Research project essay

182 views 9:01 am 0 Comments July 14, 2023

Students will be assessed on a research-based essay (2500 words).
The research project essay may be related to your own workplace or you may choose an alternative organisation where you canHuman Computer Interaction gain an adequate insight. The research project needs to be based on a good level of primary research informed by a review of the relevant literature.
When access to organisations is difficult, students are suggested to opt for a research based essay which can be mainly based on secondary research. Although this type of assignment has a strong theoretical underpinning, you will be required to illustrate your discussion through the use of examples and case studies. You can either use the theory to analyse an organisation OR use examples from multiple organisations to illustrate the theory.
In both cases, the purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of key features of innovation, creativity, enterprise and the determinants affecting the management of their processes
You will also be required to give evidence of a critical review of relevant literature and an analysis regarding the application of the selected issue.
The assignment must therefore demonstrate the linkage between theoretical models and practical applications of these models (ie. a primary or secondary research clearly informed by a critical review of the literature). Students should ensure that their research objectives are very clearly formulated and adequately addressed throughout the whole assignment.
To ensure successful completion, your report should contain:
A clear statement of your research objectives and questions Demonstration of clear understanding and application of conceptual frameworks discussed in the module Evidence of personally conducted primary research. (N.B. if you choose an organisation where you are unable to gain personal access you must display significant secondary research to compensate for the lack of primary research) Original thought in conclusions drawn and recommendations presented, should be 2500 words in length with a word count at the end. It should make good use of headings, graphs, diagrams etc. and must contain a bibliography
Examples of issues which you can investigate in your assignment:
The key enablers and inhibitors to innovation, creativity and enterprise The critical stages of the innovation process The importance of the implementation stage of innovation Managing and promoting innovation at the organisational, regional and or national level Innovation as the main foundation of a sustainable competitive advantage The main features of open innovation and the key conditions of its successful implementation Organisational culture and creativity Knowledge as a key innovation Key features and conditions for innovation through joint ventures The role of the state to promote innovation An investigation of the system of innovation
Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises The role of trust in international technology transfer Innovation and sustainability
To ensure successful completion, your report should contain:
A clear statement of your research objectives and questions Demonstration of clear understanding and application of conceptual frameworks discussed in the module Evidence of personally conducted primary research. (N.B. if you choose an organisation where you are unable to gain personal access you must display significant secondary research to compensate for the lack of primary research) Original thought in conclusions drawn and recommendations presented.
Introduction to the topic and aims of the inquiry and statement of assumptions adopted in the study and the reasons behind the choice of the topic.
Ability to critically appraise and discuss relevant literature.
The ability to collect, analyse, synthesise and use relevant information/data.
The use of relevant examples used and ability to integrate them within the whole discussion
The ability to formulate conclusions and recommendations Proper use of references
Style, structure, and presentation of the report.

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