Telecommunication in the POS business system

113 views 10:47 am 0 Comments June 27, 2023

ons of telecommunication in the POS business system Sl4 E. FSGN have only one office. Consequently, the best option for telecommunication to chaillariiiriffingnagiiir the company as its database is at a small location 411Picessect by a few people alrvnjolfsson. and McAfee. 20244 All the computeriathe company can be accessed through a Local area network since the company is situated in a single location. All the company’s computer is connected with a centralised database through the use of LAN. provided that all the people have ids and passwords access. To ensure that the passwords are given to the concerned people only and are not accessible to all the employees of the com paiā€¢,, a single security system should protect the database.
Types of media: In accordance to present times and the highly advanced technologies. that science has provided the world the cost required for the installation of wired technologies and wireless technologies have become almost similar. However. wireless technologies are . . …. still little expensive in comparison to wired technologies. As stated by Kodarsky et al. (sots). wireless technologies. although little costly come completely hassle free and needs much less attention. The wireless technologies also require less space allocation compared to the wired technologies. Wireless Technologies can be installed in FSGN with the help of devices like RFI. Cellular Communication. Wi-Fi. Radar Communication or Bluetooth communication across the computer systems. ttith the installation of all these systems and the connection provided through the L.A.N. the organisation can connect all their systems over a single database and the managers and executives of the company can access all the required files and documents as per their requirements. Wireless communication systems will also have easy maintenance compared to wires as wires are torn and need replacement but wiryiessteelaerlasti%

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