Strategic Management

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Semester 1-2023 JNB739 Strategic Management Page 1 of 2 Pages
Postgraduate Studies in Maritime and Logistics Management
JNB739/Strategic Management
SEMESTER 1, 2023
Instructions to candidates
1. This examination commences from Friday, 26 May 2023.
2. The answer script is to be uploaded into the exam Dropbox on the unit
MyLO site by no later than 23:59 hours (Hobart Time) on Tuesday, 13
June 2023.
3. Late examination scripts will not be accepted. Failure to upload your
answer script into the unit Dropbox before the cut-off time will result
in a
Fail grade.
4. Candidates must attempt
ALL PARTS OF ALL TWO (2) questions.
5. Marks are as indicated.
6. The examination represents 40 of the 100 marks allocated to this unit.
7. Word limit: See questions.
8. Answers must be typed.
9. The examination submission is one document. Question numbers must
be clearly shown beside each answer. References MUST be provided
in-text and in a reference list as per the UTAS Harvard style of
referencing. Please also include a Table of Contents. However, there is
NO requirement to include an abstract, introduction or conclusion with
your examination.
10. Plagiarism, including copying the work of other students or any form of
collusion is a punishable offence and may result in failure of the unit
and/or exclusion from the AMC. (Refer to the section on Plagiarism in
Unit Outline booklet).
11. This examination consists of 2 pages.
12. If you have any questions regarding this examination, please contact
your Unit Coordinator. They will respond to your query as appropriate.

Semester 1-2023 JNB739 Strategic Management Page 2 of 2 Pages
Attempt ALL PARTS OF ALL TWO (2) questions.
Question 1
This question continues the Strategic Plan commenced in Assignment 3. Note:
where information has been provided in Assignment 3 the examiner will access
your work previously dropboxed. Answer the following:
a) Select one (1) corporate goal from your set of goals in
Assignment 3. Write
the goal in your answer script. Author a set of SMART Corporate Objectives
for this goal. Under each objective briefly justify the relationship to your
SWOT analysis and/or Strategic Corporate Intent written in Assignment 3.
b) Establish a set of strategies, including
Master, Generic and Corporate.
Briefly justify the relationship of your set of strategies to your SWOT
analysis, Corporate Goals and/or Strategic Corporate Intent written in
Assignment 3.
c) Identify and explain the sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) of this
organisation. Clearly link/justify your answer to the Strategic Corporate
Intent and Strategic Issues identified in Assignment 3.
Word Limit: as this is a continuation of your strategic plan a word limit is not
prescribed. Include any new supporting material in an Appendix. For
each brief
justification in
a, b and c above, your answer must not exceed 100 words.
[5+10+5=20 marks]
Question 2
The Transport and Logistics (T & L) Industry is characterised by complex and
dynamic environments requiring networked strategic planning, implementation
and evaluation processes. The learning process associated with all types of control
forms the basis for changes to the strategic plan and implementation. Provide an
analysis of the key challenges and control mechanisms T & L organisations face
throughout the Strategic Management Process.
Word Limit: 1600 words in total, ± 10%. [20 marks]
Supporting your response/answer in Question 2
Your answer must reference the unit content in Modules 2, 7, 8 and 9. You may
use examples from your work experience, your selected organisation in Question 1
above, the set textbook, the ereadings and videos from this unit.

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