Research Method For Strategic Managers

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BTEC Edexcel Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
Case Study/Assignment Activity
Unit/Learning Outcome
Unit 16: Research Method For Strategic Managers-Learning Outcomes 01, 02, 03,04,05

Group/Individual Activity Individual Activity Issue Date 23-3-2021
Assessor Name Mr. Suvodip Sen Hand In Date 5-4-2021

This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to present evidence of achievements towards the following learning
outcome(s) and criteria:
Learning Outcome 01: Understand how to select a research question
A.C 1.1 : select a research question
A.C 1.2 : explain the factors that contribute to the process of successful research question selection
A.C 1.3 : Justify their choice of research question
Learning Outcome 02: Be able to conduct a literature review
A.C 2.1 : conduct research to find literature relevant to the research question
A.C 2.2 : undertake a critical review of the key literature for inclusion in a research proposal
Learning Outcome 03: Understand techniques used to interpret data in a research proposal
A.C 3.1 : evaluate techniques for use with quantitative data in a research proposal
A.C 3.2 : evaluate techniques for use with qualitative data in a research proposal
Learning Outcome 04 : Be able to choose the appropriate methodology to research the question
A.C 4.1. evaluate appropriate research methodologies in terms of the research question
A.C 4.2 choose an appropriate methodology in terms of the research question
A.C 4.3 justify the methodology selected in terms of the research question
Learning Outcome 05 : Be able to use financial appraisal techniques to make strategic investment decisions for an
A.C 5.1. record findings on a research question, literature review and methodology in an agreed format
A.C 5.2 summarize the findings using suitable methods
A.C 5.3 present the findings using suitable methods
A.C 5.4 critically analyze the findings

Case Study / Scenario with Tasks Involved and Possible Evidence
This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to present evidence of achievements towards the following learning
outcome(s) and criteria:
Task 01 :You are required to select any research topic and carry out a research related to an area of professional business practice
that interests you.
Select a research question and explain the factors that contribute to the successful selection of the research question. Also provide
justification to the choice of research question. (L.O. 1)
Possible Evidence: Have a precise, clearly defined field/question of research so that there is no ambiguity and vagueness. Make
sure the research question supports area of your interest. The Objective behind the research should be very clear thereby justifying
the choice of research question.
01: Understand how to select a research question
Task 1. Select a research question A.C 1.1
Task 2. Exlain the factors that contribute to the process of successful research question selection A.C. 1.2
Task 3. Justify their choice of research question A.C.1.3
Task 02 : Conduct research to find literature relevant to the research question selected in the previous task. You have to undertake
a critical review of the key literature for inclusion in the research proposal. (L.O. 2)
Possible Evidence : You are expected to tap all the secondary sources of literature while carrying out a literature review including
internet, books, magazines, newspaper, journals etc. Minimum use of internet may be seen. Have more concentration on books.
Literature needs to be evaluated with regard to its credibility, validity, reliability, frequency of references and esteem in which
publications are held and use and acceptance by other Universities. Along with it assess the credibility of the websites and its
usage by scholars and publications. The literature review should be comprehensive and thorough. Learners should be selective and
disregardirrelevant material. Students are expected to include both Qualitative & Quantitative data.
02: Be able to conduct a literature review
Task 4. Conduct research to find literature relevant to the research question A.C. 2.1
Task 5. Undertake a critical review of the key literature for inclusion in a research proposal A.C.2.2
Task 03,04 &05 : You are now supposed to carry an in depth analysis based on the information collected from your earlier tasks
and any more information that you may collect primarily. Along with the report you are also required to present your project in
front of anaudience. (L.O. 03 – 05)
Possible Evidence : Here you are required to collect primary data as you have already collected the secondary data in your previous
task (task 02) The primary and the secondary data need to be sorted out in order to make it useful for analysis and presentation.
Conclusion needs to be arrived at after a detailed analysis of the collected data. There should be a clear distinction between the
findings, discussion and conclusion. You need to take care of all the ethical issues before you present your final report.
You need to evaluate techniques for use with quantitative (bar/pie charts, graphs, statistical tables, trends) and qualitative
(categorization, relationships, trends) data in your research proposal. This requires thorough understanding of both types of data
and the relevant techniques, and an evaluation of their appropriateness to the research question.
You need to evaluate appropriate research methodologies in terms of the research question, choose an appropriate methodology
and justify the selected methodology in terms of the research. This needs to include a thorough evaluation of all methodologies,
with clearreference to the research question, from selection through to justification.
A formal research report should be prepared explaining the techniques, methodology and findings in an agreed format,
summarizing, presenting and critically analyzing them in the process. Also the same should be presented in class as the assessment
criteria is also based on presentation. The presentation must be appropriate in format and content. It must also be professional and
show in-depth knowledge and understanding of the research, its context and a critical analysis of its success and findings.
Make sure that all the relevant material concerning your topic is collected
03: Understand techniques used to interpret data in a research proposal.
Task 6. Evaluate techniques for use with quantitative data in a research proposal A.C.3.1
Task 7. Evaluate techniques for use with qualitative data in a research proposal. A.C. 3.2
04: Be able to choose the appropriate methodology to research the question.
Task 8. Evaluate appropriate research methodologies in terms of the research question. A.C. 4.1
Task 9. Choose an appropriate methodology in terms of the research question. A.C. 4.2
Task 10. Justify the methodology selected in terms of the research question. A.C. 4.3
05: Be able to present the findings of a research proposal.
Task 11. Record findings on a research question, literature review and methodology in an agreed format. A.C. 5.1
Task 12. Summarize the findings using suitable methods. A.C. 5.2
Task 13. Present the findings using suitable methods A.C. 5.3
Task 14. Critically analyze the findings A.C. 5.4

· Word Process the assignment using font ‘Calibri’, size ’11 points’ and convert the same to PDF document before submission.
· Provide proper referencing and all referenced material should be appropriately quoted.
· Use the Harvard Referencing System for referencing and provide complete bibliography.
· Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity in your work submission.
· Use Business Report format while creating your case portfolio.

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