Reflection Journal Guidelines and Rubric

203 views 11:26 am 0 Comments July 6, 2023

NUR 490 Reflection Journal Guidelines and RubricSample Page
Journal activities in this course are private between the student and the instructor. You will utilize this one-on-one environment to reflect on your experience,
learning, and goals to develop a complete rough draft of your personal philosophy of nursing by Module Six. Incorporating feedback from your instructor, you will
then develop a final draft of your Philosophy of Nursing Statement and combine it with your Change Proposal to submit your final capstone project in Module
In Module One, you will compose a draft of the Introduction and Assumptions sections of your philosophy of nursing.
In Module Three, you will compose a draft of the Theoretical Foundation(s) and Experiences sections of your philosophy of nursing.
Finally, in Module Six, you will incorporate your instructor’s feedback on the previous journals and compose a complete draft of the Philosophy of Nursing
Statement to include the Introduction, Assumptions, Theoretical Foundation(s), Experiences, and Conclusion, which you will add in Module Six.
Be sure to address all elements of each journal prompt.
Guidelines for Submission: Each section of the philosophy should be approximately one paragraph in length. Your completed Philosophy of Nursing Statement
will be 1–2 pages in length, double spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font. If citations are used, they should be formatted according to the most recent
APA guidelines.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Reflection Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports reflection with
exceptional detail and specific
Thoughtfully reflects on prior
learning and experience to
develop nursing philosophy
Reflects on prior learning and
experience but with gaps in
relevance and detail
Does not reflect on prior
learning and experience to
develop nursing philosophy
Development of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes exceptional detail to
explain critical elements
Develops rough draft(s) of each
section that fully address each
critical element in the
assignment prompt
Develops rough draft(s) of each
section that address some of the
critical elements in the
assignment prompt
Develops rough draft(s) that do
not address any critical elements
in the assignment prompt
Articulation of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and is
presented in a professional
Submission has no major errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization
Submission has some errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
obstruct understanding
Total 100%


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