
120 views 6:22 am 0 Comments September 14, 2023

Assessment 5

Assessment Type: Individual Reflection Report – individual assessment based on completion of the MultiPlayer simulation project in Smartsims.

Value: 20%

Due Date: Week 11 – 5:00 pm Friday of Week 11.

Submission Requirements:

1. You should write a reflection report discussing and analysing the group work process undertaken during MultiPlayer simulation on Smartsims. This reflection should include a personal reflection of your experience throughout the course and how the course might benefit you when you graduate.

2. You need to refer to your performance and explain how you operated as a group in MultiPlayer. Your report MUST be reflective, evaluative, provide critical insights and focus on what you learnt from this experience. Please refer to the Subject Outline for the things that you should avoid including in your reflective report, do NOT include any financial or performance reports in your report (marks will be deducted if you do).

3. You must conclude with three action points that can improve your future group work performance in the MultiPlayer simulation. Provide explanations for each action point.

4. The report should be a word document of 1000 (Max) words.

5. Submission: Upload a soft copy of a word file (.doc or .docx) to the Moodle and Turnitin

6. Before submission, you must save your file in the format: Ass5_givenname_surname_studentID.1000 words

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