Summarize main findings

127 views 8:40 am 0 Comments June 26, 2023

Summarize main findings. Identify and justify strategy proposed. You must mention the important issues that you learn from the case study.
Recommendations Recommendations should be in line with your analysis. May be separate or within conclusions Appendices -A compilation of supplementary and illustrative material. Do not include items that are not mentioned in the report.
Bibliography – A list of sources consulted or referred to in alphabetical order of authors’ name(s).
Tables, charts, graphs and diagrams – may be included within the report or added in the appendices. Used in the appendix, they avoid cluttering up the main text and do not add to your overall word count.
All illustrations should be clearly labeled and numbered, and referred to in the report. Pitfalls of case study analysis You may lose marks when analysis fails to:
Identify the real problem, focusing on describing the case study situation and missing the underlying issues Separate the strategic management issues form the operational issues Identify for whom the issue is a problem (that means you fail to identify key decision makers) • Examine possible alternatives • Present a realistic implementation plan • Address the specific issues • Support their ideas with evidence from research, studies or theories

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