Report – Template

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HRMT20024 – Assessment 3 – Report – Template

Due date: Week 12 Monday (2 June 2023) 11:45 pm AEST

Length: 2,500 words ± 10% (excluding references and Appendix)

Building on the information prepared for Assessment 2, and paying attention to the feedback you received, you are expected to write a report on the current human resource management challenges in the Australian context in either Retail or Financial sector (pick only one sector).

Executive summary (on a separate page) – not included in the wordcountArtificial Intelligence Assignment

The executive summary is not an introduction. It’s a summary of your whole report. The reader who reads the executive summary should get the essence of the report, such as the purpose of the report, the key challenges you identified and what your conclusions and recommendations are.

Table of contents (on a separate page) – not included in the wordcount

The main things to remember when you construct a table of contents are:

– include the main sections and sub-sections

– always provide corresponding page numbers

1) Introduction (starting on a new page for the rest of the sections to follow) [100 – 150 words]

Tell us what your report is about, the purpose of the report, the sector you are studying [Retail or Financial sector in Australia], and a brief foreshadowing of the contents of your report. You may wish to narrow the scope of your report to one group of workers in a sub-sector.

2) Sector context – [200 – 350 words]

2.1 Tell us a little about your sector.

How much does it contribute to the Australian economy? How many people work in the sector? What types of jobs do they do? What qualifications do they need? What sub-sectors are there?

2.2 Tell us the effects of the pandemic on your sector

3) Current human resource management challenges for the sector in Australia [1800 – 2000 words for 5 sections]

You are required to identify some challenges facing the industry in Australia. You will have at least five themes from Week 1 to Week 12 of this unit, one for each sub-section, which will include reference to scholarly peer-reviewed articles, plus additional articles and news stories about your sector.

For example:

Section 3.1. Talent attraction and selection (Week 6’s topic)

Issues/discussion may cover (but are not limited to):

Is this a desirable industry?

Are the jobs in this industry well paid with good conditions?

Are there any pay gap issues?

Are there any labour shortages or skill shortages?

What are the current HR strategies and challenges to build an organisation’s pool of talented employees?

What/how do HR managers make their jobs more attractive, and how to keep them competitive for employee retentions?

What are the recent trends in post-pandemic recruitment systems in your sector?

Will a flexible working model, work from home or hybrid model affect recruiting in your sector?


Section 3.1 Workplace health and safety (Week 10’s topic)

You need to identify some key current health and safety challenges facing workers in the industry.

Issus/discussion may cover (but not limited to):

Were there any additional challenges during the pandemic?

What are the health and safety risks associated with working in your sector?

What are the most common incidents in your sector?

What are the most common injuries?

4) Conclusion and recommendations [150-250 words]

Given what you know about the current HRM challenges, make some recommendations for managing human resources in the future

5) Reference List

List of all references used in this report, in APA 7th edition format. The references should be listed in alphabetical order by the family name of the first named author of each source.

** You must cite at least eight (8) relevant peer-reviewed journal articles. You can cite other references such as books, conference papers, book chapters, magazines, and newspaper article but these will NOT be counted as part of the 10 journal articles.

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