Supplementary Assignment

150 views 8:27 am 0 Comments August 4, 2023

AMB305 Supplementary Assignment
Maximum 5000 words (+/- 10%)
This assignment is designed to help you understand how qualitative and quantitative
consumer data can be analysed and interpreted to inform marketing decisions. The
assignment has three parts.
PART A (approx. 500 words)
Describe conceptually the data analysis techniques of ANOVA, factor analysis and
regression. What is the purpose of each technique? How is the technique implemented in
SPSS? How is each technique used in marketing?
PART B (approx. 2500 words)
Analyse a quantitative dataset provided by a commercial client (see client brief on p. 4-6 for
further information) using SPSS and then report the findings of your analysis. The report will
require you to (a) identify a research question (or multiple questions), (b) meaningfully
analyse, interpret, and report the data, and (c) identify critical marketing insights from the
data. You should use your knowledge of marketing, as well as academic literature, to inform
your data analysis and reporting.
Part B of the report should comprise the following sections. Please use these as your
1. Research Purpose (approx. 150 words)
Briefly introduce the business problem that you are trying to address. What do we know
about this phenomenon? What are you aiming to discover? State the research question(s)
that will guide your analysis.
2. Data Analysis (approx. 1750 words)
Using SPSS, report the findings of your data analysis. This is likely to involve (a) describing
the key characteristics of the sample and the data using descriptive statistics, (b) conducting
factor analysis to identify whether the multi-item scales are appropriate to use in subsequent
analysis, and (c) reporting results that are relevant to the research questions presented in
Section 1 (e.g., t-tests, ANOVAs, regression).
The structure of this section will depend on your research questions. You may find it useful
to add subheadings to clearly delineate your findings and how they address each research
question. You can use tables and other summarising diagrams to represent your findings
(not included in the word count).

3. Critical Marketing Insights (approx. 600 words)
Outline three implications that result from your analysis of the data. If appropriate, use the
marketing literature to support your insights.
PART C (approx. 2000 words)
In Part B, you were provided with a quantitative dataset to analyse, but this business
problem could also be addressed qualitatively. Describe how you might conduct a qualitative
study on the same topic.
• What research question(s) would you propose (which may be similar or different to
the one(s) you proposed in Part B)? Justify why qualitative research would be
appropriate to answer this question.
• How would you collect the data (e.g., focus groups, interviews, observations)?
• What sample would you recruit? Why?
• How would you analyse the data?
• What themes or patterns might you find in the data?
References (not included in word limit)
Appendix (only if required; not included in word limit)

Submission Checklist
Before you submit your assignment, check off the following to ensure you have addressed
each requirement:
¨ I have used 1.5 spacing, a readable font (e.g., Times, Calibri, Arial) and 2.5cm
¨ I have created a cover page stating my details (names, student number, and word
¨ I have supplemented my analysis with some marketing theory or academic
¨ I have limited my report (Parts A to C) to a maximum of 5000 words (not including
any tables, diagrams or quotes).
¨ I have used APA style citations throughout the report in accordance with QUT’s Cite
Write guide. I understand that failing to cite my sources appropriately will result in my
assignment being flagged for plagiarism and reported as misconduct.
¨ I have included a reference list at the end of my report.
¨ I have considered the quality of my sources and only cited appropriate resources
(i.e., not Wikipedia) in my assignment.
¨ I have read the CRA and compared my submission with the standard I hope to
¨ I have submitted my assignment to [email protected] on or before the
due date.
¨ I have backed up an electronic copy of my final submission and could produce it if
requested by the Unit Coordinator.
¨ I have added an acknowledgement to my cover page if my assignment was crafted
with the assistance of generative AI/large language models such as ChatGPT.

Research Brief from the Australasian Performing Right Association/Australasian
Mechanical Copyright Owners Society Music (APRA AMCOS)
APRA AMCOS is interested in understanding what drives Australian consumers’ intentions
to pirate music online, and whether intentions to pirate music online differ across population
segments. They have surveyed 885 English-speaking Australians who regularly use the
internet to understand their intentions. What insight can you provide them?
The survey includes the following variables:
Response Code: 1-7 (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) (reverse coded items in yellow)
OMPI Online Music Piracy Intention

OMPI1 I am likely to download music without paying for it in the future.
OMPI2 I intend to pirate music online soon.
OMPI3* I do not think I will illegally download music any time soon.*
OMPI4 I will probably download music illegally in the future.

Response Code: 1-7 (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) (reverse coded items in yellow)
PP Past Piracy Behaviour

PP1 I have downloaded music without paying for it regularly in the past.
PP2 I illegally download music regularly.
PP3 I avoid paying for music by downloading it from the internet.
PP4 I have illegally downloaded music from the internet often.

Response Code: 1-7 (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) (reverse coded items in yellow)
RA Risk Aversion

RA1 I would rather not do anything unethical online.
RA2 I like to stay on the right side of the law.
RA3 I avoid illegal behaviour.
RA4 I would consider it a big risk if I downloaded music illegally.
RA5* I would feel safer if I didn’t risk an illegal music download.*
RA6 Downloading music online without paying for it is too risky.

IMP Impulsiveness

IMP1 I often make unplanned purchases.
IMP2 I like to purchase things on a whim.
IMP3* I tend to think twice before committing myself to a purchase.*
IMP4* I always stick to my shopping lists.*

PC Price Consciousness

PC1 I usually buy the cheapest product available.
PC2 I usually purchase items on sale.
PC3 I often find myself checking prices.
PC4 A person can save a lot of money by shopping for bargains.

Response Code: 1-7 (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) (reverse coded items in yellow)
PU Perceived Unfairness

PU1 Recording companies rip off consumers.
PU2 The music industry charge well above a fair rate for music.
PU3 Recording companies have unfair pricing structures.
PU4 Consumers should not have to pay so much for music.
PU5* The prices companies charge to buy music in Australia are fair. *
PU6 Recording companies are just big businesses that take advantage of
music fans.


(in years)
What is your age, in years? _________ years
What is the post code of your suburb of
___ ___ ___ ___
1 = Aust
2= Non-Aust
What is your nationality?


1= Male
What is your gender? Male Female
1 = Single
2 =Partnered
What is your relationship status? Single Partnered


From which location do you access the
Internet the most?
Home Work/Uni Other


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