Psychology Assignment

160 views 8:31 am 0 Comments November 19, 2023

Assignment Brief for the Critical Analysis Assignment

PY1103 Critical Analysis Assignment Brief
Your task is to produce a 2,000-word essay that critiques a hypothesis about a “weird claim.” These ‘weird claims” are listed at the end of this document. You need to pick one and only one claim to investigate. Completing the assignment involves examining the evidence for and against the selected hypothesis and alternative hypotheses; drawing a conclusion about the hypothesis based on the evidence; and justifying the conclusion drawn.

Conducting the Critique
Use the following steps (in conjunction with the Marking Rubric) as a method for identifying the information you need to write the essay. Not all of information generated may make it into your essay however, it is important to approach the critique of the hypotheses in this way to ensure a thorough analysis is achieved. You can see that the steps are basically those in the SEARCH methodology.

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