Video recording of the group presentation and the slides need to be submitted on Handin

The Individual reflective piece needs to be submitted in Turnitin

Assessment Information

This assignment is a GROUP project, and each student will be assigned a group of 2-4 participants. The assignment consists of submitting the following two components:

15-20 Minutes Group Presentation

A 300-word individual reflective piece

This assignment requires you to present in groups of 2-4 students on the question:

What strategies do multinational corporations (MNCs) use to manage the challenges of the global business environment in ONE of the following industries:

Garments/ Clothing


Consultancy Services

IT Services

You will have a maximum of 20 minutes to present your argument.

Please note that students are expected to record themselves giving the presentation, and are not

allowed to use a 3rd party voice, or an automated/computer generated voice. All members of the

group must appear and participate in the video presentation.

We do not wish to be prescriptive about the precise format or content of the presentation, but it is important that you address the marking criteria identified below. To that end, examples of the kinds of topics your presentation ought to include are:

(1) identify the main features of your selected industry. For example:

Who are the main players and what are their market shares?

How dynamic is this industry? Is it growing quickly? Which national and regional markets are growing fastest? Which are declining?

Are companies privately owned or state owned?

How competitive is the industry? Does the competitive environment evolve quickly?

Is this a capital or labour intensive industry?

(2) identify and analyse the challenges for MNCs arising from the main features of this industry

The important thing about this section is that it should ‘map’ onto the features you have identified. For example, if you have identified this as an industry that is capital intensive, what kinds of challenges arise from that for MNCs?

(3) outline the strategies deployed MNCs and explains how these assist them to manage the global business environment in your chosen industry

The important thing about this section is that it should map onto the challenges that you have identified. In other words, you need to think about how the strategies will help the MNC to address the challenge.

The examples given above are neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. In other words, there may be other things that you wish to discuss or some of these issues may not be relevant to your chosen industry.

A good place to start your research is the core textbook for the module: P.Dicken, Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy (7th edition), London: SAGE. However, it is essential this is supplemented from material from the reading lists provided on Aula and from your own independent research.

Component weightings* 

15-20 minute group presentation 80%
300-word Individual reflective summary  20%

*To ensure consistency, all components will be marked at 100% and then converted to the above-stipulated weightings 

Criteria for Assessment

(15-20 Minute GROUP Presentation)


Proportion of group coursework mark

Identifies and provides detailed evidence regarding the key features of the global business environment in the selected industry


Analysis of the challenges posed to multinational corporations in the selected industry arising from key features of the global business environment


Identifies and understands the strategies adopted by multinational corporations in this industry


Explains how the strategic choices of multinational corporations help them to manage their global business environment


Quality of research, presentation skills and team working


Criteria for Assessment

(Individual reflective summary)

Criteria Proportion of group coursework mark
Structure: Clearly organised introduction, body, conclusion using an appropriate reflective ‘model’ and using academic references to support your discussion and written in a clear and logical way.


Evaluation: Critical analysis of self and own behaviour. Evidence of self-questioning. Reference made to theory or literature. 


References: Accurate citations and referencing using the CU APA style


Future action plan(s) and lessons learned




This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1,2,4 and 5:

Critically engage with competing explanations for economic globalisation since 1945.

Critically assess the role of multinational corporations in the development and operation of global markets for resources, goods and services.

Analyse the global business environment in different industrial sectors and evaluate the strategies corporations deploy to manage those environments.

Demonstrate understanding of the global business environment by communicating, both verbally and in writing, complex ideas and arguments about the evolution and dynamics of the world economy.

Locate, identify and synthesise appropriate information to design, conduct and report research into business and management issues, both individually and as part of a team.

How to submit your assessment

The assessment must be submitted to the link on Aula by 18:00 on 5 /07 /2023. No paper copies are required.

You will be assigned into groups during the second week of seminars. Each group will have a dedicated secure space on Aula to facilitate group interactions. Groups may choose to create other forums and spaces where they can meet (e.g. Zoom, Skype etc) and share files (such as Sharepoint, Google documents etc). In doing so, however, we would ask all groups to pay special attention to issues of IT security.

Individual team members are responsible for ensuring that they fully engage with other group members and the presentation topic. It is important that you assign clear roles and responsibilities to each group member and formulate a group strategy. To deal with problems that may arise in your team it is highly recommended that you keep records of your meetings (or record them if such facilities are available).

Working together is a key part of organisational learning and it is good to work towards everyone’s success. By doing your part well, you will be contributing to your own team.

Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.

Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.

All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero.

The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict.  If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to five working days, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at

Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.



As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz.

Self-plagiarism or reuse of work previously submitted

You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this and any other university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, ie. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is unacceptable because you cannot gain credit for the same work twice.

The University VLE includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. If you are a business student and joined Coventry University in September 2020 or later please use APA 7th edition referencing, if you joined prior to this date you may use APA or the existing Harvard Reference Style (Coventry version) that you are familiar with. Law students should use OSCOLA. Please be consistent in the referencing style that you use and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Progress Coach or a member of the course team.

Return of Marked Work

You can expect to have marked work returned to you ten working days after submission deadline. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review.

Marking Rubric

Module Title:

The Global Business Environment – Evolution and Dynamics

Assignment Number


Module Code:


Assignment Title

Group Presentation
Module Leader:

Dr Efrider Fifi Maramwidze

Assignment Weighting

5 credits

For the Group Presentation

Grade Boundary
Assessment Criteria or Element 0-19% 20-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100%
Identifies key features of the global business environment in the selected industry (20%) Very poor. Little or no attempt to identify key features of the global business environment in the chosen industry. Poor understanding of the key features of the global business environment. Error strewn and most important points omitted from the analysis. Satisfactory understanding of the key feature of the global business environment. Several important points omitted and some based errors of understanding. Good understanding of the key features of the global business environment. Some important errors and/or key points omitted. Very good understanding of the key features of the global business environment. Some minor errors and omissions. Excellent understanding of the key features of the global business environment with few errors and no significant omissions. Sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the key features of the global business environment. No errors or significant omissions.
Analyses of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry (20%) Very poor. Little or no analysis of the challenges facing MNCS in the selected industry. Poor/Inadequate analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry. Vital challenges omitted from the discussion. Weak analysis of those challenges. Satisfactory analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry. Analysis of challenges characterized by major omissions and significant analytical deficiencies. Good analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry. Some important challenges omitted and important analytical weaknesses. Very good analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry with some minor omissions and analytical weaknesses. Excellent, well-focused and logical analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry. All major challenges covered Exceptional, sharply focused and incisive analysis of the challenges facing MNCs in the selected industry. All No major challenges analyzed in depth.
Identifies and understands the strategies adopted by MNCs in this industry (20%) Very poor. Does not identify strategies adopted by MNCS in the selected industry. Poor/Inadequate discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Vert limited understanding of, and skill in elucidating, strategic concepts. Satisfactory discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Weak understanding of, and limited skill in elucidating, strategic concepts. Good discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Skill in elucidating strategic concepts compromised by uneven understanding. Very good discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Displays sound understanding of, and skill in elucidating, strategic concepts. Excellent discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Displays wide knowledge of, and well developed skill, in elucidating strategic concepts. Outstanding discussion of the strategies employed by MNCs in the selected industry. Displays outstanding knowledge of, and exceptional skill in elucidating, strategic concepts.
Explains how these strategies help the MNC to manage the global business environment (20%) Very poor. Little or no attempt to explain how strategies help MNCs to manage the global business environment. Poor/Inadequate application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Some basic knowledge of strategies but very limited understanding of the problems and pitfalls of different strategies. Satisfactory application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Weak understanding of the strengths and pitfalls of different strategies. Good application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Knowledge of strengths and pitfalls of different strategies compromised by lack of understanding. Very good application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Sound knowledge of the strengths and pitfalls of different strategies but with some minor analytical weaknesses. Excellent application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Detailed knowledge of the strengths and pitfalls of different strategies. Outstanding application of strategic practice to the challenges facing MNCs in the chosen sector. Comprehensive and nuanced awareness of the strengths and pitfalls of different strategies.
Quality of research, presentation skills and team working (20%) No evidence of team working and/or presentation skills (e.g. absence of visual or audio)

No supporting evidence.

Weak evidence of team working and presentation skills (e.g. absence of either audio or video, very badly designed slides, incoherent argument). Weak use of supporting evidence. Satisfactory evidence of team working and presentation skills (e.g. audio and video present but poorly organized, mismatches between visual and audio content, mistakes on slides).

Limited use of evidence and/or evidence that is dated or irrelevant.

Good evidence of team working and presentation skills. Effective visuals supported with audio. Presentation well organized but with some inconsistency. Some supporting evidence but dated and/or limited. Very good evidence of team working and presentation skills. Well designed slides with thoughtful and value adding audio. Well marshalled and consistent argument. Presentation well supported with relevant contemporary evidence. Excellent evidence of team working and presentation skills. Clear slides with well argued and value added audio commentary. Clear, consistent argument throughout. Presentation supported with extensive, relevant, and contemporary evidence. Outstanding evidence of team working and presentation skills. Highly sophisticated and error free slides and audio. Complex and consistent argument. Presentation supported by extensive, relevant, and contemporary evidence.

For the Individual Reflective Piece

Marking Criteria
















Clearly organised introduction, body, conclusion using an appropriate reflective ‘model’ and using academic references to support your discussion and written in a clear and logical way


The work is not presented in a way that is logical or coherent. No reflective model is used, no academic sources are used or what is covered shows considerable confusion and misunderstanding.

The work is not presented in a way that is fully logical or coherent and is unsatisfactory. No reflective model is used or if one is used there is confusion or misunderstanding. Few or no academic sources are used or what is covered shows some confusion and misunderstanding.

The work is presented in a way that is logical and coherent and is satisfactory but with room for improvement. A reflective model is used but there may be minor confusion or misunderstanding. Academic sources are used but what is covered shows some minor confusion and misunderstanding.

The work is presented in a way that is logical and coherent and is good with only minor room for improvement. A reflective model is used and any confusion or misunderstanding is minor. Academic sources are used and what is covered shows minor confusion and misunderstanding at most.

The work is presented in a way that is logical and coherent and is very good with only very minor room for improvement. A reflective model is used and any confusion or misunderstanding is minimal at best. Academic sources are used and what is covered shows very minor confusion and misunderstanding at most.

The work is presented in a way that is fully logical and coherent and is excellent with no room for improvement. A reflective model is used and there is no confusion or misunderstanding. Academic sources are fully used and add to the discussion presented.

The work is presented in a way that is fully logical and coherent and is outstanding with no room for improvement. A reflective model is fully used and there is no confusion or misunderstanding. Academic sources are fully used and add to the discussion presented. The use of the model or models shows originality of thought.


Critical analysis of self and own behaviour. Evidence of self-questioning. Reference made to theory or literature.


No attempt has been made to analyse ones own self-behaviour and no evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated or where it is present it is wholly irrelevant or incoherent. No linkages have been made to theory of literature.

Some attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and some evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated however these are not present in a satisfactory way. Some or no linkages have been made to theory and literature and what is covered is not satisfactory.

A satisfactory attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated however there is room for improvement. Some satisfactory linkages have been made to theory and literature.

A good attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated however there is room for minor improvement. Good linkages have been made to theory and literature.

A very good attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated however there is room for very minor improvement. Very good linkages have been made to theory and literature.

An excellent attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated and there is no room for improvement. Excellent linkages have been made to theory and literature.

An outstanding attempt has been made to analyse one’s own self-behaviour and evidence of self-questioning is demonstrated and there is no room for improvement. Outstanding linkages have been made to theory and literature.

The critical analysis shows originality of thought.


Accurate citations and referencing using the CU APA style


No attempt has been made to reference sources correctly.

Some attempt has been made to reference sources correctly but with numerous major errors.

A satisfactory attempt has been made to reference sources correctly but with errors.

A good attempt has been made to reference sources correctly with minor errors.

A very good attempt has been made to reference sources correctly with very minor or no errors.

An excellent attempt has been made to reference sources correctly with no errors.

Referencing of sources is flawless with no errors.

Future action plan(s)


No evidence is provided of a future action plan or what is provided is not relevant or wholly illogical.

Some evidence is provided of a future action plan however what is provided is not largely irrelevant somewhat illogical and unsatisfactory.

A satisfactory future action plan is provided, linking with what has been stated in the self-reflection but with room for improvement.

A good future action plan is provided, linking with what has been stated in the self-reflection but with some minor room for improvement.

A very good future action plan is provided, fully linking with what has been stated in the self-reflection but with only some very minor room for improvement.

An excellent future action plan is provided, fully linking with what has been stated in the self-reflection and with no room for improvement.

An outstanding future action plan is provided, fully linking with what has been stated in the self-reflection, with no room for improvement, and showing originality of thought or approach.

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