Strategic Management Accounting

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ACCM4500 Strategic Management Accounting
Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code: ACCM4500
Subject Name: Strategic Management Accounting
Assessment Title: Report
Assessment Type: Report to Management
Weighting: 40%
Total Marks: 40 marks
Submission: via Turnitin on MyKBS
Due Date: Tuesday of Week 13 at 19:55 pm AEST
Word limit: 2000 words

Assessment Task
Your task is to research business articles regarding a particular organisation to analyse
and provide a report to its senior management, using your understanding of
management accounting.
1) You are required to choose a suitable organisation about which you can find
some useful information and commentary on management accounting issues.
2) You are required to describe and explain the management accounting issues
you discover.
3) You are required to provide conclusions and make recommendations to the
senior management which enhance the performance of your chosen
Learning Objective:
After completing this Individual Assignment, you will be able to:
1. Evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to facilitate
management decision making;
2. Appraise the value of various approaches used in the measurement and
management of performance, including the balanced scorecard and
3. Develop a plan for using the most appropriate costing, performance
measurement and transfer pricing techniques in given scenarios;
4. Recommend a course of action for a range of business problems,
including situations in which quality and/or sustainability are critical issues; and
5. Assess the role of the management accountant as a facilitator of strategy
within an organisation, including demonstrating an understanding of contingency

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Assignment details
Select one or more newspaper/website/magazine article(s) (written in English) which
raise management accounting issues about a particular organisation. The articles must
be written recently (after 1 January 2022) and taken from an appropriate source, such
as the ABC, the BBC, Australian Financial Review, The Australian, The Wall Street
Journal (US), Financial Times (UK) and Economist (UK). Other sources may also be
suitable – please consult your lecturer if you are unsure whether a particular source is
1) A reliable link and reference to the relevant article(s) so that senior management
can access it/them. (3 Marks)
2) Consideration of the management accounting issues raised by the article(s),
including any potential strengths/opportunities and any weaknesses/threats
identified. (11 Marks)
3) Consideration of management accounting techniques or tools that lead to
solutions/courses of action/lessons learned that you would recommend how the issues
identified can be tackled or how the organisation concerned can improve its
performance. (11 Marks)
The article(s) that you find are merely a starting point, and your research into the
organisation needs to go much further.
Adopt a report format which means having the following sections:
• Title page
• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Body of the report
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
• References
5 Marks are awarded for appropriate presentation of the written analysis, including
wording, grammar, spelling and referencing.

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Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. Students must understand the meaning and
consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the
Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What are academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked
from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or
refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page

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