Research Requirement

162 views 10:30 am 0 Comments July 26, 2023

Assessment 3 ment MUST be Asee”ment TY”: letilriir?glOeurt’c(otn)and e stipulateHuman Computer Interaction teamtaysorakZiesdabsys;:r tutor student. d°e° gr°°PeeecIft2;4 stud:1’4;47:1.TM BfouP. Zuirre7o7t (“3000,1rZsZtords)
Pu,ose: is group protect is to encourage Yee te cen.. the …MY thy. to Tmhaer aellingefpthactice is in a large part A GROUP ACTIVITY.olt eninirrczeys000puenoon, recognise that your effectiveness as a marketing profess’
ABN: 72 132 629 979
Value: Due Date:
Task Details: Research Requirements:
Presentation Group Report:
ecro’nYtiegrurshipeeciffraltyletO Zir:iengtrOhuuttceXel:T. :.tceeand Tehle ese”emele Report 20% Zr7irtin-irn°1(ftitoYo;le’bily-Y11C:TSEptn°F1=y7f ItTX.11’21 t° be ePle”ed te the ITtetir7irtinilebileEcin: Ic7t1:yGoijitiPct ‘red !CI:eel:reed’ :Cex rePert te Mee’ end =Pellet’ :nee re:sToma7perYo,Te YU?! 12:renep ‘set I; beet lo7e ey:ue(c)arenb:reoYc:: rhe), flee rzt stage.
Groups will need to develop a Marketing Plan for the next 12 months.
2;,°eurPrseZ,eaid,tt2utre,,”rTrkTtair,’,:r?,gatt!,”„=spact,:stl:=VIT:rs:phpodrt tialItacnegidie’estoeuxrtc:TiTa’hetr,n,luy’rcfurL’aTaTn?,itchieort,,,Vatirs!’rers=”` rseoPu’’410Y,Zi.neet,cv.sbp`a’r:r.,:ene,dayth,:ba:Zieis,,fd=d”,a,’:°`
For the report. the word count for this assignment should be about a 000 ,.vords excluding the cover sheet. contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams. graphs and tables). Please stay within the assigned word limits. and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment.
Assignments shorter than the minimum word count will be award. a fall grade.
1. Your report should be typed single spaced. using Times New Roman font size of either lOpt or 12pto 2. Every page should be clearly numbered. 3. Your assignment should include the following parts: a. A cover page, which indicates basic information such as title, module code. intake and semester. full names of all team members (as registered in the course). word count and name of tutor. b. Contents page c. Body (main contents using appropriate headings and subOheadings). d. Appendices (if any) e. References 4. Before submitting report: a, Ensure you have references and cited all ideas. words or other intellectual property from other sources used in the completion of your assignment. b. Develop a proper reference list, which includes acknowledgement of all sources used to complete your assignment. References must use the Harvard Style.
Please retain a photocopy or softcopy of your assignment
Marking Guide: Please note penalties will be applied for late submissions. sirnilar content (collaboration between groups) and plagMrism – see Section 3.3 and 3.4 .r

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