Remuneration reports

163 views 9:50 am 0 Comments June 5, 2023

5:19 (L?) 0 1) Al 20%
Due Date’ 1,),`,,T, 2Ze.71= `97,7;ocul,,,ass Video file submssian due before 8 pm. Friday Week 10.
Soft copies of all groups Video file – due apm Fr., of W. 10. Recommend. group sae ts 4.5 students Pe, grouP.
Report: One member only of each group must upload the grouP rePon Subm.,00 tO the Turn!. :sZIPST:nTSLSTIOnSmi„tPut: Ille’lcc’ocumilpeat!iuedlebcy=e’dalgInriteprtasingtnhneZtegsetr:17re7 FndaY “eek Video: Videio file is a reflective, study to demonstrate how the group memb7s have :ome to a betterorma, ‘unccjIlrEsi tsat7P:gorVtiiht=ii=gect)1177cleTohli’l:171: lEct’d=u’ritinged1Xesitrr.dard “e° Thorphitchet:gement control systems – The measurement of executive management performance and 1:1t-Er, liiiiiurs:Ficr:rnridnirngThelp:IlraVolcr=eunnt ::honinptb ‘c c*mPanY
rhaiscitigu.pimsi :onrizvsiterwecthenetrie,ren:iruTreat=hpdtiecrpoosnand practices of their allocat. company as specified in
In particular, each group should consider the following aspects of t. stated anlicies and practices:
How have the regulations applying to remuneration reports affected the amount and type of information
rC.Tin’peisle’art!=dthbeY1ZI=11:i=1″iM iaDia7tro===a7r 2fr OrTeadnr7rnuneratron rvfasliuisatse71’irtarTnicriantnNderIne-rfisn’alsni:i:19rnee=rs=fi. within the company’s remuneration repon. Note that the public cornpanies allo.ted are selected at the beginning of ea. trimester and arefnot h r=vire:””;Pcrs===dtil:trerlly’ro’ne=g’reelcattcerarrtIrttransd ec=paderierviillbs: allo.ted in Week 4 for all groups.
Research requirements: Groups are expected to r e academic literature relat. specifi.11y to ex.utive pay, remuneration, ethi.I behaviour, moth, al thanry a. management cont. theory. The
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No more than 4.000 words will be marked,
Approved by KOI Academic Board for T3 2020
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The group video .ould demonstrate studant understanding of management systems and reporting in theory and practice by making direct linkages to the sp.ified teaming outcomes for this ansignment task through a critically reflective discussion. (learning outcomes a. b. c.
Video length: Vidans submitted should be 5-7 minutes in length. Marking Guides: Report and video submission: Marks will be allocated for the level and depth of research unde.ken, accuracy and depth of analysis including comparisons of the company practices and the quality of ate:ansten:gorthea’qatrIlZgoirthrrielieCtTvetea=1;” Ir?irtecd7=nt2e with tn. assessment task. A rubric is provided with this subject othline . Any student not participating in creation of the group report or ,ano. will not be award. the group mark.
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