Summative assessment

117 views 9:11 am 0 Comments August 16, 2023

Assessment Tool

Unit Details


Assessment Type

This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment

Assessment Tasks

Questions and Answers

Assessment Task 1

(Written Questions)


Assessment Task 2
(Develop and Implement Continuous Improvement)


Assessment Task 3
(Analyse and Report on Continuous Improvement)

Last Modification Date

March 2020

Proposed Review Date

March 2021

Unit Summary

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage continuous improvement systems and processes. Particular emphasis is on the development of systems and the analysis of information to monitor and adjust performance strategies, and to manage opportunities for further improvements.

It applies to individuals who take an active role in managing a continuous improvement process in order to achieve an organisation’s objectives.

At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem-solving and decision-making strategies.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Prerequisite Units

There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.

Possible Co-requisite Units

This unit can be assessed independently, however holistic assessment practice with other business service units of competency is encouraged

Assessment Overview

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement.

About Your Assessments

This unit requires that you complete three assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.

Assessment Task

About This Task

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

You must correctly answer all questions in this task to show that you understand the knowledge required of the unit.

Assessment Task 2:
Develop and Implement Continuous Improvement

You are required to research and identify continuous improvement systems and processes for a business and develop a continuous improvement policy and two continuous improvement tools including developing and delivering a continuous improvement presentation

Assessment Task 3:
Analyse and Report on Continuous Improvement

You must develop a report that includes an overall analysis of how a company is performing in terms of customer service and recommendations for future customer surveys.

How to Submit Your Assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task where you need to submit items for assessment, making sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment Appeals

You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion

When a trainer/assessor believes there has been an incident of an academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion, you will be reported by your trainer/assessor along with reasons for the allegation. Wall Street College takes a serious view of plagiarism and cheating in any form of assessment.

Academic misconduct may include, but is not limited to:

using study guide material without acknowledgement;

paraphrasing the work of another person;

directly copying any part of another person’s work;

summarising the work of another person;

using or developing an idea or theme derived from another person’s work;

using experimental results obtained from another person’s work; and

in the collaborative projects, falsely representing the individual contributions of the collaborating students where individual contributions are to be identified.

Penalties for plagiarism may include but not limited to: a caution or reprimand; awarding of zero marks in the assignment, essay, project, test, examination or other work in respect of which academic misconduct has occurred; a fail in the subject; a fine; suspended enrolment; or exclusion from the College.


Academic Misconduct

Involvement in cheating, plagiarism or any other conduct that deliberately or inadvertently claims ownership of an idea or concept without acknowledging the source of information.


Includes, but not limited to, copying the work of another under any assessment condition without the other person’s knowledge; copying the work of another under any assessment condition with the other person’s knowledge; unauthorised collaboration of assessment tasks.


When two or more students incite, facilitate and conceal involvement in cheating and/or plagiarism.


Involves intentionally or unintentionally submitting/presenting work that is done by another person without referencing the sources of information and may include content scraping where students simply copy and paste contents from a source without proper citation.

For more information, please refer to our Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures.

Assessment Plan

The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements

Due Date

Questions and Answers



Agreement by the student

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?



Have you read and understood the RTO’s policies and procedures related to reassessment?



Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?



Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?



Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? If yes, what are they?



Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?



Student name:

Student signature: Date:

Assessor name:

Assessor signature: Date:

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of submission:


BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessor to complete

Assessment Task

Not satisfactory


Was this a resubmission? Y/N

Questions and Answers


I declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature:

Student name:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Assessment Record Checklist
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions



Did the student answer all questions correctly? (Please note which questions were answered incorrectly, if applicable.)
If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the student’s understanding and knowledge?
If ‘yes’ to the above, what arrangements have been made for reassessment?
Please add any feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet.
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of this unit.

Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
Assessment Task 1 outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Student name:
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Task summary

You must answer all questions below correctly.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task:

Access to Learner Guide, PowerPoint presentation and recommended textbook

Access to a computer with Internet

Access to a word processor

When and where will this task be completed?

This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).

Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will make arrangements with you about resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.

If your assessor identifies any plagiarised responses in your answers, your trainer/assessor will report this along with reasons for the allegation. For more detailed information about academic misconduct, please refer to Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion section in the Assessment Overview of this assessment booklet.

Student instructions for Task 1

This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.

You must answer all questions in this task correctly using your own words.

You must answer the questions by typing your answers in a word processor such as Microsoft Word or similar program.

Written answer question guidance

The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’. These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’.

Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.

Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.

Question 1

Explain the importance of establishing formal systems and processes to support continuous improvement.

Question 2

Describe two key elements of a formal continuous improvement system.

Question 3

Explain how the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle can be used to support effective continuous improvement.

Question 4

Explain how brainstorming with staff can be used for effective continuous improvement.

Question 5

Explain the relationship between continuous improvement and knowledge management.

Question 6

Explain how continuous improvement works as part of a quality management system.

Question 7

Explain how the goals of lean manufacturing and sustainability are synonymous.

Question 8

Explain the relationship between performance management and continuous improvement within an organisation.

Submission requirements for Task 1:

Your answers to each question.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of submission:


BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessor to complete

Assessment Task

Not satisfactory


Was this a resubmission? Y/N



I declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature:

Student name:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Assessment Record Checklist
Assessment Task 2: Develop and Implement Continuous Improvement
Part A – Develop Continuous Improvement Policy and Forms



Did the student submit the following:

Continuous Improvement Policy

Two continuous improvement tools

Presentation documentation

Updated Continuous Improvement Policy

Did the student develop a Continuous Development Policy that:

Using the Policy & Procedures Template?

Specified continuous improvement principles?

Specified processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes?

Specified the purpose and scope of the policy?

Specified staff responsibilities?

Specified tools to support the continuous improvement process?

Specified a continuous improvement model and implementation?

Specified strategies to encourage staff to participate in continuous improvement and decision making?

Did the student develop two suitable continuous improvement tools to record and monitor work performance?

Part B – Conduct Presentation



Did the student develop a presentation where they have:

Specified the benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes across the company?

Specified ongoing mentoring and coaching processes?

Specified their strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making?

Specified the knowledge management strategies?

Specified their strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability?

Specified an outline of their policy?

Specified the continuous improvement models they want to use?

Specified an outline of the two Continuous improvement tools?

Specified their strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, and continuous improvement process outcomes?

Specified the mechanisms that they will be using to obtain feedback from customers, third-party service providers, and staff?

Did the student deliver the presentation where they:

Responded to questions as required?

Spoke clearly and concisely?

Used active listening techniques?

Led the presentation and documented feedback from attendees in relation to the policy?

Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of this unit.

Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
How many attempts were required to demonstrate satisfactory performance?
Part A outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Part B outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Student name:
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:

Assessment Task 2: Develop and Implement Continuous Improvement

The following assessment tasks use a simulated business called Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA). In order to complete the assessment tasks, you will need to access information, templates, policies and procedures found on the CBSA website. Your assessor will provide you with login details. Navigate to, select ‘Log in’ and enter your username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks.

For this assessment you will play the role of Governance Manager for CBSA. CBSA is a consultancy service providing assistance with compliance, finances, human resources, information technology and other business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise and support they need to survive and prosper. You should familiarise yourself with what CBSA does, its services and history, the organisational structure of the business and its employees. Ensure that you read the Business Plan to understand CBSA’s mission, vision, and business objectives.

Task summary

There are two parts to this task:

In Part A, you will be researching and identifying continuous improvement systems and processes and develop a Continuous Improvement Policy and two continuous improvement tools.

In Part B, you will be developing and delivering a continuous improvement presentation.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task:

Access to Learner Guide, PowerPoint presentation and recommended textbook

Access to a computer, the Internet, and a web browser

Access to a word processor and presentation software (such as PowerPoint)

CBSA organisational policies and procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)

Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)

Policy & Procedure Template (accessible via the CBSA website)

Additional students (3 or 4) to play the role of presentation attendees

When and where will this task be completed?

This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).

Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task that has not been completed correctly or fully. Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

If your assessor identifies any plagiarised responses in your answers, your trainer/assessor will report this along with reasons for the allegation. For more detailed information about academic misconduct, please refer to Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion section in the Assessment Overview of this assessment booklet.

Student instructions for Task 2

Complete all parts of the assessment below using your own words.

Part A – Develop Continuous Improvement Policy and Forms

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:




Gavin Stead ([email protected])


Monday 9:32AM


Continuous Improvement Policy

To You,

I have an important task for you. Our organisation prides itself on its key values including a strong commitment to quality, customer service, innovation and excellence, sustainability, and a satisfied workforce. However, there are no formal systems or processes in place for continuous improvement to ensure that the company meets its overall vision and values.

Based on this I would like you to develop a Continuous Improvement Policy that can be utilised to address the following issues:

An average of two client complaints are received each month

Complaints generally relate to the following themes:

Customer service staff are unable to provide adequate service advice

Customer service staff are not friendly at times

Lengthy wait times on the telephone to discuss services or chase up appointment scheduling

Differences between appointment stated and actual appointment time staff member is turning up

There also appears to be some further issues relating to the time in responding to complaints and identifying and implementing procedures to address issues identified through complaints

High staff turnover

Lack of supporting documentation to assist with overall quality such as staff training manuals

Kind Regards,

Gavin Stead

Managing Director

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Based on the email, complete the following tasks:

Research and identify continuous improvement systems and processes for the business.

You are required to conduct research and take notes to assist you in developing a continuous improvement policy and continuous improvement tools. These will be used in the following tasks and the next assessment part for reference purposes.

Throughout your research, you must identify:

The benefits of implementing a continuous improvement process for the company.

Continuous improvement models that may be suitable for the company, such as the Plan Do Check Act, Six Sigma or TQM approach to continuous improvement. You must research at least two models and identify the best one to use at CBSA.

Strategies for implementing continuous improvement into business systems and procedures including performance management, sustainability, health and safety and knowledge management and to address existing issues within the company.

Four continuous improvement tools, including at least two digital tools (for example, continuous improvement register and forms, feedback forms, intranet forms/surveys, online/intranet surveys) that can be used as part of a continuous improvement system.

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.

Strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes.

Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, suppliers and staff.

Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to implement and support continuous improvement processes.

Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.

At least two knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the business’s activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff.

Develop a continuous improvement policy.

Review your research notes.

Develop a Continuous Improvement Policy for CBSA using the organisation’s Policy & Procedures Template (accessible via the CBSA website). As a minimum, your policy must include:

Purpose of the policy

Scope of the policy

Continuous improvement principles

Continuous improvement model

Continuous improvement implementation

Staff participation and communication

Tools to support the continuous improvement process


Ensure that your policy is written in a suitable format and complies with relevant legislative requirements.

Develop continuous improvement tools.

Develop two continuous improvement tools identified through your research (for example, continuous improvement register and forms, feedback forms, intranet forms/surveys) to record work performance

You must refer to these in the Continuous Improvement Policy as applicable

Part B – Conduct Presentation

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:




Gavin Stead ([email protected])


Wednesday 2:17PM


Continuous Improvement Presentation

To You,

Thanks for developing the Continuous Improvement Policy. Now you will need to develop a presentation using PowerPoint or similar software that covers the following points:

The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes across the company

The continuous improvement models that you have identified as most suitable for use at CBSA and that is the basis of the policy you have developed

An outline of your policy

An outline of the two Continuous improvement tools you have developed

Your strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making

Your strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes

Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, suppliers and staff

Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to implement and support continuous improvement processes

Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability

Knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the business’s activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff

Once you have developed the presentation, I would like you to deliver it to the departmental managers.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Stead

Managing Director

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Based on the email, complete the following tasks:

Develop a continuous improvement presentation

Review your research notes from Part A of this assessment task

Develop a 15-minute information training session to be presented to the CBSA team (role played by your assessor and classmates)

Use presentation software (such as PowerPoint) to develop your presentation, including graphics to support the explanation of the content

Ensure that your presentation is clear, concise and error free

Your presentation must address:

The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes across the company

The continuous improvement models that you have identified as most suitable for use at CBSA and that is the basis of the policy you have developed

An outline of your policy

An outline of the two Continuous improvement tools you have developed

Your strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making

Your strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes

Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, third-party service providers, and staff

Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to implement and support continuous improvement processes

Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability

Knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the business’s activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff

Deliver your presentation.

Review the CBSA Communication Policy & Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the delivery of presentations

Deliver your continuous improvement presentation to the team (role played by your assessor and classmates) in line with workplace procedures

Ensure that you address all the required content and encourage the audience to ask questions and provide you with feedback

At the completion of the presentation you should hand out a copy of your Continuous Improvement Policy to each member of the audience. Ask audience members to read through the policy and provide you with feedback. This feedback can be either verbal or written.

Based on the feedback provided, make necessary changes to your Continuous Improvement Policy, highlighting the changes made.

During the presentation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

Lead the presentation and document feedback from attendees in relation to the policy

Speak clearly and concisely

Respond to questions as required

Use active listening techniques

Submission requirements for Task 2:

Continuous Improvement Policy for Part A.

Two continuous improvement tools for Part A.

Updated Continuous Improvement Policy for Part B.

Presentation documentation for Part B.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of submission:


BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessor to complete

Assessment Task

Not satisfactory


Was this a resubmission? Y/N



I declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature:

Student name:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Assessment Record Checklist
Assessment Task 3: Analyse and Report on Continuous Improvement



Did the student submit the following:

Customer satisfaction report

Did the student develop a Customer satisfaction report that:

Was developed using a word processor?

Contains recommendations for actions based on their analysis?

Contains at least two recommendations for future customer surveys?

Is clear, concise and error free?

Provide analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks for customer satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty?

Includes bar charts that clearly show the results of the survey in percentages?

Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of this unit.

Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
How many attempts were required to demonstrate satisfactory performance?
Task outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Student name:
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:
Assessment Task 3: Analyse and Report on Continuous Improvement

Task summary

For this task, you are required to analyse customer feedback surveys, convert percentages into bar charts and compare to industry averages. You are also required to develop a report that includes an overall analysis of how a company is performing in terms of customer service and recommendations for future customer surveys.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task:

Access to Learner Guide, PowerPoint presentation and recommended textbook

Access to a computer, the Internet, and a web browser

Access to a word processor

When and where will this task be completed?

This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).

Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task that has not been completed correctly or fully. Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

If your assessor identifies any plagiarised responses in your answers, your trainer/assessor will report this along with reasons for the allegation. For more detailed information about academic misconduct, please refer to Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion section in the Assessment Overview of this assessment booklet.

Student instructions for Task 3

Complete all parts of the assessment below using your own words.

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:




Gavin Stead ([email protected])


Tuesday 9:41AM


Recruitment and Selection Trail Run


Summary of Customer Satisfaction Survey Results.docx

To You,

I have attached the latest summary of customer satisfaction results from our latest survey. Can you please review and determine possible continuous improvement opportunities? I need you to document these in a report for me.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Stead

Managing Director

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Summary of Customer Satisfaction Survey Results.docx

Customer survey findings are as follows:

Overall satisfaction with CBSA:

26 totally satisfied

18 somewhat satisfied

4 dissatisfied

1 totally dissatisfied

Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are totally satisfied is 42%.

Ease of doing business with CBSA:

20 totally satisfied

19 somewhat satisfied

8 dissatisfied

2 totally dissatisfied

Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are totally satisfied with ease of business is 47%.

Customers who said they would purchase products from CBSA again are:

42 totally satisfied

6 somewhat satisfied

1 dissatisfied

0 totally dissatisfied

Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they would purchase products again is 72%.

Customers who said they would recommend CBSA to others:

38 totally satisfied

8 somewhat satisfied

3 dissatisfied

0 totally dissatisfied

Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they would recommend the company to others is 63%.


Based on the email and its attachment, you are to complete the following task:

Analyse and report on results.

You must develop a report using Microsoft Word or a similar program

Review the survey data and develop a report on the result, including your recommendations for actions based on your analysis.

Your report must be clear, concise and error free

You are required to provide an analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks for customer satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty

Your report must include:

Bar charts that clearly show the results of the survey in percentages

An overall analysis of how the company is performing in terms of customer service

At least two recommendations for future customer surveys

Submission requirements for Task 3:

Customer satisfaction report.

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