Responsibilities of tax agents

168 views 9:08 am 0 Comments October 3, 2023

RIO No 31736 I CRICOS: 03010G
Queensford College Head Offtce Level 2, 359 Queer S fitisbare OW 4000 Australia

0 Phone: 61-7 3221 1626 a Fax: 61-7-3221 1b27 Email: infooqueetisford www au


For this tas yo us, research each of the following topics, and complete a detailed report on your k Task 2 findings. 7’he research topics are: tions and legislative requirements relevant to • Identify and explain ethical considera the preparation of tax documentation for individual taxpayers, including:
0 Conflict of interest 0 Responsibilities of tax agents including e Code of Professional Conduct obligations under the Tax Agent Services Act (TASA) and Tax Agent Services Regulations (TASR)

Identify and explain the following key elements of Australian tax law as it relates to tax documentation for individual taxpayers: 0 The rules and principles ofAustralian tax law including an understanding of the legal environment in which these principles operate, basics of the legal System, constitutional considerations and separation of powers

Key aspects of the income tax law covering concepts of:
• Residence and source a Related elements of international tax • Assessable income • Deductions (including general, specific and decline in value) • Tax rebates and offsets I Tax accounting • Income test definitions that include reportable superannuation and fringe benefits tax (FBT) o Key aspects of relevant. principles and application of the capitalgains tax (CGT), FRT and termination payment rules for individuai taxpayers Basic concept of goods and services tax( CST)

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