Self Development and Responsibility

142 views 8:44 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility

Student’s Name:
LSST ID Number:
BNU ID Number:
Lecturer’s Name:
Submission Date:
Table of Contents
1 Introduction Page No.
2 Mini project workshops attended and how they contributed towards the development of my employability skills. 4-5
3 Importance and value of the Appendices (12 Documents) that I have compiled and provided as part of my portfolio 6-7
4 Conclusion 7
5 References 7
6 12 Appendices for the Portfolio 8
Appendix 1 Personal Development Plan 8
Appendix 2 Personal SWOT Analysis 11
Appendix 3 Reading Log 14
Appendix 4 Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule 15
Appendix 5 Time Management Skills: Daily To Do List


Appendix 6 Communication Skills: Identification of the most effective skills 17
Appendix 7 Presentation Skills: Comparison between good and poor practices 19
Appendix 8 Academic Writing Skills: 20
Appendix 9 Employability Skills: 22
Appendix 10 Notes on Reflection 24
Appendix 11 Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV) 25
Appendix 12 Action Plan on a specific academic or professional goal you aim to achieve 27

1. Introduction
Self-Development and Responsibility is a kind of development and responsibility that every single person have to take his own wile
managing all the things his/her self, responsibilities show that how much capable you are to take responsibility of your own meanwhile
managing and developing things properly by maintain a proper schedule for each and every single thing.
Small design workshops made a significant contribution to my employment. First, the SWOT analysis facilitated me assess my strengths
as well as weaknesses and how to use my strengths in order to minimalize my strengths not only during the meeting, nevertheless also at work.
In addition, during the interview, after which the majority of respondents found it difficult to navigate, I learned to answer questions about my
weaknesses. Plus, I’ve learned that writing a thorough and high-quality cover letter is essential to getting a job. An employer can make a hiring or
not hiring decision based on the provided cover letter. A cover letter should be attractive, even if it’s based on facts. Employers should explain
why the candidate believes they are best suited for the job. Moreover, due to the large number of candidates, this is not enough. As a job seeker, I
understand that I need to explain why, given the strong competition in the job market, I believe I must stay ahead of all other job seekers.
The resume helped me too. I know how to apply for a resume so that employers can find work-related materials on my resume. This is
one area where many candidates fail. The person has multiple qualifications and is not suitable for a resume, which lowers the chances of being
hired. As a result, I figured out what to include on my resume to attract employers. In addition, speaking is also very important in educating my
communication assistances. I speak the language as well as can clarify in conversation. I memorize not only to express my opinions, but also
learned how to work in a team, which greatly improved my employability. Communication skills are important in a team, and most employers
prefer persons who can introduce their team to bests and talents.
I also learned to portray myself in interviews. Dress neatly during your interview and choose formal attire. The stern respondent rejected the
opinion of the majority of employers. He finds it rude and proud, which is unbearable for many organizations. Plus, I’ve learned that mastering
interview questions can improve your job opportunities. Before participating in an interview, I must understand the company, the position for
which I am applying and the expected roles and responsibilities. In addition, some managers need to know the pay ranges, which income that an
appropriate survey should be carried out before the interview, including the expected salary. Since many employers pay different wages for the
same job in different cities, the difference in wages can be understood from other jobs of the same level in the same city. Managing these issues
will allow the company to comprehend that the candidate comprehends their wants and can help the organization. Lastly, and greatest highly, the
candidate must distinguish how to help the company achieve its goals. Therefore, recruiters are organized who should be of benefit to
employees. The small design workshops helped me a lot to understand all of these factors and improved my job opportunities.
3. Summary:
All the provided appendices really help me to analyse myself specially the SWOT Analysis, as well this all the provided appendices help me to
understand how to write CV, how to make a to do list, how to create a reflection of note and many other things.
4. Conclusion:
I concluded that many employers pay different of salaries for the same job in different metropolises, the main salary difference can be
understood from other jobs of the same level in the same city. Managing these issues will allow the company to comprehend that the candidate
comprehends their wants and can help the organization as well as that candidate must distinguish how to help the company attain its areas.
5. References:
Ivanaj, S., and Bozon, C., 2016. Managing virtual teams. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mathieu, J.E., Hollenbeck, J.R., van Knippenberg, D. and Ilgen, D.R., 2017. A century of work teams in the Journal of Applied
Journal of applied psychology, 102(3), p.452., 2020. The Nine Belbin Team Roles. [online] Available at: <>
6. 12 Appendices for the Portfolio
APPENDIX 1: My Personal Development Plan

My Full Name:
Title of Course I’m Enrolled For:
Name of Institution: University of illusion
Level at which I am Currently
Start Date:
End Date:
My Reasons/Motivation for Doing this
To grab the idea about the writing
Objectives for my personal
Actions required to
achieve my objectives
Support and/or
resources I need
Timeframe Estimated date of
completion /


Strong communication
Inetracting with
Public place 1.5 Months Nov 2020
Technical Skills Read books and
gather different data
from different sites
Internet and
1.5 Months Nov 2020
Energetic Wake up early and
make a proper routine
Sleep and diet 1.5 Months Nov 2020
Time managemnet Practice your task on
daily basis
Peaceful mind 1.5 Months Nov 2020
Concentration Make your mind fresh
and play logical
Sleep and body
1.5 Months Nov 2020


Self care Proper diet and
manage stress level
Healthy food and
1.5 Months Nov 2020

APPENDIX 2: My Personal SWOT Analysis

STRENGTHS (strong points) WEAKNESSES (weak points)
1 Writing Skills 1 Lazy
2 I am passionate towards my work 2 Short Temper
3 Confident 3 Easily distracted
4 Creative 4 Time management issues
5 Ambitious 5 Lack of Communication
6 Critical Thinking 6 Lack of knowledge


7 Self – discipline 7 I am moody
OPPORTUNITIES (potential gains) THREATS (potential losses
1 I have LinkedIn account through this I can find jobs 1 Uncertainty
2 Internships 2 People having same experience and skills that
increase the competition.
3 Online Marketing 3 Being a computer system engineer absence of
future growth
4 Product Development 4 Downfall of market
5 Innovation 5 Not having good leaderships skills
6 Improve communication skills 6 Organization having monetary issues
7 Ready to work in different places 7 Illness

APPENDIX 3: Reading Log

Swot Analysis Friend-Pereira 1 Hour 14
Cv writing Wikipedia 2 Hours Complete
How to write summary Google source 2 Hours Complete
Thing to do list Wikipedia 1 hour 17 pages
How to write a report Wikipedia 1 Hour 8 pages
22th Nov Time management topics Different sources 2 hours 14 pages
23rd Communication skills Wikipedia 30 mins 5 pages


APPENDIX 4: Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule
6:00 AM 20 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes ——– ——– ——– 20 minutes
7:00 AM 1 hours 1 hour 40 minutes 1 hour 1 hour 20 minutes 20 minutes
8:00 AM 20 minutes 40 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes 20 minutes ——–
9:00 AM 40 minutes 1 hour ——– ——– 20 minutes 1 hour 1 hour
10:00 AM 1 hour ——– 20 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes 20 minutes
11:00 AM 20 minutes 40 minutes 1 hour ——– 40 minutes 40 minutes ——–
12:00 PM ——– 1 hour 20 minutes 40 minutes 30 minutes ——– 40 minutes


1:00 PM 40 minutes ——– ——– 20 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes
2:00 PM ——– 1 hour ——– ——– ——– ——– 20 minutes
3:00 PM 40 minutes ——– 20 minutes ——– 30 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes
4:00 PM ——– 40 minutes ——– 30 minutes ——– 40 minutes 1 hour
5:00 PM 20 minutes ——– 30 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes ——– 20 minutes
6:00 PM 40 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes ——– ——– 40 minutes
7:00 PM 30 minutes ——– 40 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes
8:00 PM ——– 40 minutes 20 minutes ——– ——– ——– 20 minutes
9:00 PM 40 minutes 20 minutes ——– ——– 1 hour ——– ——–
10:00 PM ——– ——– 40 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes ——– ——–
11:00 PM 20 minutes ——– 1 hour 20 minutes ——– 20 minutes 40 minutes
12:00 PM ——– ——– 40 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes ——– ——–
1:00 AM 20 minutes ——– 1 hour 20 minutes ——– 20 minutes 40 minutes

APPENDIX 5: Time Management Skills: Daily To Do List

Item Priority (High (urgent) /
Low (can wait)
Action to be taken Done (tick)
1 Studies Self-studies Yes
2 Writing Practice Yes
3 Understanding By focusing Yes
4 Timely submission Meeting the deadlines yes
5 Meal Proper managing time yes
6 Family gathering Tea time arrangement yes
7 Analysing
Cross check no

APPENDIX 6: Communication Skills: Effective vs Ineffective Communication

1 Proper management of time 1 Issues in managing time
2 Having a proper communication 2 Not having an idea how to communicate
3 Knowledge about the topic 3 Lack of information
4 Proper getting the information 4 No direct interaction with teachers
5 Way of talking 5 Have no idea how to talk
6 Delivery of words 6 No idea about dealing others
1 Properly understand a given topic
2 Proper writing
3 Being edifying
4 Concentrating on work area
5 Learning new techniques
6 Grab new ideas
7 Easily getting the topic

APPENDIX 7: Presentation Skills: Comparison between good and poor practices

1 Confident 1 Less confidence
2 Potent image 2 Have no delivery powers


3 Engage others 3 Unable to grab audience
4 Good delegation 4 inconsistence
5 Centre of attention 5 Unable to grab audience
6 Organized 6 Unorganized
7 Clear as well as concise 7 Inadequate

APPENDIX 8: Academic Writing Skills:
Select from the following list, any three skills that you have learnt from the lessons and
workshops that you have attended; and briefly state the BENEFITS you have gained from
learning the said academic skills:
Editing of text
Data analysis
Creating a Table of Contents
Interpreting feedback given by your lecturer; and acting on it
Using punctuation marks correctly
Understanding verbs that are commonly used in Assignments;
Reflective writing
Any other academic skill.

1 Academic Skill 1 Strong points
Weak points
Writing Communication Communication is
Expensive, it needs paper
pencil, etc
Easy to understand It takes time
Everlasting record Late response
Benefit(s) of this skill to
Appropriate for long distance correspondence.
2 Academic Skill 2 Strong points
Weak points
Reading Brainstorming It lacks speaking skills
Vocabulary At times its boring
Releases stress Takes time to understand
Benefit(s) of this skill to
Strengthens your memory and makes your mood good
3 Academic Skill 3 Strong points
Weak points
Speaking Accurate presentation No record in form of
Requires less time At times difficult to
Inexpensive Hard to memorize
Benefit(s) of this skill to
Boost up your confidence

APPENDIX 9: Employability Skills:

No. Specific skill you’ve acquired
during lessons or workshops
How does it raise your chances of getting your
desired job?
1 Communication knowledge Communication is vital for in receipt of and
transmitting orders in the workplace. Employers
will try to hire people who can communicate
efficiently with team associates. In addition,
communication is also good for performance.
2 Teamwork: Employers will strive to leasing persons who can be
fruitful as a team or separately.
3 Analytical skills Before making a decision, many tasks in an
organization require careful analysis. Analytical
skills help to better assess.
4 Time management: Poor time management can lead to goals.
Employers will try to hire persons with outstanding
time management skills.
5 Computer knowledge In today’s world, all revolves about computers.
Persons with higher processer skills are better
suited. Computer for research, demonstration and
basic office drives.
6 Problem-solving: Persons with the best problem-solving aids can
easily find work. This is because there can be


diversity issues in your organization. In this case,
you need to make the right decisions to solve their

APPENDIX 10: Notes on Reflection
Define the concept of “Reflection”; and provide details of your OBSERVATIONS,
EXPERIENCES and LESSONS learnt, and how these changed your PERSPECTIVE on
specific matters; and made you a better person.
Reflection is basically something that we are getting in the end like in this case the
reflection is my result, from this activity I learned a lots of things and lesson specially
about the management of time that how to manage time properly without hurdles, all these
things changes my mind and the way of thinking because this activity changes the way I
see things before this helps me a lot in my all area such as communication, analysis myself
in SWOT.
APPENDIX 11: Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
181 Mercer Street, New York.
I am presently a last-year student doing a BSc. in Accounting. I love employed with
statistics. I have taken in a few specialized and adaptable aptitudes in bookkeeping,
including yet not restricted to arrangement of fiscal summaries, Auditing, Taxation,
amortization of resources, and renting. Right now, I am looking for a records colleague
position to assist me with promoting my insight into this vocation.
EDUCATION (Name and year of Institution attended):
University of Illinois and 2017 to date.
Planning Financial Statements
Asset Amortization
Accounting for branches and Subsidiaries
May to September 2019: KFC’s, Accounts Intern
Preparing general record diary passages and posting them in like manner
•Assisting in Cash the executives
•Assisting in the examination of various ventures
•Working with the group to help the records payable (accommodating buy orders, check to
print, voyaging costs, and entering solicitations).
•Supplementary in directing month to month-end close
•Carrying out different obligations as relegated by the monetary administrator
John Gary
Manager| KFC
[email protected]
APPENDIX 12: An Action Plan for achieving a specific academic or professional goal of
your choice.
Pick any goal from the following list and create an Action Plan for achieving it:
Completing your studies (diploma or degree) within a record time.
Completing your Research Report (e.g. IBL) within a specified period of time.
Finding and completing on time a Work-Based Learning Placement within the
specified period of time.
Seeking and finding employment (a job) at the end of your studies.
Any other appropriate goal within the academic or employment environment.

Action For Achieving a Specific Goal
Date: 24-11-2020
My Name: XYZ
Course enrolled for: BSc Accounting
Level of study:
GOAL to be accomplished: To hold a command over analytical problem-solving skill
Actions I need to take in order to
accomplish my Goal:
Create techniques and understand the causes of the
Resources / support / backup that
I need:
Internet and books
Timeframe: Depends upon how you are using you mind and logics
Success criteria or indicators:
How will you know when you’ve
When I will start solving problems easily.


achieved the goal)
Review / evaluation:
Identify some benefits of achieving
your goal; as well as some obstacles
that hinder your further progress)
This would assistance me in captivating right decisions
that would aid me in growing my position solider.


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