Requirements traceability

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Toward Reference Models for
Requirements Traceability
Balasubramaniam Ramesh, Member, IEEE, and Matthias Jarke, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Requirements traceability is intended to ensure continued alignment between stakeholder requirements and various
outputs of the system development process. To be useful, traces must be organized according to some modeling framework. Indeed,
several such frameworks have been proposed, mostly based on theoretical considerations or analysis of other literature. This paper, in
contrast, follows an empirical approach. Focus groups and interviews conducted in 26 major software development organizations
demonstrate a wide range of traceability practices with distinct low-end and high-end users of traceability. From these observations,
reference models comprising the most important kinds of traceability links for various development tasks have been synthesized. The
resulting models have been validated in case studies and are incorporated in a number of traceability tools. A detailed case study on
the use of the models is presented. Four kinds of traceability link types are identified and critical issues that must be resolved for
implementing each type and potential solutions are discussed. Implications for the design of next-generation traceability methods and
tools are discussed and illustrated.
Index Terms—Requirements traceability, reference models, requirements engineering, traceability models, traceability, traceability
framework, traceability practice.
Rapplication domain, usually organized according to EFERENCE models are prototypical models of some
some underlying basic metamodel. The purpose of reference models is to significantly reduce the task of creating
application-specific models and systems: The user selects
relevant parts of the reference model, adapts them to the
problem at hand, and configures an overall solution from
these adapted parts. Since the analysis of a domain can take
an enormous effort when started from scratch, the use of
reference models has been reported to save up to 80 percent
in development costs for systems in standardized domains
[1]. Not surprisingly, reference models have become highly
successful in many industries, the best-known example
being the SAP approach.
Not every domain is sufficiently standardized to allow
for a reference model of the final product—the system to be
built. Moreover, approaches like the one followed by SAP
are not necessarily supportive of change, especially when
this change goes beyond the initially covered domain.
However, at least experience on how to get to the product
should be reused [2]. This leads to the idea of reference
models for capturing the development process itself, not to
be confused with prescriptive software process models [3].
The process of developing reference models is arduous.
The traditional normative computer science approach of
imposing such models on developers is long known to have
failed in most cases. Reference models are therefore an
abstraction of best practice, condensed from numerous case
studies over an extended period of time, followed by more
case studies to refine and evaluate the proposed reference
model. There is nothing provably correct about reference
models; they derive their relevance from the slice of practice
they cover. Nevertheless, by formalizing a reference model
in an appropriate mathematical framework, at least a
number of elementary desirable properties can be ensured.
1.1 Why Reference Models for Traceability?
Our interest is the development of reference models for
requirements traceability. Summarizing several earlier
views and perspectives, Gotel and Finkelstein [4] define
requirements traceability as “
the ability to describe and follow
the life of a requirement, in both a forward and backward
direction, i.e., from its origins, through its development and
specification, to its subsequent deployment and use, and through
periods of ongoing refinement and iteration in any of these
.” The importance of requirements traceability is
highlighted by the fact that, for example, the U.S. Department of Defense spends about 4 percent of its IT costs on
traceability—often without getting an adequate value for
this money as traceability in many organizations is
haphazard, the standards provide little guidance, and the
models and mechanisms vary to a large degree and are
often poorly understood. Not surprisingly, the market for
requirements traceability tools is booming even though
current tools support only rather simple traceability models
and services.
Previous models of requirements traceability focus on
different aspects of requirements traceability. Version and
configuration management systems focus on the
aspect (i.e., physical artifacts where traceability information
is maintained), emphasizing the document management
. B. Ramesh is with the Department of Computer Information Systems,
Georgia State University, 35 Broad Street, Atlanta, GA 30303.
E-mail: [email protected].
. M. Jarke is with GMD-FIT, Schloss Birlinghoven, 53754 Sankt Augustin,
Germany, and with Informatik V, RWTH Aachen, Ahornstr. 55, 52074
Aachen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected].
Manuscript received 23 May 1997; revised 2 June 1999; accepted 27 Aug.
Recommended for acceptance by S.R. Faulk.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number 105117.
0098-5589/00/$10.00 ß 2000 IEEE
role of traceability [5], [6]. The source aspect remains
important: Only trace objects available in
persistent sources
actually constitute long-term traceability, so traceability
methods and tools have to make traces persistent reliably
and at acceptable cost.
Studies at the management level usually focus on the
STAKEHOLDER aspect (i.e., agents involved in the
management of traceability). A good example is the work
of Yu and Mylopoulos [7] who use dependencies between
stakeholders as a starting point for driving and documenting requirements processes. The roles of stakeholders with
respect to objects are emphasized in Gotel and Finkelstein’s
work on contribution structures [8]. Their empirical study
shows the practical value of using a rich system of
stakeholder roles in documenting the creation of requirements [9]; our longitudinal case study [10] shows that also
the different usage roles are important in designing and
implementing traceability systems. Summarizing, the stakeholder aspect becomes more important as the duration
and complexity of projects grow.
Despite the importance of considering physical trace
management and stakeholder roles, current practice shows
that the efficiency and effectiveness of traceability support
is largely determined by the system of
OBJECT types and
traceability link types offered. This is not only important for
fine-grained change management, but also has repercussions for the two other aspects, i.e., for source management
and stakeholder dependencies [11]. In this paper, we
therefore focus on the analysis of object types and trace
link types used in current practice and organize our
reference models around them. However, after presenting
the models, we shall discuss their embedding with the
stakeholder and source management aspects, including the
implications for tool design drawn from our studies.
1.2 Research Overview
Our own efforts to develop a reference model of traceability
were driven by experiences with the deployment of
REMAP, a model for design rationale and dependency
management we developed in the late 1980s [12], [13]. The
development of this model was guided by experiments
with experienced software engineers and it has in fact
served as a starting point for several commercial tool
developments, including the Knowledge Based Software
Assistant (KBSA) environment by Andersen Consulting.
Despite this apparent success, some users of REMAP
pointed out that it was too complex for some usage
situations even though each of its features was needed
sometimes. The informal feedback gained in these discussions was that a broad variety of traceability strategies is
practiced in industry and the existing models are too simple
and/or too rigid to deal with this variety.
In 1992, we therefore embarked on a two-pronged
strategy. In the European NATURE project, we began to
develop model-driven approaches to process guidance and
traceability that would provide the technical means for
dealing with a wide spectrum of traceability techniques. As
a starting point for this activity, we developed a basic
traceability framework that has become known as “the three
dimensions of requirements engineering” [14], [15]. In [11],
this framework was elaborated by a set of 18 types of
traceability links found in the literature and by the RSM
model which synthesizes the objects to be traced from 21
international software engineering standards. In [16], [17],
the resulting process-integrated tool environments are
In parallel, we began a four-year series of empirical
studies with American software development organizations
with the goal of

. capturing the current and desired practice in
requirements traceability,
developing and validating reference models which
could guide an improved practice, and
assessing the impact of good traceability on the
software development and maintenance process.

This paper presents the reference models, together with
their grounding in the empirical studies, and relates the
findings to requirements for future traceability mechanisms. Companion papers discuss the organizational
factors that guide the selection user organizations make
among such models [18] and the organizational implementation and impact of traceability, based on a two-year case
study in one specific organization [10].
In Section 2, we describe the design of the empirical
studies, starting from a brief survey of traceability uses
reported in the literature. Section 3 presents the first group
of results, a simple meta model according to which
traceability schemes can be organized. The studies show
that there is a clear distinction between low-end and highend users of traceability representing very simple and very
comprehensive traceability practices (explained in detail in
Section 2.5.2). Therefore, Sections 4 and 5 describe low-end
and high-end reference models separately and indicate
ways to migrate from one to the other. Section 6 contains a
fairly detailed example on use of high-end models for
supporting a large system-engineering project.
Sections 7 and 8 discuss the implications of our results.
In Section 7, we define four basic categories of traceability
link types and show how they map to the concrete link
types in the reference models; by discussing available
support for each link type, we relate our results to existing
research. In Section 8, general conclusions concerning the
functionality of traceability tools are drawn; the application
of these conclusions is demonstrated by another case study,
the development of the Design Rationale tool within the
KBSA ADM system of Andersen Consulting. Section 9
summarizes our results.
In this section, we describe the empirical studies used for
defining, validating, and applying the reference models.
2.1 Background: Definitions and Uses of
Requirements traceability has been identified in the
literature as a quality factor—a characteristic a system
should possess and include as a nonfunctional requirement
[19]. Many standards governing the development of
systems for the U.S. Government (e.g., MIL-STD-2167-A
and MIL-STD-498 which replaces it [20]) require the
development of requirements traceability documents.
Edwards and Howell [21] define traceability as a
technique used to “provide a relationship between the
requirements, the design, and the final implementation of
the system.” Palmer [22] states that “traceability gives
essential assistance in understanding the relationships that
exist within and across software requirements, design, and
implementation.” These relationships allow designers to
show that the design meets the requirements and help early
recognition of those requirements not satisfied by the
design. Palmer states that traceability helps ascertain
“how and why system development products satisfy
stakeholder requirements.” Hamilton and Beeby [23] view
traceability as the ability to “discover the history of every
feature of a system” so that the impacts of changes in
requirements can be identified. Greenspan and McGowan
[24] state that the ability to allow changes to any
artifacts—requirements, specification, implementation—to
be traced throughout the system is an important property of
any systems description technique. In short, requirements
traceability is a characteristic of a system in which the
requirements are clearly linked to their sources and to the
artifacts created during the system development life cycle
based on these requirements.
Many different stakeholders—project sponsors, project
managers, analysts, designers, maintainers, and end
users—are involved in the system development life cycle.
The traceability needs of these stakeholders differ due to
differences in their goals and priorities and many
problems of traceability stem from these differences in
interest [25].
Stehle [26] identifies some criteria from the perspective
managing a system development effort. Traceability helps
demonstrate that each requirement has been satisfied.
Further, it helps ensure that each component of the system
satisfies a requirement to ward off “gold-plating” [27], i.e.,
the addition of expensive and unnecessary features to a
requirements engineering, a major challenge is the
linking of rationales and sources to the requirements.
Traceability facilitates communication between those involved in the project to alleviate these problems. Requirements management can be facilitated by capturing
information necessary to understand requirements evolution and verification [28].
design, traceability allows designers and maintainers to keep track of what happens when a change
request is implemented before a system is redesigned [21].
Traceability is helpful if it can link designs to justifications,
important decisions and assumptions behind them, and the
contexts in which design solutions are arrived at [10].
Systems evolution requires a better understanding of the
requirements which can only be achieved by tracing back to
their sources [29]. Traceability provides the ability to crossreference items in the requirements specifications with
items in the design specifications [30]. Therefore, with
complete traceability, more accurate costs and schedules of
changes can be determined, rather than depending on the
engineer or programmer to know all the areas effected by
these changes.
Last, but not least,
test procedures, if traceable to
requirements or designs, can be modified when errors are
discovered [31].
2.2 Motivation and Overall Study Design
As a consequence of these different uses and perspectives
on traceability, there are wide variations in the format and
content of traceability information across different system
development efforts. Even though some detailed proposals
for traceability frameworks have been made [8], [11], the
current literature and the standards do not provide detailed
guidelines on what types of information must be captured
and used in what contexts. Though a variety of tools used in
the industry provide mechanisms to represent various
types of linkages between system components, the interpretation of the meanings of such linkages is left to the user.
Thus, there is a clear need for the development of reference
models and guidelines for their use in software development activities. A comprehensive scheme based on such
models can help ensure that traceability is maintained
through all phases of the systems development process,
from the requirements as stated or contracted by the
customer, through analysis, design, implementation, testing, and operationalization of the product. This step, from
the generic link types to their usage in typical development
tasks as encoded in a reference model, requires empirical
As discussed earlier, providing traceability of requirements to their sources and the outputs of the system
development process can be along several dimensions.
Different stakeholders contribute to the capture and use of
traceability information, often with different perspectives.
For example, the types of links of interest to a user may be
different from those of interest to a system designer. A user
may be interested in the answer to the following question:
What are the system components that are affected by a
requirement? A systems designer may, in addition, be
interested in the answer to the following: Why and how are
the components affected by a requirement?
Further, the semantics of a given linkage as viewed by
different stakeholders may differ. For instance, consider the
following relationship maintained in a traceability table:
may view the relationship as a means to identify a design
component that is generated by a requirement. A designer
may view the same linkage as providing information on the
constraint (i.e., requirement) that restricts a design object.
The semantics or the meaning attributed to a linkage is
guided by the reasoning that the user will be performing
with the linkage. While the end user may be interested in
just the connectivity information, the designer may be
interested in the repercussions of changes in the solutions
with the relaxation of the constraint (or redefinition of a
We conducted several empirical studies that capture the
information needs (with respect to traceability) of different
stakeholders involved in the software development process.
Data collection methods included evaluation of major
traceability tools, structured interviews with practitioners,
focus groups involving the various stakeholders, and an indepth case study of traceability practice in one organization.
Due to the elaborate preparation required to assemble
experienced practitioners in their organizational settings for
these empirical studies, data collection spanned a period of
over three years. Subsequently, the models developed in
this research have been used and incorporated in a number
of prototypical and commercial tools.
Table 1 summarizes the various steps in our data
collection and analysis steps and identifies the major
outputs of these phases. Each of these steps will be
described in the following subsections.
2.3 Pilot Study
The pilot study determined the appropriateness of the
various data collection approaches and guided the development of relevant instruments, such as a questionnaire for
structured interviews and focus groups. It involved focus
groups for idea generation, protocol analysis to study
problem-solving behavior, and structured interviews to
evaluate the initial results.
focus group is a semistructured exchange among a
small group of people conducted with a clear agenda. This
technique is the most commonly used qualitative data
collection methodology in market research [32].
Protocol analysis is commonly used in building expert
systems. The thought process of subjects is captured
through think-aloud verbal protocols. The protocols are
recorded as subjects think through a problem and verbalize
their thoughts. The recorded protocols are analyzed to
capture knowledge elements and operators that characterize the problem-solving behavior. In our context, the
knowledge elements provide insights into the relationships
or linkages and the operators provide insights into the
reasoning performed with the relationships.
Structured interviews were designed to provide further
insights into the nature of the traceability links, as well as
potential areas for providing support by explicit representation of these relationships. Further, various types of
reasoning performed by the stakeholders were identified
such that mechanisms can be developed to aid the tasks of
design and maintenance based on the nature of the
relationships and the perceived areas of potential benefits.
The pilot study involved 58 master’s students in
information technology at a graduate university. Many
subjects had extensive experience in domains such as ship
building and aviation maintenance, where traceability is
widely practiced. The participants had also completed a
comprehensive project involving the analysis and design of
a segment of a large-scale, real life system.
Six focus groups, consisting of eight to 10 subjects each,
were conducted. The discussion was moderated to discuss
definitions, need for traceability from different stakeholder
perspectives, the issues involved in creating a comprehensive traceability practice. Seven subjects participated in the
protocol analysis phase of the project. Think-aloud protocols of subjects involved in defining traceability links
(among requirements, design elements, and implementation) in projects they had participated in were collected. Six
subjects participated in structured interviews where the
results developed from the above data collection sessions
were reviewed and elaborated.
Besides the development of initial versions of our metamodel, the primary outcome of the pilot study was the
Summary of Data Collection and Analysis

development of a detailed design for the empirical study.
Focus groups and structured interviews were identified as
the primary methods for data collection during the
subsequent phases. The importance of incorporating both
contributors and users of traceability information in the
study was also highlighted.
2.4 Analysis of Current Tools
As a first step toward developing a clear understanding of
the current practice of traceability, a detailed study of the
capabilities of major tools that support traceability was
undertaken. All leading CASE tools on the market were
included in the study. These include SLATE, DOORS,
Marconi RTM, Teamwork/RQT, RDD-100, RTS, and
1 Three CASE tools developed by system engineering organizations for in-house use were also studied. The
study included a detailed review of vendor-provided
literature, participation in vendor-provided training (ranging from one to five days) on the tools, and interviews
with at least two major users of each of the tools. It
provided clear understanding of the capabilities of current
tools, the areas of traceability supported by each tool and
shortcomings of the different approaches to traceability
supported by them, which was very valuable in the design
of focus groups and interviews. The details of the tool
analysis are not reported here, as they were subsumed by a
later survey of traceability tools conducted by the International Council on Systems Engineering (see and extended in [16].
2.5 Main Study
The main part of the study comprised 30 focus group
discussions in 26 organizations. They were conducted in a
wide variety of industries, including defense, government,
aerospace, hardware development, pharmaceuticals, utility,
system integration, electronics, and telecommunications.
Table 2 gives an overview of the organizations involved.
Whenever feasible, participants representing different user
and consumer perspectives were included. On average the
focus groups consisted of five participants. As in the pilot
study, focus groups were followed up with selected
structured interviews.
The participants had experience in several key areas of
systems development including project management, software engineering training, requirements management, software testing, system integration, configuration
management, procurement, development support, software
quality assurance, systems analysis, maintenance, software
implementation. The participants had an average of
15.5 years experience in systems development.
2.5.1 Phase I
The focus groups were conducted in two phases. In Phase I,
building on results of the pilot study, data from five focus
groups involving 30 participants was used in developing a
traceability meta-model. The meta-model defines the
language in which traceability reference models are
described. It provides the primitives to represent different
traceability linkages among the various objects produced
during systems development. It further represents the
agents involved in the systems development process, as
well as the sources in which traceability information is
captured. The meta-model is discussed in Section 3. The
meta-model was checked for plausibility and terminology
by a group of experts drawn from different industries and
stakeholder groups.
An important outcome of this study is also the
identification of various types of traceability information
and the development of an initial scheme for encoding
reference models from data collected in subsequent phases.
2.5.2 Phase II
The second phase involved the development of reference
models of traceability practice. Data from 23 focus groups
was used in the development and classification of traceability links representing current practice and ideal practice.
Issues addressed in the focus groups. Each focus group
started with clarifications on the definitions and terms used.
This included the identification of the various stakeholders
involved in traceability, the system lifecycle phases covered
in the project being discussed, the system components to
which traceability is intended, and the various views on
The focus group participants were then asked to discuss
their current traceability practice as well as desired
traceability practice. To achieve comprehensive understanding of the current and desired practices, participants
were asked to elaborate their ideas from two different
. User perspective. What types of traceability information are needed and are useful at different phases of
the system development process? How is this
information captured and by whom and at what
phase of the system development life cycle? What
are the costs associated with the capture of this
. Provider perspective. What types of traceability information does each stakeholder capture? In what
phase of the lifecycle and how is it used and by who
and when? What are the benefits associated with the
capture of this information?
Wherever available, the participants were asked to
answer these questions with specific reference to the reports
and documents produced and/or used in the organization.
The next part of each focus group was devoted to a
discussion of the different types of traceability links used in
that organization:
1. How are the various traceability relationships
identified in the traceability documents?
2. How are the traceability relationships created/
defined and prioritized? Who are the stakeholders
involved in managing these links?
1. System Level Automation Tool for Engineers (SLATE) is a ComputerAided System Design Groupware and is a trademark of TD Technologies,
Inc. DOORS is a trademark of Quality Systems and Software Limited. RTM
is a trademark of Integrated Chipware/Marconi Systems Technology.
Teamwork/RQT is a trademark of Cadre Technologies, Inc. RDD-100 is a
trademark of Ascent Logic Corporation. RTS is a trademark of Electronic
Warfare Associates, Inc. RTrace is a trademark of Transfer Logic

3. How are the traceability links maintained, reviewed,
updated, or changed, by whom, and during which
4. What are the mechanisms for defining and maintaining the semantics of these links?
5. What are the uses of each type of traceability link
6. What are the issues that facilitate or impede the
implementation of traceability?
Organizations Involved in Focus Groups and Interviews

TABLE 2 (continued)
Organizations Involved in Focus Groups and Interviews

Each focus group session lasted between 1.5–2.5 hours.
All sessions were audio or video-taped for further analysis.
When this was prohibited by security or confidentiality
concerns, a scribe documented the discussions.
During the focus groups, a deeper understanding of the
different types of traceability links discussed in the
literature was developed. The usage of these link types in
practice was gradually encoded in reference models for the
major uses of traceability, as discussed in Section 5.
High-end and low-end users. It quickly became apparent that the participants in our study could be categorized
into two distinct groups with respect to their traceability
practice. We refer to them as low-end and high-end
traceability users.
The characteristics of both groups are summarized in
Table 3. The representation of the two groups in our
empirical study is also discussed in this table. Briefly, lowend users with just a few years of traceability experience see
it simply as a mandate from the project sponsors or for
compliance with standards. In contrast, experienced highend users are experiencing traceability as a major opportunity for customer satisfaction and knowledge creation
throughout the systems lifecycle. The perceived importance
of traceability grows with system complexity. As the
following sections will show, the reference models used
for low-end and high-end traceability users differ substantially. However, it should be noted that even an organization with predominantly low-end practice may have
“mature” traceability practice in some areas and vice-versa.
Development of reference models. The analysis of the
data followed standard procedures used in qualitative
research that employs focus groups and interviews. The
data was analyzed using a form of content analysis [33]
where the data is categorized into concepts. The primary
concepts in our study are the various types of traceability
links used in current and ideal practice. The results
presented in this paper are based on a “qualitative or
ethnographic summary” [34] and rely on direct quotations
from the data. As suggested by Morgan [34], the analysis
was done in two phases. During Phase I, a detailed
examination of the data from five focus groups provided
the initial categories and concepts along which the data was
coded. This scheme was developed iteratively so that it was
sufficient to explain the data. The scheme from this study
was used in the analysis of data from Phase II to identity
and refine components of traceability models. Triangulation
[33] across multiple data sources (multiple participants that
represent different stakeholder perspectives from each
organization) and across data collection methods (focus
groups, interviews, and review of traceability documents)
helped confirm the findings. Each concept represented in
the reference models presented in Section 5 was included
only if it was observed in practice (as reported as current
practice in focus group discussions and/or structured
interviews and/or represented in traceability documents)
and identified by others as a part of desired practice. Each
traceability information in the high-end models is either in
use or considered desired practice by at least six organizations in our study.
We have developed two sets of models: The low-end
models describe the current practice in low-end organizations. The reference models for high-end users in different
systems development activities represent the best practices
in the industry.
2.5.3 Phase III
The reference models developed from Phase II were
presented to two groups of experts for comments and
feedback. These two groups were composed of experienced
traceability users drawn from different industry groups.
The two groups provided informal “validation” of the
models presented here and further provided suggestions on
the implementation of the models in system engineering
2.6 Model Use in Tools
Based on the suggestions received from the experts and our
analysis of the current traceability tools, we identified
characteristics of system engineering environments for the
Characterization of Low-End and High-End Usage of Requirements Traceability

implementation of the traceability reference models
(cf. Sections 7 and 8). To develop and adapt reference
models, the software information system requires support
for specialization and instantiation, applied both to nodes
and links.
In order to ensure formal consistency of the proposed
models and to be able to demonstrate them to users and tool
vendors, the meta model and the reference models were
first encoded in ConceptBase [35], a knowledge-based meta
database management system based on the Telos language
[36]. We shall use ConceptBase screenshots to show the
reference models in Sections 4 and 5.
For initial validation, a ConceptBase prototype of an
early submodel was included in the concept demonstrator
of the Knowledge-Based Software Assistant (KBSA) project
of the U.S. Air Force. Demonstrations of these prototypes,
together with their empirical grounding, led to the adoption
of our reference models in several commercial traceability

. The traceability scheme of SLATE, a leading system
engineering tool, is architected around earlier ver
sions of the models presented here.
The design rationale models presented here are the

primary components of the Knowledge-Based Software Assistant tools Concept Demo and ADM
created by Andersen Consulting on behalf of the
U.S. Air Force.

. The models have been incorporated in the Tracenet
tool that supports the capture of traceability across
multiple environments.
The models have been tailored and used in a large

commercial and a government system engineering
organization [10]. The models have also been
tailored to support traceability to formal specifications in a model management system [37].
Though a detailed discussion of the experiences from
these implementations is beyond the scope of this paper,
they seem to provide strong evidence of usability and
scalability of the models in real-life system engineering. We
present two case studies in Sections 6 and 8.
In the next three sections, we present the reference models
resulting from our studies. We assume that our traceability
reference models will be implemented in some trace
repository (manual or computerized). It is widely accepted
that such a repository will comprise at least three layers (for
details, see e.g., [38], [39], [40], [11]):

. the meta model defining the language in which
traceability models can be defined;
a set of reference traceability models which can be
customized within the scope defined by the meta
model; and
a (possibly distributed) database of actual traces,

recorded under the chosen models.
We adopt the convention that we denote node metaclasses (e.g.,
STAKEHOLDER) by small bold caps and their
instances (e.g., C
USTOMER) by nonbold small caps. Similarly, link metaclasses (e.g., TRACES-TO) are denoted by
bold italics, specific link types by standard italics (e.g.,
The practitioners and focus groups in Phase I of the main
study confirmed that the most essential aspects of traceability can be captured in the very simple meta model,
shown in Fig. 1, which thus provides the basic language
primitives for categorizing and describing traceability
models in more detail.
Each entity and link in the meta model can be specialized
and instantiated to create organization or project specific
traceability models. The meta model can be used to
represent the following dimensions of traceability information (cf. Table 4):
1. What information is represented—including salient
attributes or characteristics of the information?
In the model,
OBJECTS represent the inputs and
outputs of the system development process. Examples of various types of
represent the major conceptual elements among
which traceability is maintained during the various
life cycle stages.
OBJECTS are created by various
organizational tasks. Examples of tasks include
systems analysis and design activities. This information can be represented as an attribute of
Traceability across various
OBJECTS is represented by the TRACES-TO links. For example, a
DEPENDS-ON link between two objects (a REQUIREMENT and an ASSUMPTION) can be represented as a
specialization of this
Fig. 1. Traceability meta model.
2. Who are the STAKEHOLDERS that play different
roles in the creation, maintenance and use of various
OBJECTS and traceability links across them?
In the model,
STAKEHOLDERS represent the
agents involved in the system development and
maintenance life cycle activities. Examples of
STAKEHOLDERS include the project managers,
systems analysts, designer etc. These
STAKEHOLDERS act in different ROLES or capacities in
the establishment and use of the various conceptual
OBJECTS and traceability links.
3. Where it is represented—in terms of sources that
“document” traceability information?
OBJECTS are documented by SOURCES,
which may be physical media, such as documents
or intangible things, such as references to people or
undocumented policies and procedures. Examples
as references to various
STAKEHOLDERS using their
phone numbers, e-mail address etc.,
STAKEHOLDERS manage the SOURCES; i.e., they create,
maintain, and use them.
4. How this information is represented—both by
formal and informal means and how it relates to
other components of traceability?
The sources, as mentioned above, can be physical
or intangible. Further, they can be represented at
different levels of formality. Some sources such as
requirements specifications may be text documents,
whereas others design documents may be represented in multiple formats such as graphics and text.
5. Why a certain conceptual OBJECT was created,
modified, or evolved?
The rationale behind the creation, modification
and evolution of various conceptual
OBJECTS can be
represented as a specialization of the meta-class
OBJECT. Then, it can be linked to the conceptual
object (using a specialization of the traces-to link).
More complex models of rationale, which include
issues, alternatives and arguments supporting and
opposing them can also be represented as specialization of the
OBJECT-TRACES-TO-OBJECT relationship in our model.
6. When this information was captured, modified, and
Relevant temporal information about any of the
entities or links in our model can be represented as
their attributes. For example, the frequency or the
time/duration at which a requirement or design was
created, reviewed, modified, or justified by a specific
rationale can be represented with this scheme.
The three nodes of the meta model correspond roughly
to the three dimensions of requirements engineering
proposed by Pohl [15] in that they cover the aspects of
understanding (objects), agreement (stakeholders), and
physical representation (sources). However, note that we
are not discussing the requirements process per se, but the
creation and usage of traces.
A model of the typical low-end user’s traceability efforts is
provided in Fig. 2. The names of objects and links presented
here are our interpretations (validated by the expert groups)
of what was observed in practice. Many organizations
simply use traceability tables to link various components of
information without explicit identification of the semantics
of such relationships. Low-end users created traceability
links to model requirement dependencies, allocation of
requirements to system components, compliance verification, and change control. For the following, recall that we
denote traceability linkages by italic small-caps (
while components that they link are indicated with uppercase letters (O
BJECTS). For every link in the model an
inverse may be defined.
Typical low end users viewed requirements traceability
as providing a link from initial R
actual system C
OMPONENTS that satisfy those requirements. However, first, the higher level requirements must
be decomposed to a more refined level. During this
recursive process, lower level R
from higher level system REQUIREMENTS. (“Often derived
requirements are the problem; you do not know why and how
they got there, want to make sure that every low level requirement
is tied to the bigger level specification.
”)2 Typically, this
2. This is a direct quote from a subject participating in a focus group or
interview. Henceforth, all quotes from a subject will be italicized and
included within quotation marks, but no specific reference will be made.
Traceability Dimensions—An Example

information is captured in a relational database, and used in
the form of a traceability matrix.
Original and derived R
system C
OMPONENTS. (“We want to track which component
will take care of what requirement by creating an allocation
.”) An allocation table is the common mechanism used
to maintain this information. This simple two way mapping
between requirements and system components is usually
used also to ensure that there are C
system that
SATISFY all REQUIREMENTS. (“When you want to
know which part of the system satisfies what requirement, you can
go to the allocation table to identify it. Whether it does indeed or
not is another matter—for testing to worry about
By capturing which components satisfy various requirements and which requirements are mapped to different
components, the designer is able to verify that all requirements are addressed by the system.
In the Compliance Verification phase of systems
development, low-end users use the requirements database, which contains the most current version of the
system’s validated requirements, to develop the system
as tests or simulations.
CVPs developed for each
EQUIREMENT are usually maintained in a REQUIREMENTS-and-TESTS traceability matrix. (“A matrix showing
the tests to requirements is very important to make sure all
requirements are adequately taken care of
If a change should occur in the requirements, then the
traceability links could identify the
CVPs that must be
modified or redeveloped.
CVPs are PERFORMED on the
system components verifying that the component satisfies
the requirements. Results of the tests are used to verify
that the system works and that it meets all of the
requirements. (“
Tests performed indicate whether we indeed
achieved success in implementing goals and satisfied the
.”) A system COMPONENT may DEPEND on
others and may also
. This information is used in evaluating how a
requirement is satisfied by a system component.
Low-end users lacked especially in the area of capturing
rationale. In requirements management, for example,
information concerning requirement issues, how they are
resolved, and the rationale for the decisions is seldom
captured. Likewise, similar information is absent in the
design and implementation phases. (“
Often we have no idea
who made these decisions, and how they impact the rest of the
effort. Simply trying to do these at the end of the project or after
the fact does not work. Often the people who worked on it are gone
without a trace, of what happened… not disciplined enough to
document these… with all the demands on the team
High-end users of traceability employ much richer traceability schemes than low-end users and also use traceability
information in much richer ways. We have, therefore,
segregated the high-end model into four parts for clarity:
Requirements Management, Design Allocation, and Compliance Verification. In addition, Rationale Management
now takes center stage.
Fig. 2. Low-end traceability model.
5.1 Requirements Management Submodel
Traceability, when implemented correctly, would greatly
benefit requirements management, facilitating requirements
understanding, capture, tracking, and verification. The
following is a discussion of the Requirements Management
model presented in Fig. 3.
Systems are built to primarily satisfy
ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS. These needs may either be long term
, as denoted by the IS-A hierarchy (shown as thick
lines in Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6). These two needs support each
other and are often detailed in
the intended use or purpose of the system. (“We build the
system obviously to satisfy some long term or operational goals
of our sponsors. In our environment, these are clearly stated in
the mission needs statement—MNS—operational requirements
document—ORD—two important documents to work within
any effort. Obviously, these are at a very high level, laying out
the goals
The objectives that the system is trying to meet,
, must be JUSTIFIED by ORGANIZATIONALNEEDS. (“…the system draws its legitimacy from the MNS and
.”) Stakeholders such as customer, program manager,
program sponsor, etc., specify the
EQUIREMENTS for the system are GENERATED from these
YSTEM OBJECTIVES. (“The high level goals are after all too
vague to be called requirements—for contracting. Specific,
detailed requirements have to be developed to proceed further
Due to the large number of requirements associated with
complex systems, it is important to determine those factors
that are critical to the success of the project and to manage
requirements based on how they contribute to these factors.
The stakeholders involved in the identification of the
SUCCESS FACTORS (CSF). (“Stakeholders have some issues or
values like, no mistakes or system errors, performance is the most
important thing, the power requirements are the most critical item
in this area
.”) RESOURCES such as Cost, Time, Weight,
Voltage, etc. are examples of
CSFs. (“A lot of decisions have
been made… because of cost and weight, mostly cost.”) (“It will be
a combination of technical and cost trades
for the system are MANAGED (budgeted, monitored,
tracked, etc.) by these
CSFs. For example, the mission
Fig. 3. Requirements management submodel.
criticality (a CSF) of requirements could be used in
classifying and monitoring requirements. Similarly,
such as weight in an aerospace system or the total cost of
development can be used in tracking and monitoring
requirements. As part of the negotiation process among
stakeholders, many trade-offs are made in deciding the
scope and functionality of the system depending on their
impact on
CSFs. (“Typically we enter into a complex negotiation
process of what is in scope, what is out of scope; what is affordable,
what is not affordable. And I believe this is where traceability
earns its keep
.”) Such decisions determine, among many
things, whether requirements identified initially are feasible, cost effective, or desirable.
Not all requirements are equal in significance or
criticality; requirements may be traced through the lifecycle
at different levels of granularity or detail in order to
optimize on resources spent. It may be unnecessary or even
undesirable, considering the overhead involved in maintaining traceability, to maintain linkages between every
requirement and every output created during the systems
design process. The
CSFs may be used in deciding when it is
essential to trace requirements in detail and when finegrained traceability is less important (“
…just try to get as
much traceability information for the critical requirements, and
not as much for the requirements that may not be as important
REQUIREMENTS can be traced throughout the lifecycle to
provide stakeholders with a view to understand and
evaluate whether the system supports these
CSFs (“…the
smaller subset is the driving, high risk set of requirements that
merit more visibility in the tracking of the program… we have an
attribute of a requirement that we call technical performance
measure (TPM). Is it high risk, do we want to put a TPM against
this requirement? The TPMs are all programmed, tracking,
giving them higher visibility to see how we are doing
.”) Further,
requirements may also be based on S
and P
ROCEDURES. Maintaining the links between requirements and the sources and the requirements willl help
understand and correctly interpret them.
ONSTRAINTS may be treated as a type of REQUIREMENT (denoted by IS-A link). Several focus groups stated
how constraints become hard requirements because they set
limits within which the system is to be developed. (“
are designed and decisions made with constraints considered
5.1.1 Evolution
One of the biggest challenges in managing large, complex
systems is due to the way requirements are constantly
evolving and changing. Each focus group noted that, in
order to accurately reflect this volatility, a requirements
traceability scheme should help document and understand
the evolution of requirements. Two major sources of
Fig. 4. Rationale submodel.
changes are: 1) the need to fix a deficiency in the system,
identified during, say operations or testing (discussed in
detail in Section 6.4) and 2) changes in O
NEEDS. Various stakeholders modify SYSTEM OBJECTIVES
based on changed ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS, leading to
changes in R
EQUIREMENTS. In projects with very long life
cycles, such as military applications, not only is the nature
of systems requirements dynamic, but even the O
RGANIZATIONAL NEEDS (mission and operational) and the SYSTEM
OBJECTIVES keep evolving. (“Systems that were considered
successful during the cold war era are no longer considered useful
as strategic and mission needs are evolving rapidly
.”) It is not
possible, however, to abandon all investments in such
systems and develop new systems to meet current needs.
The lack of comprehensive traceability is a primary reason
for the inability to identify components that are linked to
various objectives and modify them to meet the current
requirements. (“
We cannot clearly figure out which part of the
system we can retain and which part is no longer relevant… we do
not have the traceability details for these systems any more
Traceability links are needed among R
that get specified at different levels of detail as they evolve
through the various stages of the development lifecycle. The
recursive links among R
EQUIREMENTS shown in our model
are useful in providing a historical record of requirements
evolution and in mapping a R
EQUIREMENT back to its
sources, thereby facilitating a complete understanding of
where a requirement comes from.
5.1.2 Derived Requirements
Lower level REQUIREMENTS are DERIVED from higher level
EQUIREMENTS, usually based on assumptions made by
stakeholders. Derived requirements need to be tracked
carefully as they are likely to be a major source of conflicts
and issues, and are subject to changes as assumptions
behind them are often unrecorded. Requirements that are
derived “
create a collection of requirements at a different level
of detail. Traceability helps clearly identify derived requirements that “
partially satisfy the originating requirement.” (“We
find things in requirements documents which most people did not
know where they came from. Then we will figure out that someone
created these consolidating or clarifying other requirements. We
now have a policy to identify—and before that—agree on these
derived requirements. There is lot of room for problems when we
go from customer given requirements to lower levels based on our
interpretations. We try to document these also in as much detail
or at least know who is responsible
.”) Further, this traceability
information is useful in managing the “explosion” in the
number of requirements (“
…if you can start with 30 pages of
requirements, top level, then you can go to your prime item
Fig. 5. Design allocation submodel.
development specifications and you could consider those requirements derived from those 30 pages, but then you have those second
and third generation… derived requirements between those… you
have an explosion of derived requirements and relationships
Some R
providing further explanation or clarification. This added
detail assists in understanding the assumptions behind
requirements as well as how they are interpreted. (“
Sometimes you add requirements really because you find them
unclear. They are refined, and become more specific in detail
then in fact are more demanding than the original requirement
might have been
EQUIREMENTS also DEPEND-ON others. For example, a
requirement to use a specific software platform may
depend on a requirement to use a specific hardware
platform. Identifying these dependencies is important,
especially when requirements change, so that the impact
of the change on the entire system can be determined.
Different people and teams work on different parts of
requirements, some even from other parts of the organization or
subcontractors. It is when it is difficult to trace whose part affects
which other. After all they are part of the same system. We get
into major problems down the line when we are unable to figure
out these connections
Complex requirements are often broken down into their
components, identifying simpler requirements that form a
PART-OF them. These links help in understanding how
various pieces of a requirement fit together and are
especially important on large, complex systems whose
requirements may contain several interdependent parts.
We split a requirement to deal with different aspects… like
.”) IS-A links between requirements show the
parent/child hierarchical relationships. (“
Higher levels of
requirements are just abstractions of lower levels
. Initially its a
top-down, hierarchical decomposition starting with the most
general goals of the customer, flowing down to a set of systems
performance requirements… you now can have children with
multiple parents, whereas originally we were probably looking at
children with a single parent
.”) IS-A hierarchies can be used to
show the relationship between requirements specified for
an entire class of hardware to be used and those for a
specific type of hardware component.
5.2 Rationale Submodel
The following is a discussion of the Rationale submodel
presented in Fig. 4. The specification, elaboration, decomposition, derivation and modification of
OBJECTS such as
Fig. 6. Compliance verification submodel.
ISSUES or CONFLICTS, often due to the differing interpretations, assumptions, interests, viewpoints, experience, and
objectives of the stakeholders. Information about how
decisions are made to resolve these
ISSUES must be
maintained throughout the system lifecycle to ensure that
customer requirements are understood and satisfied.
Traceability pays for itself by making sure you understand
how the requirement is interpreted, how it is being implemented,
and what were the issues that were considered in the design to
satisfy that
.”) These DECISIONS, in turn, may AFFECT
Various A
LTERNATIVES that address the resolution of
issues are considered. (“
We want everyone to know what the
options are, why we are picking one versus another. They can
immediately see if these decisions will affect their parts and this
feedback is important in making the right decisions. Getting a
resolution through this process is also helpful in bringing
everyone on board and on the same sheet of music
.”) ARGUMENTS for and against each ALTERNATIVE may be
proposed. The
DECISION to SELECT one or more ALTERNATIVES is often INFLUENCED by the CSFs. (“All parties
understand the various possibilities and why one looks better than
others in terms of what is critical for the project
A common observation made by most focus groups is
that such detailed information on all the A
considered, the ARGUMENTS supporting and opposing
these alternatives and the assumptions behind these
decisions are seldom explicitly recorded. Most often only
the chosen alternative is well-documented and the discarded ones are not recorded. With evolving requirements,
availability of such information may help avoid expensive
rework. (“
We debated that for two weeks now. Why was it
thrown out years ago when we got one camp arguing to put it
back in and another to keep it out. And, if we could have gone back
and assessed why we made that decision two years ago it would
have saved us a lot of time
Often, the capture of rationale at the detail described
above is impractical due to overhead involved in capture
and due to the lack of tools to facilitate it. However, simple
descriptions of rationale on which R
DESIGNS are based may be recorded along with the
assumptions behind them. Further, A
underlying the various components of the deliberation are
also recorded. (“
We record the rationale as simple notes, and add
specifically any assumptions we have made. It is useful to keep
track of these assumptions as clearly as possible for these are the
most likely candidates for changed requirements
.”) We return to
this issue in Section 8.5.
Over the lifecycle of large projects, requirements,
assumptions, etc. change. Further, such projects also
experience personnel turnover. If a detailed rationale is
not maintained, these changes lead to a lot of rework. (“
already looked at that trade-off, that approach, but the person who
did it—the analysis—is leaving and the person that reviewed it is
gone, so we churn the whole thing again.”) (“This is a lengthy
look at all these issues with a lot of people that contribute to,
touch, change, add, use this information
During the systems development process, different
stakeholders often bring different interpretations of requirements and their origins. For example, even when two
different stakeholders review the same origins of a
EQUIREMENT (say, a standard) they may interpret it
differently. Often the difference in interpretation is the
cause of conflicts between stakeholders, even in a cooperative setting. (“
You can look at a given set of requirements and
they might be meaningless if you do not really know what the
customer needs because you can interpret them wrong, or at least
two or three different ways
Another reason to have detailed rationale is to provide
accountability. Information about how the requirements
and design have evolved, what changes have been made,
why and how they were made, and the status of their
development is extremely helpful to those stakeholders that
were not involved in creating the requirement. (“
If you do
not have traceability to the rationale, it is impossible to
understand many low level requirements. They may have made
sense to the person who evaluated the options and not for others
5.3 Design/Allocation
We use the term design to refer to any activity that creates
artifacts, including implementation. In Fig. 5, R
govern the system development activity. (“
We have to follow
military standards and policies to make sure we are compliant
to as C
OMPONENTS) are the building blocks of the system.
They are
DEFINED or CREATED by the DESIGN process.
supposed to satisfy them. The components could be a piece
of hardware, software, humanware, etc. (“
At the allocation
step you are going to allocate to people, to processors, to memory,
to hardware, etc.
the functionality and performance of one may depend on
another. When the interfaces between different components
are explicitly identified (for example, in interface specifications), maintenance of dependency information is easier.
The difficulty in the identification of indirect dependencies
among C
OMPONENTS makes it important to record them
when they are indeed discovered. For instance, an operating system on one component may affect the choice of
hardware on another, even though there may be no direct
interfaces between them. When a component is created or
modified, this traceability information is helpful in determining the impact on the entire system. (“
This information is
hard to figure out and people who know about how your work on a
piece affects some seemingly unrelated piece do not share this
information, leads to a lot of rework
The composition of C
OMPONENTS is identified using the
PART-OF links. This information allows the designers to
identify intercomponent dependencies. (“
As I change a part
or break it into subparts, I would like to have some sort of
traceability or mesh structure which gives some sort of relationships… I would like to know what is the characteristic of each
.”) The IS-A hierarchy specifies that components
are organized at different levels, from system to subsystem
to item and to unit. (“
We want to keep track of common details
for the same types of components
ESOURCES (such as money, weight, personnel,
power, etc.) are
in Section 5.1, when these resources are CSFs, it is
important to track their allocation, distribution and
utilization during design and implementation. (“
At the
allocation level there needs to be parameters that associate
budgets of resources that are going to be consumed… and
then you are going to have to test to see that you are
somehow compatible with, complying with and not grossly
out of bounds with your budgeting
.”) (“I want traceability to
give me some level of assurance of particular steps in the
design process, that I am meeting or likely to meet, system
goals or to help me to allocate resources or capabilities in
such a way that I maximize the likelihood of meeting system
goals.”) (“If cost happens to be the major system driver,
then what I am really interested in is keeping track of
actual or supposed cost of the components. If, on the other
hand, memory space is the primary driver, they might not
really pay as much attention to cost, as how my decisions
impact the allocation of memory space
Several focus groups mentioned that it was important to
identify the
FUNCTIONS are typically traced to the functional
EQUIREMENTS explicitly identified in requirements documents. (“…we have to keep the functionals separate. We want to
make sure each of these is addressed in some way by the different
pieces of the system.”) (“Another use of traceability in design is
allocating functions in such a way that you are sure that they
support each other and do not interfere with each other
.”) A
as the design progresses, all R
EQUIREMENTS must be fully
satisfied. The difficulty in explicitly creating traceability
links between nonfunctional requirements and system
components was also highlighted by several groups.
…with nonfunctionals, it is a problem. How are we going to
say which part of the system affects, how much of a performance
requirement to give a 20 millisecond response
The C
that they often interface with them. Direct interfaces are
easier to recognize and represent in a traceability framework than indirect dependencies. (“
A particular product line
is going to be brought on board a ship and its going to have to
plug into an already existing system… the things they need to
know is what is the functionality that the system needs to have,
what is the demand on these services that they would have, and
the range of the demand… especially with respect to the system we
are plugging into
Our discussion in Section 5.2 on the capture of rationale
applies also to the capture of rationale behind the
development of D
ESIGNS and COMPONENTS. (“Traceability
would come in handy for determining the reasons for your
design.”) (“That is the design knowledge capture that we were
supposed to maintain. What is basically here is the design the way
it is and here is the decisions, the thought that went into that
decision. And then when you changed them, here is how we
changed them.”
5.4 Compliance Verification Submodel
INSPECTION shown by the IS-A links) are developed to
ensure that each of the requirements is adequately
addressed. (“
We write the test specifications by taking apart
the Software Requirements Specifications and Component
Specifications.”) (“You have got to be able to specify what you
are going to test taking Standards into account
.”) The ability to
CVPs is a critical factor in deciding whether a
requirement is considered as such. (“
If something is
untestable or we elect not to test, then it becomes no longer a
requirement, or at least we all agree, that it is unverifiable
The development of
CVPs is also governed by their USE
of RESOURCES (such as personnel, money, etc.). The
utilization, assignment and availability of resources often
determines whether one can even perform a compliance test
or if the cost-benefit analysis of performing it justifies it. The
trade-off between the resources allocated to development
CVPs is often a source of ISSUES or CONFLICTS that
must be resolved. (“
How are we going to find that this is how
far we should go in testing. It is a matter of trade-off, and for
.”) The rationale submodel can be used to
represent the process of resolution of these.
ETHODS are commonly the basis of CVPs and determine
CVPs are required and how they are to be performed.
Often, requirements are written such that they comply with
these. (“
Before we decide on a testing strategy, we want to go to
the same standard which the requirement is trying to meet
.”) It is
important that the
CVPs for a requirement use the same
interpretation of the standards used while developing
requirements. In the absence of traceability between the
EQUIREMENTS and the STANDARDS on which they are
based, it is difficult to develop
CVPs. (“There is a lack of a way
to firmly assure that the tests you are generating really reflect the
same thing as the standard used in writing the requirement
CVPs produce results that either verify how the COMPONENTS satisfy REQUIREMENTS or help GENERATE
or I
MPLEMENTATION. They are thus used to certify
completeness and correctness of the system and identify
changes that may be necessary to meet the objectives. (“
the design or requirement is changed based on tests, my current
system continues to support my objectives
In this section, we illustrate an advanced usage of the
models presented in Section 5 with a case study adopted
from a system for a U.S. Government organization.
The case study is based on the combat systems section of
a new ship (refered to as ECS hereafter).
3 The discussion
highlights the implementation of traceability at various
stages of systems development. We focus on the development of a passive sonar for the ECS, and describe how
traceability, using the high-end models described in
Section 5, can be implemented in this project. This
implementation is described using scenarios at various
stages of the development life cycle. The objective of our
discussion is to illustrate implementability and tailorability
of the models. In this section, the Requirements Management, Design allocation, and Rationale management models
are used for this purpose.
3. The discussion has been “sanitized” to protect proprietary or
confidential data.

The implementation of the models has been made using
a popular commercial CASE tool, viz., System Level
Automation Tool for Engineers (SLATE). SLATE’s traceability scheme is represented using links among abstraction
blocks (which are building blocks used to represent
physical and conceptual objects). User defined subtypes of
TRACE LINK object can be used to represent specific
types of links. The link subtype is identified within
parentheses with every link. In SLATE, an object that helps
define another object is termed a defining object. Objects
that comply other objects are called complying objects. For
example, a traceability link from a system objective to an
organizational need will identify the mission need as
defining object. Also, a traceability link from a system
objective to a requirement will identify the requirement as a
complying object. Table 5 provides the legend for Figs. 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 containing these traceability
concepts used in SLATE.
6.1 Requirements Management
The traceability scheme used for requirements management
is adopted from the high-end requirements management
model and implemented in SLATE, as shown in Fig. 7.
Specifically, it shows the linkages among requirements,
mission needs, system objectives, and critical success
factors. It also includes components of the rationale model
to represent the rationale behind requirements.
Mission Needs. According to this traceability model, a
first step in a system development activity is defining the
ISSION NEEDS are provided in a document called the
segment of which is shown in Fig. 8, resides as a living
document in the SLATE database. The MNS document
contains the “big picture” requirements for a Surface
Combatant ship, the subject of the ECS. It provides general
guidelines on the mission, capabilities, design and architecture constraints, and personnel constraints. It also
provides some operational constraints.
Each mission needs identified in the MNS is represented
in SLATE as an abstraction block. For example, Fig. 9 (line 3)
shows that a mission need is represented by the abstraction
block no. 7, which is also specified as a defining object. In
contrast, line 5 identifies a complying object, viz. the system
overview. This, in fact, represents the S
(corresponding to the ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS in Fig. 3).
The tracing of relevant parts of S
with statements in the MNS is shown in Fig. 7 using the
JUSTIFIES link. The project sponsors involved in the
definition of S
YSTEM OBJECTIVES create these linkages
to justify each objective based on their relation to higherlevel mission needs, i.e., provide “backward traceability”
to the origins of requirements. During discussions about
the rationale for different functionalities of the system,
this traceability will be valuable. For example, the
systems analyst can use this information to initially get
the “big picture” of what the customer wants the system
to do and why.
Requirement Identification. The next step in the
development is the identification of requirements. As
shown in Fig. 7, R
YSTEM OBJECTIVES. The original requirements document
for the ECS that includes requirements for the Passive
Sonar Requirements is maintained as a living document
in SLATE. A SLATE utility called Requirements Identifier
parses documents to identify statements that meet user
defined criteria for identifying requirements using keywords. In our case study, in compliance with project
standards, sentences that contain the word “shall” are
identified as distinct requirements.
Parsed text subsequently becomes R
shows System Objective (2.0 System Overview) with several
complying requirements (Requirements 3-2 through 3-5).
Requirements Rationale. Fig. 11 depicts information
about a particular R
EQUIREMENT 3-3. It identifies the
broadband figure of merit at a geometric mean frequency
in a radio frequency band against a source level target.
Requirement 3-3 has a link to the paragraph in the source
document from which it was identified (see Line 5 in
Fig. 11). This source paragraph is identified as the defining
object. In SLATE,
RATIONALE can be attached to REQUIREMENTS in the form of notes. A user defined NOTE type
RATIONALE is used for this purpose. In our example,
(see line 7). This
RATIONALE addresses the Figure of Merit
(FOM) required to achieve sufficient detection range against
most likely submarine threat. Requirement 3-3 is also linked
to a paragraph from the system objectives that generated it.
6.2 Design Allocation
The high-end design allocation model has been tailored
for use in the ECS problem. The model shown in Fig. 12
identifies the linkages between requirements, design,
system components, and functions. Further, it identifies
resources used by system components as well as
standards/policies/methods that constrain the design. In
this model, the link between standards/policies/methods
and design has been defined as the inverse of the link
shown between these objects in the high-end design
allocation model shown in Fig. 5.
During the design phase of ECS, Data Flow Diagrams
(DFD) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) are used to
capture the information flow in the system. SLATE
provides an interface with TeamWork
5, a CASE tool used
in ECS for this purpose. When abstraction blocks in SLATE
are linked with the DFDs in TeamWork, objects called
Traceability Concepts Used in SLATE
4. As mentioned earlier, for each link in our models an inverse may be
5. Trademark of CADRE Technologies.

TeamWork handles are formed. Fig. 13 illustrates abstraction blocks representing the sonar and its components, as
well as the TeamWork handles for the corresponding DFDs.
Here the TeamWork handles represent the traceability link
between information represented in SLATE and TeamWork. The SLATE objects are treated by TeamWork as
requirements attached to individual processes in a DFD.
SLATE provides a mechanism for synchronizing TeamWork when objects change in SLATE. A similar mechanism
can be used to link requirements represented in SLATE and
functions represented in TeamWork.
Fig. 14 shows the defining objects for Requirement 3-3,
namely its source document paragraph, its rationale, and
system objectives. The first complying object (line 6) is a
Fig. 8. MNS document.
Fig. 7. Requirements management model.

cell (Row 10, column 3) in a table that contains the
constraints that must be satisfied by the design. These
constraints were created by the design team based on the
analysis of requirements. In fact, the value in this cell
references a string in the requirements statement. Now,
any changes made to the requirement will be automatically reflected in the constraint. In our example, the
requirements statement mentions the need for BF
microcode which, in turn, is referenced in the cell. If
the requirement 3-3 is changed from BF microcode to SC
microcode, it will automatically change the constraint on
the functional design. Requirements in this project often
contain such parameters that may get modified during
development. Maintaining information in one location
and referencing it in R
EQUIREMENTS (as well as other
relevant objects) significantly increases the integrity of the
Fig. 9. Traceability links.
Fig. 10. Requirements compliance with system objectives.

information besides reducing the possibilities of overlooking important changes.
The next two objects shown in Fig. 14 are two
functions represented as abstraction blocks, viz.
Signal Conditioner and Digital Beamformer. The
Requirement 3-3 has been allocated to these blocks that
depict the functional view of the passive sonar system.
These could just as easily describe any other view, for
instance, the physical system components to which the
requirements are allocated.
Fig. 11. Requirements rationale.
Fig. 12. Design allocation model.

resources, can be modeled using budgets. In ECS,
REQUIREMENTS are be managed by CSFs (as shown in Fig. 7) and
resources are used by system components. These are
represented by attaching budgets to relevant objects such
as R
shows that Requirement 3-9 is linked to a component
(abstraction block 1.2.1 Hydrophone) to which a budget for
hull size is attached. Budgets are used for planning as well
as for performing “what if” analyses. SLATE supports
hierarchical budgets (similar to nested spreadsheets). For
example, the budget for the hull size attached to the
Hydrophone can be linked hierarchically to the budgets for
its children and so on. Any allocations done at the lowest
Fig. 13. Design linked to system components.
Fig. 14. Traceability between requirements and design.

level (leaf nodes) can be “rolled up” the hierarchy. Another
potential use for budgets in complex projects such as ECS is
the ability to monitor the cost and schedule of a project.
6.3 Rationale Management
Discussions about requirements may raise issues or
conflicts. Alternative ways of addressing these issues are
explored and decisions to resolve those issues are made.
(which are used to represent rationale, as shown in Fig. 7)
can be represented in SLATE using different types of notes.
Fig. 16 shows an example. The
ISSUE relates to the
EQUIREMENT of tracking 100 targets. Two ALTERNATIVES 1 and 2 are proposed. Alternative 1 suggests
that the system should “keep the capabilities of simultaneously tracking 100 targets.” Alternative 2 advocates
that the design “reduce the capabilities of simultaneous
tracking to 50 targets.” Argument 1 supports Alternative 1
Fig. 15. Budgets for modeling resources, critical success factors.
Fig. 16. Rationale capture.

by stating that “we need to be capable of drug
interdiction operations…” Argument 2 supports Alternative 2 by stating ”since the cold war ended, we do not
need the capability of tracking 100 targets simultaneously.” Based on these
made to keep the capability of tracking 100 targets
NOTE type can be assigned attributes. For
example, an attribute to identify the “originator” of the
SSUES and ARGUMENTS can be used. Capturing this
type of information is useful when a project is completed
and the customer questions why something was implemented a particular way. Further, this information is
useful while performing system maintenance. Capturing
the original issues and decisions can prevent rework on
the same issues that have been resolved long ago. The
mechanism described here can be used for maintaining
rationale in any phase of the lifecycle.
In this section, we have illustrated how the high-end
models proposed in Section 5 could be tailored and
implemented in large-scale system design situations. This
also provides a concrete example illustrating the instantiation of the model components. By using a commercial CASE
tool, we further highlight the implementability of the
reference models. In several such case studies, the models
proposed in Section 5 have been shown to be both
adaptable and implementable within currently available
commercial environments.
Summarizing the differences between the low-end and the
high-end uses of traceability, we observe that the latter are
characterized mostly by two extensions:

. They employ a much richer type system for the
product-related object and link categories, thus

enabling easier retrieval and more precise (human
or computerized) reasoning about traces.
. They have a much stronger emphasis on the processrelated categories; indeed, in the long-term case
study conducted as part of this work [10], the step
from low-end to high-end traceability was followed
by a strong increase in the SEI capability maturity
The large number of different link types precludes an
individual treatment of each one. However, as shown in
Section 7.1, we can group the link types found in the
reference models into a few basic categories. We then go
again back to the empirical studies in order to identify the
necessary tool support for each category, and point out
proposals in the commercial or research literature that may
address these issues. Conversely, this discussion then also
provides a classification of the solution proposals advanced
for traceability tool services.
7.1 Basic Classification of Traceability Links
Formally speaking, a traceability system can be defined as a
semantic network in which nodes represent objects (also
stakeholders and sources which we do not consider at the
moment) among which traceability is established through
links of different types and strengths. This dependencydirected approach of maintaining consistency of designs
dates back at least to the work of Stallman and Sussman [41]
and is by now well-established.
The simplest traceability tools are purely relational (i.e.,
in the form of relational databases or spreadsheets) and do
not systematically distinguish different node and link types.
Others, such as RDD-100, use a basic entity-relationship
structure to distinguish nodes and links and allow the user
to introduce distinctions between different types of nodes
and links. However, this begs the question of which node
and link types
should be defined.
In the literature on software information systems, a large
number of link types have been proposed, many of which
are also important for traceability. The basic organization
and abstraction mechanisms, independent of traceability,
are detailed in [39]. In the NATURE project, a comprehensive literature survey revealed 18 different types of
dependencies in the traceability context [11]; these were
grouped into five clusters named
condition, contents,
documentation, evolutionary, and the already-mentioned
As a starting point for classifying our empirical observations, we adopt a simple system of just four types of
traceability links, shown in Fig. 17. A first group of
traceability links and mechanisms could be called
productrelated because they describe properties and relationships of
design objects independent of how they were created. In
Fig. 17a, the high-level object (e.g., a requirement, a
standard, a policy, or complex design object) defines some
kind of constraint or goal which should be
one or more lower-level objects. Satisfaction is usually just a
claim that must be substantiated by compliance verification
procedures (cf. Section 5). The shared constraint or goal to
be satisfied also implies a
DEPENDENCY between lowerlevel objects. Generalization and aggregation abstractions
(i.e., configuration of complex objects) are special kinds of
dependencies. Thus, we have two basic kinds of productrelated traceability links, satisfaction links and dependency
Fig. 17. Product and process-related categories of traceability links.
links; low-end traceability users tend to be characterized by
relying mostly on these two link types.
The second group of traceability links is called
processrelated because it can be captured only by looking at the
history of actions taken in the process itself and cannot be
recovered from the product relationships alone. Fig. 17b
looks very similar to Fig. 17a, with the important difference
that the evolution link types have a
temporal direction: The
left lower-level design object
EVOLVES-TO the right one
through some kind of action whose
RATIONALE is captured
in the higher-level object. Thus, the two kinds of processrelated links are evolution and rationale links. Advanced
traceability users typically have a higher share of link types
belonging to this category.
If we enhance the traceability meta model of Fig. 1 with
these four traceability link types, we get an “onion-shell”
meta model of traceability, as shown in Fig. 18. Reflecting
back to our empirical studies, the models used by low-end
traceability users tend to focus on the inner kernel of the
model more advanced users tend to venture further out to
process-related issue and more explicit source and stakeholder management.
As evidence for these observations, Table 6 summarizes
the link types of the high-end models according to how and
where they are used and the link category they belong to.
The abbreviations in the right column refer to the submodels in Section 5 where the link types occur: RM for
Requirements Management, R for Rationale, DA for
Design/Allocation, and CV for Compliance Verification.
7.2 Issues in Implementing Traceability Link Types
Besides the classification of the different link types, a
second goal of our study has been to identify issues in
implementing their capture and use in system engineering
practice. For each of the four link types discussed in the
previous subsection, we first present the issues raised by
our empirical study participants and then discuss solution
strategies proposed in the literature. The overall result is
that local solutions exist for all the identified issues;
however, the question of how to configure such individual
solutions to usable and more powerful trace tools than
those on the market today remains open. In Section 8, some
more general design goals for such systems will be
discussed, and an example of an interesting solution will
be given where several of the issues addressed in this
section have been combined in a creative manner.
7.2.1 SATISFIES Links
The focus groups raised three main issues concerning
support for the satisfaction links:
Derived Links. An important use of requirements
traceability is to ensure that the system meets the current
set of user requirements. Representing this information is
considered to be critical from a project management
perspective. It is usually accomplished by creating a link
between the set of requirements and a set of system
components that
SATISFY them. Such links may also be
indirectly derived. An important concern of the study
participants was the lack of support in many CASE tools for
the automated identification of derived links. (
“I do not have
the time to link every requirement with everything produced at
different stages. These links must be automatically derived
whenever possible.”
) For example, requirements may be
linked to designs that are intended to satisfy them. Designs,
in turn, may be linked to relevant system components.
Then, a derived link is created from requirements to system
Mechanisms for automated inferencing incorporated in
deductive or active database environments such as
ConceptBase [35] can be used to infer “derived links” in a
traceability environment. As a critical first step, the
semantics of the different linkages among objects must be
clearly represented.
Multiple Sources of Support. When a set of requirements may be satisfied by a set of system components, the
status of a requirement (whether satisfied or not) can be
ascertained based on whether the relevant set of system
components meet their goals. Most tools do not provide a
way to represent the fact that alternate ways may exist for
satisfying a requirement. (“
We cannot state that the requirement is met by either this solution, or another one, or a
combination of system components easily in these tools. This will
give me the flexibility to accurately convey the multiple solution
paths I need to follow anyway
A goal tree is a good representation for answering
questions about how goals were achieved and why they
were attempted [42]. Well-defined inference procedures
for finding “optimal” solutions from a goal tree can be
used in finding the best possible way to satisfy a
requirement or resolve an issue (say, with least cost) if
they are represented as a goal tree. In the context of
system engineering, the goals could correspond to
requirements that need to be satisfied, issues that need
to resolved or complex decisions that need to be made.
Each of these “objects” in our model can be represented
by a goal tree. The nodes of a goal tree are of two types:
OR nodes represent choices, i.e., they are satisfied when
Fig. 18. Traceability meta model extended with principal link types.
any of the immediate subgoals are satisfied; AND nodes
represent simultaneous subgoals that must have compatible solutions, i.e., they are satisfied only when all
subgoals are satisfied [43].
Degrees of satisfaction. During systems development,
project managers would like to ascertain how close they
are to satisfying critical requirements. In complex
systems, many requirements (especially, nonfunctional
Traceability Link Types Used in Reference Models

requirements) cannot be said to have been “satisfied”
absolutely. Often, a designer is interested in maximizing
the degree to which a requirement is satisfied. For
instance, a performance requirement to provide response
time of 100 milliseconds in a missile system may be
thought to be reasonably well satisfied if the system
meets the requirement within a few milliseconds of this
target. Here, 105 millisecond and 95 millisecond response
times may be considered to satisfy the requirement with
different degrees. Most current tools do not provide
natural ways to represent such information. (“
For compliance, I want to track how well I am doing on a requirement
based on progress in implementation. It is hard to get this
information into and out of my tools.’ I need this information
for trade-offs
Mylopolous et al. [44] suggest that goal satisficing
(rather than satisfying) may be a more appropriate way
of characterizing this situation. The concept of satisficing,
as defined by Simon [45], refers to methods that look for
satisfactory rather than optimal solutions. Using this
framework, a system component may be thought of as
contributing positively or negatively towards satisficing a
requirement. Hauser and Clausing [46], in the House of
Quality, use four categories to relate how each development characteristic affects the customer quality requirement: strong positive, medium positive, medium negative,
TABLE 6 (continued)
Traceability Link Types Used in Reference Models

and strong negative. Here, we have a measure of not only
the directionality (positive or negative) of a relationship,
but also its strength (high, medium, etc.). This scheme
can be incorporated in our traceability model as follows:
A system component may contribute toward satisficing a
requirement along these four (or a finer grained)
categories. For example, a user interface component may
have a strong negative impact on a performance
All three issues—derived links, multiple support, and
degrees of satisfaction—can also occur in combined form.
When a requirement is satisfied by a set of component,
mechanisms for combining the “evidence” for its satisfaction must be developed. For example, if all the “evidence” is
in the same direction (positive), the degree to which the
requirement is satisfied may be treated as the minimum of
the support it receives. Situations in which a requirement
receives both positive and negative support at varying
degrees pose a significant problem. Requirements that rely
on user perceptions (such as usability of a system) require
qualitative measures of ascertaining compliance as well as
qualitative mechanisms for combining evidence. Combining beliefs in evidence and propagating such beliefs in such
an inference network may be supported with mechanisms
such as Dempster-Shafer, Bayesian Probability, Belief Networks, and Fuzzy Logic [47]. Whereas Fuzzy logic provides
good mechanisms for representing and combining imprecise, qualitative evidence, the other, more quantitative,
methods provide stronger methods for combining evidence
from multiple sources.
7.2.2 DEPENDENCY Links
The dependencies created between objects when trying to
satisfy some goals are at least minimally supported by
almost all traceability models. Issues raised by the study
participants therefore address the lack of precision in
characterizing the types and strength of such dependencies,
resulting in much less automated support than would be
Types of dependency and inferencing services. Most
traceability models explicitly represent dependencies
among objects. For example, dependencies among system
components, requirements, assumptions, and decisions are
part of a high-end traceability scheme. The type of
dependencies that exist among objects vary widely. For
example, a software requirement may depend on a
requirement for a specific hardware, implying that in order
to meet one the other has to be met. Such a dependency is
very different from the relationship between two outputs
that must be produced in a predetermined order. For
example, an organization may have a policy that the test
plans for a requirement must be developed before design
solutions that satisfy the requirement are considered. Our
empirical studies identified two problems related to the
management of dependency links. First, most traceability
frameworks simply identify that there exists a dependency
between a set of related objects without the ability to specify
the nature of the dependency. (“
We create matrices that show
that there is the hardware requirements on one column that affect
the software requirements on the other. This obviously is not good
enough. It is not clear whether these two are related as they
consume the same resource like power or because one has to be
completed before the other… One needs to intuitively figure out
what the connection is
.”) Second, as the nature of the
dependency is not well specified, the ability to support
the use of traceability information is limited. (“
We got this
dependency as the two components will have to share the same
memory. As I keep developing one, the impact on the other must
be easy to figure out… how much the total memory is already
accounted for. But, my trace matrix stops with just listing the two
involved components. There is no help for assessing how changing
one affects another
.”) Thus, our study suggests that the ability
to define different types of dependencies within a traceability framework and developing support mechanisms to
manage such dependencies will be very valuable.
In addition to research in theoretical computer science
and in operations research, several schemes for identifying
different types of trace-oriented dependencies have been
proposed in the literature. For example, Yu and Mylopoulos
[7] classify dependencies among stakeholders into three
categories: goal dependency, task dependency, and resource dependency. This scheme can be adapted and
extended to manage dependencies as follows:
. Dependency links among requirements may often be
goal dependencies. For instance, a software requirement may depend on a requirement for a specific
hardware. When a goal dependency between two
such requirements exists, inference procedures that
monitor whether (or how well) the dependent
requirement is satisfied are necessary.
. The dependency between objects created by their
common reliance on a task
creates a task dependency.
Design objects (say, the ERD and DFD) often have
task dependencies. Here, the corresponding artifacts
must be produced following a specified method
(e.g., structured methodology). If the object (say,
ERD) is produced using any other procedure, the
correspondence between the two components may
not be as expected. When a task dependency exists
between two objects, procedures for monitoring the
progress of the task using the specified procedure
are essential. For instance, whenever a change in one
of the artifacts is initiated, all associated task
dependencies must be checked for compatibility.
. A resource dependency may involve resources that are
physical (e.g., money, electricity) or informational
(e.g., data). A navigation control system may
resource-depend on radar input. When such a
dependency exists, the quality, quantity, and frequency of such dependence and the interfaces for
the transfer of resources must be identified. When a
resource dependency exists, procedures for monitoring that the dependee provides the desired quality
and quantity of resources at specified frequency are
necessary. It may be necessary to identify who is
responsible for the resource and the conditions on
which the resource delivery depends.
. Additionally, a temporal dependency exists when
actions relating to objects are done in a specified
temporal order. The temporal order could be
specified by operators such as before, after, during,
concurrently, etc. Often system development activities involve strict temporal ordering. For instance, a
temporal dependency link could be set up to enforce
the policy that test plans must be created before
designs for addressing a requirement are completed.
Violations of temporal dependency constraints can
be monitored using a temporal reasoning system.
Strength of dependency. Another problem associated
with maintaining dependency information is that all
dependencies are treated as equally critical. Our studies
identified the inability to precisely identify the strength of a
dependency link to be an important issue for the users of
this traceability information. (“
We got two requirements in this
matrix, all I know is that changing one will affect the other. In
some cases, I really need to take it seriously. The impact can be
devastating. But often times it is not that serious. But, I got to ask
around to see which ones I should really worry about. It is not in
the matrix
Hauser and Clausing [46] propose a scheme for assigning qualitative or quantitative weights to links. Yu and
Mylopolous [7] adapt this scheme in their nonfunctional
requirements framework. Based on these, the degree to
which a dependency is important to those involved in a
dependency linkage is termed the
strength of the dependency.
This is a measure of how much one object affects the other.
It could be measured qualitatively (e.g., high, medium, low,
etc.) or quantitatively (e.g., 1-10 on a 10 point scale). The
strength of the dependency will also very much influence
the type of inference procedures and monitoring necessary
to ensure the enforcement of various types of dependencies.
A network of dependencies such as those discussed in
this section can be defined at different levels of formality
[41]. At the most basic level, a link simply identifies the
existence of a dependency between two objects. As the only
information contained in such a representation is that one
object has something to do with the other, the potential for
automated reasoning is limited, even when the type of
dependency is identified. For example, if there exists a
resource dependency between, say, two components in a
satellite, we can infer that whenever the weight of one
changes, it will affect the other component. A more detailed
representation will also capture the direction in which the
dependency affects an object. In this example, information
on whether the effect of the change is positive or negative
can be captured. Finally, a very detailed model will
represent the exact nature of the influence that one
component has on the other, possibly expressed in a
detailed, domain-specific mathematical model. It may, then,
be possible to compute the effect of change in the weight of
one component on the other. Obviously, the more welldefined the dependencies are, the more sophisticated the
inferencing capabilities.
7.2.3 EVOLVES-TO Links
Traceability models represent the process of modification,
refinement, and evolution of different objects through a
variety of links. The objective is to capture the history of
the development in a structured manner so that it will
facilitate understanding and management of the objects.
For example, in our high-end models, requirements
evolution is modeled using links such
DEFINE, ELABORATE, DERIVE, etc. These links can be
considered to be specializations of some generic
EVOLVES-TO link. Our empirical studies highlighted two
dilemmas in the management of links representing
evolution. First, many traceability frameworks simply
represent the fact that an object has evolved, without
any elaboration. For example, derived requirements may
be simply identified as a new requirement. (“
…do not
know where the derived requirements came from
.”) On the
other hand, very fine-grained representation of the
evolutionary path may not be desired in cases where
the process is implicitly well-understood. (“
We manage
derived requirements in a separate document. As long as we
create a simple trace matrix showing the customer requirements
and the derived requirements we are fine
.”) Another area of
concern is the weak support for versioning and configuration management in traceability tools. (“
I have a good
sense of how my source code is managed within a configuration
system with nice features for notification of changes, but not
with my traceability tool
When a fine grained representation of the evolutionary
path of an object is not desired, a higher level view can be
captured by using just the generic link. Much of the
prerequirements traceability information can be thought of
as representing the evolution of needs and goals into
requirements and, therefore, can be represented using these
links. The evolutionary links can be used for chronological
replay of the evolution of an artifact. For subsequent phases
of development, transformational approaches to software
engineering, constraint-based techniques, as well as research in version and configuration management, have
created elaborate refinements (and associated reasoning
schemes) of the simple
EVOLUTION link. We do not pursue
these specializations further in this paper, but just mention
that they can be easily embedded in the framework
presented here.
Software configuration management [6] tools provide
facilities for representing and enacting policies regarding
the evolution of coarse-grained artifacts, and provide
mechanisms for notification of the user about changes.
These functionalities are likely to be very useful for
managing traceability information. However, traceability
tools often manage finer-grained objects with more representational diversity, so the combination of configuration
management and traceability remains a partially open
7.2.4 RATIONALE Links
Issues concerning the rationale links partially repeat the
demand for multigranular representations already discussed for other link types; however, in addition, the
capture of the stakeholder dimension of traceability is
considered a key issue.
Rationale at different levels of detail. Study participants wish to maintain rationale for different types of
artifacts and decisions at different levels of detail. The
criticality or the importance of a requirement, for instance,
will be a principal factor in deciding the granularity of
rationale captured. In contrast, many traceability schemes
we observed in practice prescribe a single framework for
representing rationale which is either too fine-grained to
justify the overhead in all cases or too coarse to be of value
in critical instances. (“
We are supposed to be documenting
critical decisions. We are just now going through a review of a
very, very critical decision—worth several hundred million
dollars. We can not for the life of the project figure out how we
came to the conclusion we came to in the first place. It looks
doubly bad with the sponsors that we come up with a different
answer now. It is all in the details and assumptions we made. But
this is where good traceability could have paid off big time… But
we cannot do it in this much detail with every decision. We just
cannot afford the time for so much detailed documentation for
every case… How do we do it right… it is a major issue—we got
all these details. As a manager, I cannot get a quick glimpse of the
big picture from their reports easily
Most tools for the management of rationale, such as gIBIS
[48] and SYBYL [49], as well as traceability tools such as
RDD-100, support a uniform approach to the representation
of rationale. This results in either a very simple scheme that
is not detailed enough to document critical aspects of
systems development or a comprehensive scheme too
complex to be implemented in every stage of systems
development. Also, a detailed study [10] reveals that, when
the amount of rationale captured is left to the discretion of
the project participants, the quality and content of this
information fluctuates depending on time pressure and
personal preferences. The rationale management approach
taken in the KBSA-ADM tool (discussed in Section 8.4)
illustrates a compromise. This tool supports the capture of
rationale at multiple levels of detail and also provides a way
to map the rationale captured with a comprehensive
rationale into a simple view to provide a “
big picture.”
Link to sources and stakeholders. Rationale links help
represent the context in which various objects are developed. Our empirical study highlighted two common
concerns: The need to link to the various sources of this
information to not only reduce the overhead in capturing
rationale, but also to ensure minimal loss of detail. (“
As long
as I know where to look if I want to understand why we decided
the way we did, it is sufficient. I am not only too busy to reenter
into the trace tool, I also do not want to interrupt the critical
activities to do it
In large projects, the overhead involved in the detailed
representation of rationale can be considerable. Facilities to
link any object (say, a requirement or a decision) to its
sources, such as documents, meeting minutes, e-mail
exchanges, etc. will help minimize the overhead. Also, this
may facilitate nonintrusive capture. The use of multiple
media to capture such informal knowledge has long been
recognized in the literature [50], [51] and confirmed in
studies of design situations e.g., [52]. The use of thick
descriptions for representing traceability is discussed in
detail in Section 8.3.
Traceability mechanisms support the capture and usage of
trace data, i.e., to document, parse, organize, edit, interlink,
change, and manage requirements and the traceability links
between them. Besides generic tools such as word
processors, spreadsheets, hypertext editors, and relational
databases, a number of specialized RT tools are being
offered, either stand-alone (e.g., RDD-100 [53], DOORS [54],
SLATE [55]), or embedded in an integrated CASE environment (e.g., Teamwork/RqT [56]).
The majority of present traceability tools offer tabular
representations of dependency structures in a relational
database formalism. Thus, they are well-suited to support
the low-end user who requires little differentiation between
link types and uses only very simple allocation and
dependency analysis. A few tools allow the user to
specialize link types, but it is hard to attach semantics to
them. Others offer a fixed high-end set of link types with
hardcoded semantics, but tend to force the user to actually
supply this detailed information in all cases, even if a
simpler model would suffice. Moreover, most tools just
offer mechanisms for persistent storage and display of
traceability information, but they do not support the
of capturing and reusing traces by guidance or enforcement
in a systematic manner; those that do tend to have very
rigid process models.
Not surprisingly, our empirical studies showed that
users are not very happy with the current mechanisms
supporting traceability. Some high-end development teams
have built elaborate in-house extensions and work-arounds
to existing tools which, however, also tend to become
inflexible and difficult to maintain. Even high-end users do
not always use the sophisticated models presented in
Section 5. Instead, as indicated when discussing the various
link types, they carefully consider the trade-off between the
effort needed to capture complex traceability information
and the subsequent value of having this information in each
situation in the development process. These observations
indicate that a new generation of traceability mechanisms
will be needed which we shall try to characterize in this
The key observation is the
situated nature of traceability
capture and use
. The implications of this observation include:
. The need for abstraction mechanisms that allow the
variation of granularity (aggregation abstraction)
and sophistication (generalization abstraction) in
traceability tasks.

. The need for inference services supporting the
semantics of the different traceability link types.
The need for maintaining a baseline of
thick descrip
of traces (e.g., using multimedia) in case the

initially chosen level of trace analysis needs to be
reassessed later on.

. The need for mechanisms that allow project man
agers and developers to define and enact a

driven trace process accompanying the development
We discuss these implications in turn. In the final
subsection, the design of the KBSA ADM tool by Andersen
Consulting illustrates how some of these principles have
been applied in practice.
8.1 Abstraction Mechanisms in Trace
The relational representation used in most existing tools
does not lend itself naturally to the simultaneous
representation of traces at multiple levels of granularity
(e.g., milestone level, document level, fine-grained level).
The act of representation entails making judgments about
the level of granularity at which the information should be
represented. Overly large-grained representations may
result in the loss of useful detail, while overly fine-grained
representations may create trivial knowledge where the
benefits do not warrant the cost of creating such knowledge.
Aggregation hierarchies in semantic data models offer an
adequate formal means to deal with the granularity
problem. However, existing literature does not offer
demonstrably effective decision rules for making judgments
about granularity; therefore, tools should support multigranular strategies such as presented in Section 8.4.
A similar problem of overcommitment is faced when
considering the generalization abstraction. Such hierarchies
allow a smooth transition from low-end to high-end
traceability models, at least in the sense that a mix of traces
captured with varying sophistication can be interpreted
uniformly in terms of the low-end models used.
Finally, the instantiation abstraction allows the definition
and change of meta models and, thus, the adaptability of
traceability environments to new needs via reorganization
and, possibly, the integrated interpretation of traces
captured in heterogeneous environments.
In summary, we advocate a move toward more
semantics in traceability data models. This move will be
facilitated by recent trends in object-relational database
technology that offer many of the required extensibility
features on top of the proven framework of the relational
data model.
8.2 Inference Services
In large projects, the traceability knowledge base can
become quite large. As the information needs of participants can vary widely, navigating the entire knowledge
base to retrieve relevant information can be very difficult
even with sophisticated browsing capabilities. Ability to
access relevant information using ad hoc queries can be
very helpful.
Inferencing also helps maintain integrity of a knowledge
base of interdependent components that get incrementally
defined and modified. Such inferencing will be aided by
mechanisms for aggregation, classification, and generalization of traceability information.
The ability to make deductive inferences from traceability knowledge base is very helpful in reducing the
overhead and increasing the usefulness of the traceability
knowledge base. Further, mechanisms to maintain and
manage dependencies among various components of
requirements traceability can be supported with deductive
database capabilities for query processing, deductive rules,
and integrity enforcement.
8.3 Grounding Traceability Models in Thick
Requirements traceability can be represented in a variety of
ways, from
mathematically formal representations (e.g.,
transformations that can be used to derive one problem
state from another in formal software development) to very
informal representations (e.g., design notebooks that record
rationale in natural language) [49].
A primary benefit of formal representations is that they
facilitate automated reasoning. However, formal representation of requirements traceability is often difficult as most
design situations lack well-defined formal models. Converting informal traceability information into formal models is often extremely labor-intensive and subject to personal
bias and choices.
Since design is primarily a collaborative process [57],
requirements traceability knowledge often consists of
deliberations among individuals engaged in the process.
Attempts to represent informal knowledge through formal
tools and notations can result in thin descriptions, with the
consequence that much of the meaning embedded in such
information is lost [58].
Informal representations of requirements traceability can
address many of these problems. Such “thick descriptions”
[59] enable the user of requirements traceability to grasp the
subtleties, tacit and mutual knowledge, and glean descriptions of work practices that are otherwise not made explicit
[60]. Finally, unlike formal representations, which can only
be used by individuals who are familiar with the rigors of
such formalisms, informal representations can be used by a
wide set of users. However, informal representations
provide another set of problems: The classification, indexing, retrieval, and use of such information in large projects
can be impractical. Moreover, though understandable by
humans, such information representations are not amenable
to automated reasoning. Thus, while informal representations hold much promise with respect to their information
content and ease of capture, the difficulty of accessing and
reasoning with such information can undermine their
In summary, then, formal and informal representations
of requirements traceability complement each other in their
respective strengths and weaknesses. Informal representations are easy for capture, whereas formal representations
can be manipulated by well-defined inference procedures.
Thus, as observed in recent studies on design rationale [61],
effective schemes for the capture and use of requirements
traceability should seek to combine the advantages of both
forms of representations. A tight integration of formal and
informal aspects of the requirements traceability information will not only facilitate the capture of various types of
information in a format that is most appropriate, but also
help use/reuse the captured information in an efficient
8.4 Model-Driven Trace Capture and Usage
Assuming the above-mentioned formal and representational problems have been solved, the project manager or
developer can now define the kind of information to be
recorded in a trace, i.e., specify the products of traceability.
However, the traceability environment still lacks two other
important features:
. It provides no means to define the trace steps by
which the defined information should be recorded.
For example, the project manager can define that
decisions should be recorded together with their
arguments. But, she cannot define in which situation
and by which specific process steps this should
happen. In other words, we cannot define the
process guidelines according to whether the trace
information is captured or used during the development process.
. It provides no tool support for the stakeholders in
actually capturing the information according to a
defined trace process. Depending on the importance
attached to certain trace information in a given
situation, the environment could either simply wait
for the information to be entered optionally (the
default option in most current tools), it could remind
the stakeholder to record the information, it could
force the stakeholder to do so by blocking the further
development process, or it could even record (some
of) the information automatically. The development
of such an approach requires that the traceability
process cannot just be defined, but also effectively
embedded in the development process and its
supporting CASE environment.
Do¨mges and Pohl [16] describe a prototypical environment
in which selective, model-driven trace capture is possible.
Applied to the modeling approach taken in this paper, the
approach works roughly as follows: Each basic element in
the traceability meta model is seen as a product and
associated with process steps that create, delete, or change
this product.
In addition to these normal process steps, there are three
additional kinds of trace steps.
Supplementary product steps
define how to capture and maintain supplementary
information such as design rationale,
process execution steps
record activities in the development environment, and
dependency steps record dependencies between the artifacts
created by process steps, supplementary product steps, and
process execution steps. While process execution steps and
dependency steps can often be performed largely automatically by simply observing the process in the development environment, the other two kinds of steps usually
require human intervention. Based on these conventions,
the project manager is thus empowered to define:

the trace information which should be captured,
the three kinds of trace steps defining
how this
information should be recorded, and
the interleaving of the trace steps with the normal
process steps, i.e.,
when the trace information is to be

In a sufficiently flexible process-centered software engineering environment, the thus extended process can now be
enacted, thus guaranteeing the desired traceability subprocess. However, it must be noted that there are very few
process-centered software environments on the market at
the moment, so the practical feasibility of this approach can
only be assessed from a few case studies conducted with the
available prototypes.
8.5 An Example: Multigranular Rationale Capture in
In this subsection, we use the Rationale Capture part of
Andersen Consulting’s KBSA ADM tool to illustrate the
practical application of the principles discussed in this
section: The role of multigranular abstraction, of inference
services, formal and informal representations of traceability,
and, to some degree, of model-driven trace capture and
usage. The combination of these principles is mainly aimed
at achieving systematic customizing of traceability needs
spanning the distance between the high-end and low-end
reference models.
Abstraction in Rationale Models. The design goal of
KBSA-ADM was to offer a coherent series of rationale
models based on results of the REMAP project [13] for
maintaining rationale at different levels of detail.
The model sketched in Fig. 19 is used for capturing
rationale at a simple level of detail. It links an
its R
ATIONALE. The model in Fig. 19 also provides for the
explicit representation of A
SSUMPTIONS and DEPENDENCIES among them. Thus, using this model, the assumptions
providing justifications to the creation of objects can be
explicitly identified and reasoned with. As changes in such
assumptions are a primary factor in the evolution of
complex systems, this representation will help in the
development of support mechanisms to manage such
In situations where a more detailed representation of
rationale is necessary, an intermediate rationale model may
be used. In this model, the I
the O
BJECT, as well as DECISIONS that RESOLVE them, are
explicitly represented. Thus, this intermediate model
provides some elementary details of the decision process
involved in creating various objects. As before, the
and DECISION objects can be complex with attributes of
their own. Therefore, using this model, a richer context in
which objects are created can be captured.
An even finer grained model for representing the
detailed deliberations leading to the creation of objects
may be more appropriate in critical situations. Empirical
studies in the REMAP project [13] suggest that the explicit
identification of A
LTERNATIVES considered, the ARGUMENTS for and against these ALTERNATIVES, and ASSUMPTIONS behind such ARGUMENTS themselves are part of
such a deliberation. A detailed rationale model incorporating all of these primitives is shown in Fig. 20. It
incorporates, among other concepts, the Issue Based
Information Systems (IBIS) framework [48]. Such models
have been used successfully in large scale system development efforts to represent complex decision situations
leading to the creation of artifacts.
Fig. 19. Simple rationale model.
The components of this detailed model also closely
resemble the Rationale submodel presented in Fig. 4. All the
objects used in this model are represented in the Rationale
submodel and the major links across these objects are also
identified in that model.
The hierarchy of simple, intermediate, and detailed
rationale models has been reimplemented in Andersen
Consulting’s Knowledge Based Software Assistant environment ADM. This implementation has the added
advantage that different stakeholders may be interested
in different depth of rationale; for example, designers
might use the detailed rationale models, whereas their
managers will use the simple rationale view of the same
model focusing just on the decisions finally made. Two
KBSA-ADM screenshots, using an example from [13], are
shown in Figs. 21 and 22.
Inference Services. As the model components have been
defined with formal semantics, a system based on these
components can support sophisticated reasoning with
rationale information. For example, a dependency network
of assumptions is managed using a truth maintenance
system which propagates the effects of changes in the
Fig. 20. Detailed rationale model.
Fig. 21. Rationale in simple view.

beliefs in assumptions to other components of design
rationale knowledge. In the detailed model, such a mechanism will help identify the decisions that need to be
reevaluated when changes in assumptions underlying the
network of rationale change. KBSA-ADM also supports
truth maintenance on such structures, using not just the
simple logic-based approach, but also the Dempster-Shafer
theory of evidence to determine the belief status of the
decisions made.
Thick Descriptions. KBSA-ADM provides a few facilities for integrating formal and informal components of
traceability knowledge. First, each object in a discussion can
be annotated with multimedia clips. For example, in the
discussion involving the processing of orders in a utility
company shown in Fig. 22, the node representing location
(i.e., graphical location of various services provided by the
utility) is annotated with a map of the service area. Further,
the tool provides a hypermedia editor within which various
objects in our model can be created by simply highlighting a
section of a hypermedia document. Such an integration also
facilitates easy capture of traceability information.
Model driven capture. KBSA-ADM provides mechanisms for specifying, executing and monitoring process
steps. This can be used to define the steps involved a
system engineering process and the conditions under which
such steps should be executed. Such a facility can be
tailored to define the various types of traceability information that should be captured and used. For example, the
facility can prompt the user for design rationale information
after major design decisions. An agenda mechanism is used
to monitor compliance. However, the current implementation does not include comprehensive model-driven trace
In summary, the KBSA-ADM example illustrates that the
advanced tool features discussed in this section are indeed
feasible in industrial settings. However, the example also
shows that quite a bit of creativity is required to combine
these features in a practically useful manner.
We have conducted empirical studies in a broad range of
software development organizations to come up with
reference models for the objects and traceability links to
be recorded. These models are presented at two levels of
user sophistication, which could be fairly clearly distinguished in the organizations and mark very different
understandings of the importance of requirements
A simple meta model derived as part of the prestudies
also indicates how, in principle, these reference models can
be extended by explicit consideration of the different
stakeholders involved (contribution and usage structures,
cf. [9], [7]). The mapping of the conceptual trace objects to
technical media, sources, and documents—the third element in our basic meta model—was addressed by a
discussion of how the different traceability link categories
can be supported by inference services and what other
Fig. 22. Rationale in detailed view.
requirements on traceability mechanisms the intended
usage of the traceability link types implies. The importance
of the differentiation between conceptual objects and media
is also emphasized in other case studies of RE practice [62].
In summary, we believe that the presented models
constitute a good first step toward reference models for
requirements traceability. One evidence for this statement is
the surprisingly broad acceptance of early versions of
several submodels by industry.
The accompanying longitudinal case study indicates that
the uptake of these models, if accompanied by appropriate
management support and user attitudes, may indeed yield
substantial benefits in terms of quality as well as efficiency,
leading to improved software process maturity [10]. Of
course, this case study will have to be backed up by others
which would be greatly helped if our findings concerning
the next generation of tools are addressed beyond the
present status by vendors. We identified structured knowledge representation, link-type related inference capabilities,
the grounding of (possibly multiple) trace models in thick
multimedia descriptions, and a model-driven toolsupported trace process as important ingredients. Related
work discusses environmental, organizational, and technical factors that influence the implementation of requirements traceability [18]. Our current efforts are devoted to
maturing such tool technologies and evaluating them in
industrial settings.
This work was supported in part by grants from the U.S.
Office of Naval Research project on Engineering of
Complex Systems of the Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dahlgren Division, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, the European Commission (ESPRIT project 21.903
CREWS), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under
project Ja445/5-1 (PRIME), Sonderforschungsbereich 476
IMPROVE, and by a cooperation grant on technical and
empirical foundations of requirements traceability jointly
funded by the German DAAD and the U.S. National
Science Foundation.

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Balasubramaniam Ramesh received his PhD
in information systems from New York University. He is an associate professor and director of
Research and Sponsored Programs in the
Department of Computer Information Systems
at Georgia State University. His research work
has appeared in several leading conferences
and journals including the
IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering
, IEEE Expert, Annals of
Software Engineering
, Annals of Operations
Research, Concurrent Engineering—Research and Applications, Decision Support Systems
, and Journal of Systems Integration. His research
interests include supporting collaborative work with artificial intelligence,
decision support, and multimedia technologies in the areas of requirements engineering and traceability in systems development, concurrent
engineering, new product development, knowledge management, and
business process redesign. His other research interests include data
mining and e-services. He is a member of the IEEE.
Matthias Jarke received diploma degrees in
business administration and computer science,
as well as a doctorate from the University of
Hamburg, Germany. He is a professor of
information systems and chair of the Computer
Science Department at Aachen University of
Technology (RWTH Aachen). He also served on
the faculties of New York University and the
University of Passau prior to joining Aachen in
1991. His research interests span all aspects of
information systems support for cooperative engineering processes. In
this domain, he has been coordinator of three European Esprit projects
(DAIDA, NATURE, and CREWS), and participated in many others. He is
the European editor of the
Journal, Information Systems, and has
served as program chair of several International Conferences, including
VLDB, EDBT, CoopIS, CaiSE, and the German National Computer
Science Conference, Informatik 1997. In 1999, he was elected vice
president of the German Computer Society, and appointed executive
director of GMD-FIT, Institute of Applied Technology within the National
IT Labs in Birlinghover, Germany. He is a senior member of the IEEE
and has served as an associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Software
from 1988-1992.
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