The challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership in the devolution. Essay

203 views 8:18 am 0 Comments October 20, 2023

1.1. Introduction

In the first week of the study, we introduce and review the central concept of Strategic Human
Resources (SHRM), the concept, its nature, and its philosophy. In doing so, we start our
discussion by presenting the current nature of SHRM and analyzing the differences between
the traditional role of Human Resource Management (HRM) and Strategic Human Resources
Management. In so doing, we look at the practices, policies, and functions of these two
approaches, reflect on the SHRM models and discuss the challenges and issues faced by the
strategists of HRM.
1.2. Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of this week of study, you will be able to:
1. Understand the role and the main functions of the SHRM
2. Recognize the differences between the traditional HRM and the SHRM.
3. Evaluate the applicability of the SHRM models in practice.
4. Understand the challenges faced by the SHRM.

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