Strategic Marketing Management

138 views 9:21 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023

London School Technology

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and LeadershipHuman Computer Interaction

Edexcel, QCF Level 7


Unit 7:Strategic Marketing Management


Mohammad Khyrul Bassar








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Assessed by: Dr Anwar Haque Result: REFER 14/6/13

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Feedback Sheet

Learning Outcomes

Feedback to Student

Assessor’s Decision

Internal Verification

1 Understand the principles of strategic

marketing management

discuss the role of strategic marketing in an organisation

It would be a good idea to separate out 1.1. and 1.3. There is not enough discussion about the role of strategic marketing (SM).To pass you need to:include a discussion about the role SM will pay in helping Tesco’s achieve its objectives – you include a discussion about the difference between strategic and tactical marketing. You have to conclude how much of a role SM plays and present arguments for and against your conclusion.


explain the processes involved in strategic marketing

You did describe a process but you gave no reference for the process. To pass you must: give a reference, explain all the parts and provide examples for each part.


evaluate the links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy

It would be a good idea to separate out 1.1. and 1.3. No definition of corporate strategy (CS). To pass you need to: state how SM supports CS and any limitations on that support, then come to a conclusion and then discus that conclusion


2 Understand the tools used to develop

a strategic marketing strategy

2.1 assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning

You have only mentioned one Model – the BCG. There is no reference and you do not assess its value. You need to include an assessment of the value of PEST,SWOT, and DPM. Assessing includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each model and then stating if it would be of value to Tescos and how much.


2.2 discuss the links between strategic positioning and marketing tactics

Little discussion of strategic positioning – just how important it is. You did not include what it is or use a model such as the Price/Position matrix. You did not say how marketing tactics (4Ps) can be linked with it.


2.3 analyse the merits of relationship marketing in a given strategic marketing strategy

No definition of relationship marketing(RM). You did explain its value to Tescos. But no discussion of the general merits and limitations of RM and no conclusion as to how effective RM can be. All of these must be linked to a given marketing strategy.


3 Be able to use strategic marketing


3.1 use appropriate marketing techniques to ascertain growth opportunities in a market

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning are not the correct tools. You could choose any of the following: Porter’s generic strategies; Ansoff’s matrix; General Electric model; Shell directional policy matrix or DPM.


3.2 plan how to use marketing strategy options in a market

To pass you need to: discuss the importance of marketing strategy options. You must plan appropriate options and apply them to Tescos. You have mentioned the “option of entering Bangladesh” but there is no rationale given as to what this could be possible option. There is also no plan.


3.3 create appropriate strategic marketing objectives for a market

All you have done is describe what an objective is. In this part, you need to create the objectives used to achieve the identified strategic option (the Balanced Scorecard could be used) and you need to state how to achieve those objectives (the extended marketing mix).


4 Be able to respond to changes in the marketing environment

4.1 report on the impact of changes in the external environment on a marketing strategy

Not a good idea to combine 4.1. and 4.2 as the tools used are very different. SWOT is NOT an external analysis tool. Use PEST and maybe Porter’s 5 forces to come up with a number of possible changes in the external environment. You need to describe each of the changes in detail and then rank and weight each identified factor to arrive at a conclusion based on evidence. Some will be unimportant and you will disregard them. You need to better describe how important each change was and the effect it has on the marketing strategy


4.2 conduct an internal analysis to identify current strengths and weaknesses in a marketing strategy

Not a good idea to combine 4.1. and 4.2 as the tool used are very different. SWOT is NOT an internal analysis. It is a summary of both internal and external factors. You need to use McKinsey’s 7 S’s to develop a list of factors, describe them in detail and then rank and weight each identified factor to arrive at a conclusion based on evidence – also, none of your work in the given answer.


4.3 propose strategic marketing responses to key emerging themes in a marketing strategy

You have identified one theme but to pass you need to identify another key emerging themes affecting Tesco’s – this could be local, national or global and then propose how Tesco’s and alter their strategic marketing in response to these emerging themes.


Overall comments:

Student feedback

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (Tick all to be assessed in this assignment)

Pass criteria covered in this assignment

P 1.1

P 2.1

P 3.1

P 4.1

P 1.2

P 2.2

P 3.2

P 4.2

P 1.3

P 2.3

P 3.3


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