Social issues and policy responses Assignment

169 views 7:56 am 0 Comments October 20, 2023

Assignment 1: Critical Comment (50%)

Description: Students must complete ONE Critical Comment assignment used on a close reading of ideas and arguments presented by the authors in the chosen text. Your comment will be 1250 words (excluding references and footnotes) and will count for 50% of the total module grade (SPSK3101).

Content and focus of your Critical Comment You may choose a concept, way of thinking, or approach to an issue discussed in ONE of the assigned readings for ONE seminar session. Your comment should begin by briefly outlining your chosen topic as it is resented by the author(s). The rest of the comment should present your evaluation of the merits and limitations of the arguments or positions expressed by the author with respect to
our chosen topic.
void just broadly summarising what the reading is about without providing some reflection on some of its core features and your perspective on it Here are some guiding Questions that you might want to consider when writing your comment, to help you hone in on some of its key features:

• What is the concept, way of thinking, or approach to an issue presented by the author?

What are its main features or dimensions? (c. 350 words). What are the underlying assumptions made by the author?

How is the argument structured or organized?

What kinds of evidence does the author use to support their arguments or positions? (c. 600 wor(s).

• Are you persuaded by the author’s argument and way of writing? Explain why or why not, justifying your responses with reference to the text (c. 300 words).

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