Statistical Investigation

327 views 8:22 am 0 Comments July 5, 2023

Assessment item descriptionSample Page

A description of the assessment item is as follows:

In groups, you will undertake a statistical investigation on a topic related to the life of a foundation student at UTS College. The group will need to Choose an appropriate topic or question to exploreCollect, organise, present and analyse data in an attempt to answer the chosen questionDo a 6 – 8 minute presentation (supported by PowerPoint)

Subject learning outcomes (SLOs)

On successful completion of this assessment item, students should achieve the following outcomes:

SLO1 Apply foundational mathematical knowledge.
SLO2 Select appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems.
SLO3 Communicate in an effective and systematic way using appropriate mathematical language in verbal and written forms.
SLO4 Work effectively in a team.

Assessment item brief

Weeks 10, 11 and 12 are all seen as Assessment tutorials and attendance is compulsory.

Week 10 Tutorial A:
Groups of 3 to 4 students will be formed. Each group must: Discuss their own strengths and weaknesses, expectations and commitments.   Choose a topic or question to investigate e.g.How many UTS College Foundation students smoke cigarettes?How much do UTS College Foundation students exercise?What are the different study habits used by UTS College students?What is the most popular mode of transport to campus for UTS College students?   Determine the minimum sample size required.   Create an online survey with questions to collect the data. Make sure you include different types of questions that will result in different types of data suitable for statistical calculations. You need 8 to 12 questions. E.g.:Fill in your name / student numberWhat is your current age as a whole number?What is your nationality (multiple choice)Gender (multiple choice)Topic specific questions….
Week 10 Tutorial B:
Finalise the electronic survey and ask the tutor to CHECK that you have used different types of questions that will result in answers of different data types and that the questions address your group’s topic, are clear and easy to understand.   Share a link to your survey with participants to collect data and collect as many responses as possible.   Start designing your PowerPoint presentation selecting an appropriate theme and pictures.   Help other groups collecting data by completing their surveys.
Week 11 Tutorial A:
Download the Excel spreadsheet for the data collected.   Check for invalid data – correct, follow up with participant or delete the row   Share the work and start on the following:For quantitative data: Use Excel functions and formulas to calculateMeanModeMedianRangeSample standard deviation   For qualitative data and/or quantitative data: Use Excel to create meaningful frequency distribution tables to summarise the data   Create at least 3 different well-labelled graphs of different types:Column chartPie chartHistogram with frequency polygon (ogive)
Week 11 Tutorial B:
Continue with any tasks still outstanding from the Week 11 Tutorial A list.   Check each other’s work.   Create the PowerPoint presentation:Transfer calculations and graphs from Excel to the PowerPoint fileDiscuss and formulate conclusions for your question / topic of investigationReflect and make notes on what you would do differently in a statistical investigation next timePlan and practise verbal presentation:Each student must participate in the verbal presentationEach student must talk at least 1 minute but no longer than 2 minutes.Explain the process of the investigation, don’t just read what’s on the slides.
Week 12 Tutorial A:
Continue with any tasks still outstanding from the Week 11 Tutorial B list.   Check each other’s work.   Continue to practise for the verbal presentation.   Make sure theExcel spreadsheet andPowerPoint file Are submitted BEFORE the START of Week 12 Tutorial B.   Make sure all students realise the importance of attending Week 12 Tutorial B ON TIME.
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