Stroke Management in Singapore Assignment

169 views 7:28 am 0 Comments October 17, 2023

The aim of this project is for students to develop a more in-depth understanding of a part or an aspect of Singapore’s health system. Students can choose to approach it from any aspect of the health system. For example, it can be approached using one of the relevant frameworks discussed in the module and/ or by illustrating policy considerations made by decision-makers (i.e. Ministry of Health). Can also include other ministries to illustrate the
importance of intersectoral collaboration (e.g. to manage a pandemic). Can reflect on the WHO’s definition of a health system and the impact of those policies and regulations.

Examples include:

  • Part of the system – e.g. primary care, community rehabilitation, dental care,
    emergency care, hospital care, community hospitals, nursing homes
  • Aspect of health addressed / (to be) catered to by the system –
    pandemic/SARS/COVID-19, aging in place, long term care, chronic disease
    management, dementia care, stroke care, cancer screening etc.
    The project can be kept broad, or contextualized if appropriate, for example by
  • viewing the issue from the perspective of different populations/ subgroups of people or industries/ community partners
  • comparing/ contrasting with another country.
    These listed examples are not exhaustive. Do remember that the project must be about some aspect of health and Singapore’s health system

Structuring a presentation on a topic like “Stroke Management in Singapore” can help you convey information effectively and engage your audience.

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