Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 91
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Quantitative and Qualitative Research in
Business & Technology: Justifying a Suitable
Research Methodology
Nikolaos Basias*
Department of Economic Science, University of Piraeus
Yannis Pollalis
Department of Economic Science, University of Piraeus
The right choice of a suitable research methodology is a crucial decision to perform
effective scientific research and is mainly based on linking research objectives to the
characteristics of the available research methodologies. Based on the notion that
researchers in the fields of Economics, Business and Technology have to choose among
multiple methods and techniques the selection of an appropriate research approach that
might support cross-disciplinary research is one of the most difficult decisions for a
researcher. For that reason, the aim of this paper is to provide issues related to: (a)
Quantitative Research, (b) Qualitative Research and (c) Strategic Management of
Digital Systems in order to investigate a suitable research methodology for identifying
and analyzing key strategic management factors and phases. The publication of this
paper has been partly supported by the University of Piraeus Research Center.
Keywords: Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Strategic Management, Digital
Digital systems have been characterized as social systems where technology is only one
aspect of them (Land, 1992). The study of Business and Technology is a
multidisciplinary research object and as the literature review shows, there is a lack of a
single global research approach that includes all the necessary areas of knowledge
required for an efficient study (Galliers, 1992; Walsham, 1995). Strategic Management
of Digital Systems is based on the understanding of various variables and key strategic
factors related to: (a) business, (b) technology, (c) people, (d) enterprises, (e) economy,
(f) law and (g) politics. Research in Business and Technology is characterized by
methodological pluralism and the assortment of an appropriate research methodology
is a crucial topic that attracts researchers’ attention (Galliers, 1992; Miles & Huberman,
1994; Yin, 2011). Therefore, in research issues that combine Economics, Business and
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) aspects, researchers has to choose
among a variety of research methods, approaches and techniques to develop an
appropriate research framework.

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 92
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Research encompasses creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to
increase knowledge and to use this knowledge to establish or confirm facts, solve
problems, develop new theories and provide innovative solutions. There are two key
categories of research design: (a) qualitative research and (b) quantitative research.
Researchers choose quantitative or/and qualitative research methods according to the
research aim, the objectives, the nature of the topic and the research questions, to
identify, collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of an issue. The
research process usually consists of research stages such as: define research questions,
collect data, data processing, answer the research questions and present the findings
(Goertz & Mahoney, 2012).
In the following sections of this paper the quantitative approach is presented and
analyzed, the qualitative approach is described and analyzed, the differences and
similarities between the two research approaches are identified and described and the
choice of a suitable research methodology to test a strategic management framework
for Digital Systems is justified based on the purpose and the specific objectives of the
Quantitative research usually involves systematic and empirical investigation of
phenomena through statistics and mathematics and the processing of numerical data.
The process of estimating numbers in quantitative research provides the fundamental
link between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative
relations. In quantitative research data is typically selected and analyzed in a numerical
form (Singh, 2006; Goertz & Mahoney, 2012).
Statistics, used in quantitative research, are an important area of mathematics and is
widely used when: (a) there is a need to analyze and process large volumes of
quantitative data to verify hypotheses and to test a theory, (b) there is uncertainty related
to theories under consideration, (c) research might be effectively carried out with
questionnaires containing simple questions and short answers and (d) the data obtained
can be quantified and compared. In quantitative research, data processing is typically
performed using distinctive statistical software (Martin & Bridgmon, 2012; Singh,
Certain advantages of the quantitative research approach mentioned in the literature
are: (a) the result is numerical (quantitative) and therefore research might not be
influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing research
and facts, (b) the quantitative approach simplifies the processing of a large amount of
data, (c) quantitative research approaches allow easier comparison of data and (d)
quantitative research enables the development of quantitative valuation indicators
(Martin & Bridgmon, 2012; Black, 1999; Balnaves & Caputi, 2001).
Basic characteristics of quantitative research approaches related to specific research
objectives are among others: (a) the association of research with experiments, (b) the
investigation of phenomena; (c) the use of advanced tools of statistics, (d) the use of
questionnaires (usually with closed questions), (e) the quantification of relations and

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 93
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
features and (f) the collection, procession and presentation of quantitative data (Goertz
& Mahoney, 2012; Newman, 1998; Singh, 2006).
The key features of quantitative research approaches are presented in Table 1 for a
better understanding.
Table 1: Key Features of Quantitative Research Approaches

Brief Description Literature
EXAMINES Phenomena: A fact or situation that is
observed to exist or happen, particularly when
the cause or explanation is in question.
Singh, (2006);
Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012);
Dawson, (2002);
Kothari, (1985);
Kumar, (2005).
INTERPRETATION The quantitative research approach usually
refers to the systematic investigation of
phenomena through statistical and
mathematical analysis and the processing and
analysis of numerical data.
(2012); Kumar,
It is necessary to analyze and process a large
amount of quantitative data to verify
hypotheses and / or test the theory.
There is no uncertainty about the
conceptions under consideration.
The research can be carried out with
questionnaires that include simple questions
and short answers that can easily be
quantified and compared.
Dawson, (2002);
Kothari, (1985);
Kumar, (2005);
(2012); Singh,
(2006); Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012).
Correlation with experiments
Testing of hypotheses related to
Use of advanced statistical tools
Using questionnaires
Martin &
(2012); Black,
(1999); Balnaves
& Caputi, (2001).
QUESTION FORM Closed Questions Balnaves &
Caputi, (2001);
Singh, (2006).
DATA FORMAT Numeric data (quantified) usually obtained by
Miles &
(1994); Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012).

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 94
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)

Brief Description Literature
ADVANTAGES The result is numerical (quantitative) and is
therefore often considered objectively (fact
based, measurable and observable).
The quantitative research approach
facilitates the processing and analysis of
large volumes of data.
Quantitative data makes it easier to
highlight changes and differences.
In quantitative research it is easier to
compare numerical data.
The quantitative approach facilitates the
development of quantitative valuation
Martin &
(2012); Black,
(1999); Balnaves
& Caputi, (2001);
Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012);
Newman, (1998);
Black, (1999);
Singh, (2006.)

In the next Section of this paper (Section 3) the qualitative research approach is
described and analyzed.
Qualitative research is a very broad term that embraces research methodologies that
deal with phenomena by analyzing experiences, behaviors and relations without the use
of statistics and mathematics and the processing of numerical data (Merriam, 2009;
Hennink et al., 2010). The qualitative approach usually gives answers to research
questions such as: (a) what, (b) how, (c) when and (d) where and is described as a wordbased research approach (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Qualitative research, among
others, could be defined as a sequence of interpretive techniques that try to describe,
decode and translate concepts and phenomena rather than to record the frequency of
certain phenomena in society (Maanen, 1983).
Denzin & Lincoln, (1994) report that quality research is a naturalistic approach and a
complex and multiple method of focusing. According to Benbasat et al., (1987),
qualitative research might provide benefits such as: (a) supporting the researcher to
understand the nature and complexity of the phenomenon being considered, (b)
enabling research in relative new areas of research and (c) supporting the investigation
of a phenomenon in its natural environment. The supporters of qualitative research
claim that the quality of recording, comprehension and analysis of a phenomenon is
drastically reduced when the texts are quantified (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994).
According to Lincoln & Guba, (1985), qualitative research approaches are more
natural, as the researcher is challenged to interpret the data and to draw the final
conclusion on the basis of his observation. A researcher, who follows a qualitative
research approach observes, interviews, summaries, describes, analyses and interprets
phenomena in their real dimension. A basic advantage of qualitative research is that it
supports in depth research (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012; Miles & Huberman, 1994). Even
though, a possible subjectivity of the researcher should be avoided since qualitative

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 95
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
research might be influenced by the attitude, culture and ethos of a researcher (Eisner,
The key components of qualitative research are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Key Features of Qualitative Research Approaches

Brief Description Literature
EXAMINES Phenomena Singh, (2006);
Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012);
Dawson, (2002);
Kumar, (2005).
INTERPRETATION Qualitative research includes a sequence of
interpretative techniques that seek to describe,
decode and translate concepts and / or
phenomena instead of capturing the frequency
of certain phenomena in society.
Maanen, (1983);
Miles &
(1994); Merriam,
(2009); Hennink
et al., (2010).
An interpretation is required
Research is needed in relative new research
Answers are required for research questions
related to “what”, “how,” “when,” and
There is uncertainty about the conceptions
under consideration.
Merriam, (2009);
et al.,
Related to observation
Uses flexible questionnaires
Investigates phenomena
Uses methods such as interviews for in
depth research.
Miles &
(1994); Merriam,
(2009); Hennink
et al., (2010);
Kaplan &
Maxwell, (1994).
QUESTION FORM Open Questions Goertz &
Mahoney, (2012);
Kumar, (2005).
DATA FORMAT Usually text or spoken words that chances
into text.
Miles &
(1994); Newman,
ADVANTAGES Allows to understand the nature and
complexity of the phenomenon under
Facilitates research in new areas
Supports the examination of a phenomenon
in its natural environment.
Supports in depth research
Denzin &
Lincoln, (1994);
Lincoln & Guba,
(1985); Benbasat
et al, (1987).

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 96
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Section 4 of this paper summarizes the findings from the literature review related to:
(a) quantitative and (b) qualitative research to better understand the similarities and
differences of the two approaches.
The review of the literature suggests that both quantitative research approaches and
qualitative research approaches explore phenomena (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012).
Though, there are significant differences between the two research approaches related
to the: (a) objectives, (b) types of questions, (c) methods of data collection, (d) format
of the data and (e) flexibility of research (Newman, 1998). The main difference between
the two approaches is that quantitative research usually refers to systematic
investigation of phenomena through statistics and mathematics while qualitative
research examines phenomena by analyzing experiences, behaviors and interactions
without the help of statistics and mathematics (Merriam, 2009; Hennink et al., 2010;
Singh, 2006).
In addition, qualitative research is more flexible than quantitative research as the
qualitative approach offers flexibility to the researcher (the researcher determines in
detail the development of the research approach) and flexibility to the participants (face
to face problem solving in the interview, open questions to provide information in
detail) while quantitative research is usually more inflexible since it is implemented
with questionnaires that include specific, standardized and closed questions (Goertz &
Mahoney, 2012; Miles & Huberman, 1994).
For a better overview, comparison and understanding of the two research approaches
(quantitative and qualitative research), their key features are presented, matched and
compared in Table 3.
Table 3: Similarities and Differences of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches

Key Features Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
EXAMINES Phenomena Phenomena
INTERPRETATION Qualitative research includes a
sequence of interpretative
techniques that seek to describe,
decode and translate concepts
and / or phenomena instead of
capturing the frequency of
certain phenomena in society.
The quantitative research
approach usually refers to the
systematic empirical
investigation of phenomena
through statistical and
mathematical analysis and the
processing and analysis of
numerical data.

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 97
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)

Key Features Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
An interpretation is required
Research is needed in relative
new research areas.
Answers are required for
research questions related to
“what”, “how,” “when,” and
There is uncertainty about the
conceptions under
There is a need to analyze and
process a large amount of
quantitative data to verify
hypotheses and / or test the
There is no uncertainty about
the conceptions under
The research can be carried
out with questionnaires that
include simple questions and
short answers that can easily
be quantified and compared.
GENERAL CONTEXT Related to observation
Uses flexible questionnaires
Investigates phenomena
Uses methods such as
interviews for in-depth
Correlation with experiments
Testing of hypotheses related
to phenomena.
Use of advanced statistical
Using questionnaires
QUESTION FORM Open Questions Closed Questions
DATA FORMAT Usually text or spoken words
that chances into text.
Numeric data (quantified)
usually obtained by
ADVANTAGES Allows to understand the
nature and complexity of the
phenomenon under
Facilitates research in new
Supports the examination of a
phenomenon in its natural
Supports in depth research
The result is numerical
(quantitative) and is therefore
often considered objectively
(fact-based, measurable and
The quantitative research
approach facilitates the
processing and analysis of
large volumes of data.
Quantitative data makes it
easier to highlight changes
and differences.
In quantitative research it is
easier to compare numerical
The quantitative research
approach facilitates the
development of quantitative
valuation indicators.

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 98
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
To investigate key factors and phases across disciplines and in research areas such as:
(a) Economics, (b) Business, (c) Strategic Management and (d) Technology, mixedmethods of qualitative and quantitative approaches might be used. For instance, to
identify, understand and analyze key strategic management factors and phases in a
relative new research area that combine elements from different research areas, a
qualitative research approach could be used. Then, to express the importance of each
strategic factor and to prioritize key strategic factors, a quantitative research approach
might be useful. In some research issues a combination of words (qualitative research)
and numbers (quantitative research) are needed to investigate effective a research
subject (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
As business strategy remains an important research area (Iamratanakul, 2017) the study
of key strategic factors and stages influencing the adoption of ICT in multinational
organizations requires an in-depth understanding of different fields such as: (a)
Economy, (b) Business, (c) Technology, (d) Communication, (e) Sociology and (d)
Politics. For that reason, qualitative research is recognized as one of the appropriate
approaches. A researcher who follows a qualitative research approach observes and
collects data, interviews with people, keeps notes and describes and interprets
phenomena in their true dimension. One of the main advantages of a qualitative
research approach is the opportunity to deepen research (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012;
Miles & Huberman, 1994). Since the study of strategic management in digital systems
related to innovative pay-tv services through multiple digital platforms takes place for
the first time and the complexity of this issue requires an in-depth understanding of
different fields, it is estimated that a qualitative research approach that favors deepening
is an appropriate approach for this study.
Literature review indicates that qualitative research significantly facilitates research in
new areas (Themistocleous, Basias & Morabito, 2015; Benbasat et al, 1987) and the
synthesis and testing of a new methodological strategic management framework for
innovative pay-tv solutions via multiple digital platforms is placed into this
In addition, since: (a) there is uncertainty about the concepts, factors and phases under
consideration, (b) the interpretation of factors and phases is required, (c) there is a need
to understand the nature and complexity of the phenomenon under consideration, and
(d) there is a need to understand the interaction of key factors and phases, qualitative
research might be a suitable research approach to meet the objectives of a study related
to Business, Strategic Management and Technology and to answer research questions
such as: “Which strategic key factors are crucial for the decision making process in
innovative pay-tv?” and “What are the dimensions and stages of innovative pay-tv?”.
Qualitative research approaches are often used to analyze and evaluate: (a) technology
and (b) business issues (Baskerville et al., 2010) as an in-depth study in their natural
environment is required for deeper understanding. This is in line with the obligation to
investigate a little-known research area with complex combinations such as the study
of strategic management factors and phases related to innovative pay-tv solutions via
multiple digital platforms.

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 99
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
The choice of qualitative research is based on: (a) the complexity of the methodological
framework, (b) the need to test the methodological framework based on qualitative
characteristics in a real environment and (c) the need to explore parameters and
correlations. In addition, a quantitative approach might be used complementary to
analyze and present the ranking of the most important key strategic factors.
This research will be conducted in an interpretive manner and a case study strategy will
be employed. Such approaches are used to study Business and IT adoption in its natural
setting and to learn from practice. Qualitative research is often linked to an interpretive
approach. Some reservations exist against such views and for that reason other
approaches are introduced and analyzed below.
Philosophical Stance in research might be considered as a division of philosophy that
studies the philosophical principles, claims, and implications of science, is associated
with epistemology and tries to analyze issues such as: (a) the principles of scientific
statements and thoughts, (b) the meanings to measure the reliability of the information
and (c) the impact of scientific methods. The choice of the appropriate philosophical
stance is an important and complex research process due to the existence of many
different philosophical stances (Walsham, 1995; Goertz & Mahoney, 2012).
Though, literature review indicates many philosophical approaches in research such as:
(a) instinctalism, (b) constructivism, (c) empiricism and (d) pragmatism with significant
variations in the number and content of the approaches, most researchers focus on three
basic philosophical stances: (a) positivism, (b) the interpretive approach and (c) the
critical approach (Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991; Denzin & Lincoln, 1998).
The above philosophical approaches, which have been widely discussed and analyzed,
have a significant impact on research strategy and the choice of an appropriate
philosophical stance is critical for successful research. Gill & Johnson, (1991) suggests
to adopt a philosophical stance that allows researchers to closely examine the
participants for understanding their internal logic. A positive and critical approach
might be used in the fields of Economics, Business and Technology, but there are
limitations during the research. For Instance, the main limitation of a critical approach
is that it is usually used in areas of intense research activity to criticize the weaknesses
of the research results. Since this research takes place for the first time and there is no
empirical data from previous surveys a critical approach might not be relevant.
As the proposed research: (a) is not based on measurable and quantitative data and
therefore positivism is not considered to be the most appropriate philosophical stance
and (b) is relative new and the critical approach seems to be inappropriate for the
purpose of this research an interpretive research approach is chosen to explore and
understand the phenomenon through the active participation of the researcher. An
interpretive research approach might be helpful as the study of strategic management
of ICT adoption in multinational organizations is related to: (a) technologies, (b)
people, (c) economy and (c) multinational organizations. For in-depth analysis of many
different variables, it is estimated that a flexible interpretative approach is appropriate.
The interpretive approach attempts to interpret and understand: (a) life, (b) the world,
and (c) the person through the understanding of written texts and / or spoken words.
Researchers usually combines individual, psychological, social, historical and
economic analysis to gain greater knowledge about the research field. Advocates of the

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 100
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
interpretative approach argue that truth can only be fully understood through
interpreting (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994; Merriam, 2009).
As Strategic Management of Digital Systems remains an important research area under
investigation an interpretative qualitative research method seems to be an appropriate
approach to investigate and analyze the current research area (Yin, 2011). The main
focus in qualitative research is to understand, explain, explore, discover and clarify
situations, feelings, perceptions, attitudes, values, beliefs and experiences. Key
strategic factors that influence pay-tv through multiple digital platforms cannot be
separated from its organizational, technical and cultural context and there is therefore a
need for a qualitative research approach that allows us to understand the process of ICT
adoption and the key strategic factors.
A case study strategy will be used to test the proposed strategic management framework
as such an approach seems more appropriate for the digital systems sector. A case study
offers a ‘holistic’ view of the processes involved, as well as a realization of the topic
under research. Case studies facilitate multi-perspective analyses that lead to a holistic
understanding of cultural systems of action, providing the insight that satisfies
exploratory questions. Considerable work on ICT adoption takes the form of case
studies to identify digital systems success (Baskerville et al., 2010). The need for rich
empirical data indicates that the use of a case study approach is appropriate, since it
allows examining in depth processes. An important aspect of a case study is the use of
multiple methods to collect data that leads to obtain rich empirical data for this research.
The proposed strategic management framework that is build and published in a previous
paper (Basias et al., 2016a) is planned to be tested in a multinational media
organization. Various data collection methods such as interviews, documentation and
observation will be used. An interview agenda will be developed to ensure desired
coverage of the areas of enquiry and comparability of information across respondents.
A predefined interview protocol will be used to collect the data required for this
Interviews will be conducted with the employees who played a key role in a recent
innovative pay-tv project. In doing so, we will interview many professionals including:
(a) the project manager, (b) the IT manager, (c) a manager from business and (d) the
HR Director. Interviews will be lasted for around 40-60 minutes, they will be digitally
recorded and transcripts will be prepared as soon as possible after each individual
Telephone, Skype and e-mail communication will also be used to clarify and probe
unclear issues. In addition to this, the data will be crosschecked several times to
overcome the contradiction associated with data gathering across multiple sources.
Interviews will be the main data source that we will use to collect data and to capture
the verbatim. In most of the cases structured and/or semi-structured interviews will take
place in the office of the interviewees. Structured interviews will be based on the
interview agenda designed for this research. Using this agenda, the interviewees will
reply to specific questions related to pay-tv through multiple digital platforms.
Semi-structured interviews will take place without the use of an interview agenda and
will be conducted during breaks. These will involve a series of open-ended questions
based on the topic areas we want to cover. The open-ended nature of the questions

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 101
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
supports them to define the topic under investigation. Moreover, it provides the
opportunity for both interviewer and interviewee to discuss the topic in more detail.
Empirical data derived from the case will be triangulated and then analyzed to draw
empirical conclusions. The purpose of triangulation in qualitative research is to increase
the credibility and validity of the results. As mentioned before, a quantitative approach
might be used complementary to analyze and present the ranking of the most important
key strategic factors.
The strategic management framework is planned to be tested in an American
commercial broadcast television network, using the research methodology described
above. Due to confidentiality restrictions we are not allowed to disclose the real name
of the organization at this stage of research.
The researcher applied a set of criteria proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994) as a
checklist, to identify the case organization. The main reasons for selecting the specific
case organization are listed below. The organization: (a) is a big successful American
commercial broadcast television network, (b) holds excellent reputation of the
specialized services it provides, (c) recently implemented video on demand and pay-tv
approaches via multiple digital platforms such as: pc, mobile phone, tablet, laptop, TV,
(d) is one of the biggest player in the world based on total revenues, assets, and
international coverage and (e) operates many entertainment channels in many
international markets.
The case organization is an entertainment company that operates through four
segments, mainly filmed entertainment, television stations, television broadcast
networks and cable network programming. With more than 10,000 entrepreneurs,
innovators and risk takers with a passion for film, television and sports the examined
organization is a diverse group that spreads around the world by a shared set of values
and goals.
The entertainment company has recently lunched innovative video on demand services
via multiple digital platforms. Video on demand is a system that allows users to select
and watch video content of their choice on their TVs, computers, tablets, smart phones
and lap tops whenever they want. For that reason, the selected case corporation is an
interesting research object for the purpose of this research.
To better understand the whole selected research approach that is described in this
Section the research methodology is graphically presented in Figure 1. The presented
research methodology was successfully used in previous research related to Business
and Technology in Banks (Basias et al., 2015a, 2015b, 2014, 2013, 2012) and is planned
to be used for developing, examining and testing a strategic management framework
related to pay-tv services through multiple digital platforms (Basias et al., 2016a,

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 102
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)

Case Study and Findings
Conclusion & Future
Final Report

Literature Review &
Critical Analysis in
Business, Strategic
Management &
Development of a
Strategic Management
Identifying and Selecting a
Suitable Strategy and
Research Methodology
Analyzing Empirical Data
of Research
Identifying Problems &
Setting Goals and Objectives
Study of Papers, Reports, Articles,
Research on Strategy,
Management and Technology &
Research Need
Defining Research
Framework &
Research Questions
Quantitative and/or
Qualitative Research
Analysis of
Data Analysis
that Give
Value to
Figure 1: Research Methodology
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 103
2018 GMP Press and Printing (
ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
New research ideas across disciplines such as: Economics, Business and Technology
need a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed approach for effective research. Since there is
a lack of a single global research approach that includes all the necessary areas of
knowledge, researchers choose quantitative or/and qualitative research methods
according to the research aim, the objectives, the nature of the topic and the research
questions to identify, collect and analyze information. For that reason, this paper
presents quantitative and qualitative research theory and provide a suitable research
methodology to build, test and revise a methodological strategic management
The presented research methodology was successfully used in previous
interdisciplinary research related to Business and Technology in Banks and is planned
to be used for developing, examining and testing of a strategic management framework
related to pay-tv services through multiple digital platforms.
We believe that the proposed research methodology might be used by other researchers,
particularly with cross-disciplinary interests in Economics, Business & Technology. In
addition it will: (a) help researchers to understand better qualitative and quantitative
research approaches, (b) help researchers to choose a suitable research method that is
fundamental to obtaining accurate results and (c) enrich the academic literature.
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“The strategic value of SOA: a comparative case study in the banking sector”,
International Journal of Information Technology and Management, Vol. 9, No.1,
30-53, 2010.
[3] Basias N., Pollalis Y., 2016a. “Strategic Management of Digital Systems:
Innovative Pay-Tv Services through Multiple Digital Platforms”, International
Journal of Management and Applied Science, Volume-2, Issue-9, Special Issue-1,
[4] Basias N., Pollalis Y., 2016b. “Strategic Management of Digital Systems”,
International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information
Technology, July 20-21, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
[5] Basias N., Themistocleous M., Morabito V., 2015a. “An Innovative Decision
Making Framework for E-banking Integration”, European, Mediterranean and
Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2015, June 1-2, Athens,
Greece, 2015.
[6] Basias N., Themistocleous M., Morabito V., 2015b. “A Decision Making
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