Short Essay

154 views 8:59 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023

soli 4G •
AA 6
EDC121 – Short Essay Rubric 2021 – 30%Human Computer Interaction
Short Essay 1
Credit Distinction High Distinction (1,201 121- ID 124,07
and “multiliteracles’. one or Inthrerms. Wier no undemanding of each tenn. understanding of each mrm. understanding …chum. exempluy understandtng of each references or [hey are nor from drawing °nal Rut twos. Mawmg on more Min rwo good drawing on at ‘oar Mrte good term Clearly idondies Me crirical bona fr. sources. forenoons. Tte distinction references The distinction references. Comise comparison of elements of each M.P… between the hvo tem. may he between the no terms is clear. Me two terms. examples Of application/use. uncleat however. underuanding of. mulent.
between traditional literacy and clearly identified Lack ofdepth to ternis are identified. narrow between the ileum are laknrilied. adeptly synthesismg idea+ from a articulated. drawing on +number multiliteracies and highly relevant examples Mat (Total 12 marks) understanding/conceptual error. superficial. Small number of A number of examples Mat parag , raph. Amoreme and demon:Mr… practical No. vague. or i t examples mostly correct examples provided. demonstrate the practual mime. examples Mat application of the terms are provided. application of the terms are demonstrate the manual provided. Provided.
Identification of. and To= p”on’t7r ”
A.M… Clear ulennficanon of what PILCIFC itleMeanon of Mug Concise and well-articulated • identinemun and tinderstand, • identincation and ….ding teaching through multiliuneies teaching through multiliteracies identification of central elements .,…,,,,,,,,,,,..0„,, ..,,,,,,..,,,,,,rot. gproach means. A good approach means. Excellent of the hem.. of teaching through mulnInencies approach mulblitcranes approach rn………. diveusmon …monstrous a a multiluencies al■proach and its me.a. means. Inadequate or Dewed, ……..noo on,,n,,,,,,,,.. understanding of how how mulnInerames classrooms. • explananon of benefits. of multiliteracies fosterstenents fosters benefits inclusive teaching with multilitencies inciusive contemporary clmsroom contemporary classroom tmehing reaching win inultilireneits m comemponry classroom, reaching pracrice. in contemporary classrooms.. Some awareness of need for Lack of awareness of inclusive teaching practices. inclusive practices.
with multiliterucies may support implying :hallow miderstandsng. how a multtliteracus approach understanding of how reaching very good understanding of how a ins…MD.1 untlenuanding of how a student from different language Discussion contains conceptual suppons Mc literacy Icaming o f ro nh meld litcracies approach multiliuracics approach supports. multiliteracies approach suppons and social class background. cuorls1 and does not address students from different language iv inclugive for students. from the effective literacy learning of the effective literacy leaning of stud…I:D.1, language Provides relevant examples of Provides a number of relevant and social ela. background. and social class background. backgrounds and social class. No. teaching mice. examples of teaching pracricc. Provides clear and precise Provides pointed examples that orfew, incorrect examples of examples of teaching practice. illustrate the effects on student pracrice. ten. …Mond …ones.
(NMI 10 marks,
.rne Quality The wming lacked an organized The writing hes adequate Wnting shows adequate clarity Wrinng mostly lear. concise. Wrg irell.focmed: Row… ideas are hard. cone-tenet:Some ideas are able ro with a few insights. Writing and well organiJed with good areumems perspeenves are Cnherenre and organisation of follow. Ideas deviated at times be followed hut there are some generally organized hut with semen. paragraph constn.rion. precisely defined.. explained; ideas Paragraphs well- markedly from what was mked in dtversions that take the reader =nor deviation from the topic. Thoughts arc exml in a coherent flow in developing an constructed /fluent writing style the question There arc numerous away from the tome MI form. Wining shows some clarity and coherent and logical manner. insightful idea demonstrated.
Ol$1,1.1191, and meas. sgewitnes. constructed well. Somc most impact on the message. sentence paragraph construction. puncrumon Moughh.are expressed well in a Thought, are expressed tit a coherent and logreal Manner. (6 marlu.1 Spelling. grammar and syntax or syntax b. they don, Impact have virtually no entre. greatly on the message No very Mademate referencing. Referencbg has some mral. Referenting is done mostly well. Referencing is lamely accurate, Referencing taa.nme.enrrec■ Referencing romans frequent they don. impact on the Some mmor errors evident coffee.. cons… wdh fewer and consistent. wiM no mon significant errors. and maccuractot credibility of the essay than three minor errors identified. identified (the odd comma or nor smmlicamly Jiminv.h the fullstop may …ming) credibility of the esny. Some or many ideas. claims or quotes may not be referenced. No reference list. or no attempt al referencing. Poor spammatical e.ression and fremteMaignitiCant errors in spelling evident.
Referencing (2 marks)

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