PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report Guidelines and Marking Rubric

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PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report Guidelines and Marking Rubric

Case Study Report Due: Friday 25 August, 11:59pm AEST

For this assignment, write a case report responding to the referral question posed by the fictitious paediatrician ‘Dr Eliza Spence’ for the fictitious case of ‘Sam Brown’. You will find the following relevant materials on LMS:

  • A copy of a letter from Dr Eliza Spence referring Sam Brown to the Victorian Early Assessment Clinic (VEAC), including a completed SACS-R checklist
  • Copies of the assessment protocols completed at the VEAC appointment:

o MullenScalesofEarlyLearning.
o AutismDiagnosticObservationSchedule-SecondEdition(ToddlerModule),with

notes and scores.
o AutismDiagnosticInterview-Revised,withnotesandscores.

Your task is to write a case report, taking the role of the ‘ASD Assessment Specialist’ who has completed the assessments with Sam and his parents as part of his VEAC appointment. You should review all of the above materials, interpret Sam’s scores on the various assessments, and arrive at an answer to Dr Spence’s referral question.

Case Study Report Guidelines

Assessment Report (1000 words max)

  • Clearly state the client’s name and date of birth.
  • Clearly and briefly provide a summary of the results and an answer to the referral questionat the start of the report.
  • Briefly outline the reason for the assessment and give an overview of the client’s currentsituation (i.e., main strengths/difficulties as noted by parents or observed during testing).
  • Clearly present each assessment undertaken and its results in more detail:o Givethefullnameforthemeasure.
    o Brieflyexplainwhatitwasusedfor.
    o Describethechild’sperformanceonthetest(i.e.,whatscore(s)didheget?). o Explainwhatthismeans(i.e.,interpretthescore/s).
  • Finish with paragraph summarising the main assessment findings and clearly answering the referral question.You do not need to adhere to APA style (as is usually a requirement in Psychology subjects). Rather, this report should be presented to look like a formal, professional document. You are free to create a letterhead, include addresses, and use sections/headings as you feel would be appropriate for a professional-looking assessment report. Text in the letterhead, addresses etc., is not part of the word count.

    The referring practitioner will be very busy with a large caseload. She will want a clear answer to the question for which she has sought your opinion. So while you should give details about each assessment in the main report to make sure your conclusion is substantiated, you should also present a clear, concise summary of your opinion that could be read and understood on its own.

    Recommended readings

    Material relevant to this assessment will be covered during lectures on Emerging Signs of Autism in Infancy and Toddlerhood (Week 2) and Early Childhood assessment and Diagnosis (Week 3). Tutors will also facilitate your understanding of the relevant tests and the scores they provide during tutorials on Diagnostic Assessment: Parent-Report (Week 2) and Diagnostic Assessment: Behaviour and Skills (Week 3). You may also like to consult the following:

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric

  • Guthrie, W., Swineford, L., Nottke, C., & Wetherby, A. (2013). Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: Stability and change in clinical diagnosis and symptom presentation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 582-590.
  • Autism CRC (2023). National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Australia – Draft Guideline for Public Consultation. Pages 1- 19.
  • Barbaro, J., Sadka, N., Gilbert, M., Beattie, E., Li, X., Ridgway, L., Lawson, L. P., & Dissanayake, C. (2022). Diagnostic accuracy of a developmental surveillance program for early autism detection in very young children: The Social Attention and Communication Surveillance-Revised with Preschool tool. JAMA Network Open, 5 (3), e2146415.
  • Zwaigenbaum, L., Bauman, M.L., Stone, W.L., Yirmiya, N., Estes, A., et al (2015). Early identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Recommendations for practice and research. Pediatrics, 136, S10-S40.
  • Find out more about the assessment tools by reading about them on the publishers’ and distributors’ website/s—Western Psychological Services (WPS) in the United States but also with local distributors such as Pearson, Psychological Assessments Australia (PAA), the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric

Case Study Report Rubric for PSY3ASD


A: Excellent (> 80 %)

B: Very good (70 – 79%)

C: Good (60 – 69%)

D: Acceptable (50 – 59%)

N: Unacceptable (<50%)


Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of diagnostic reports by including all appropriate personal data identified and included in the report (i.e., names, ages, personal relationships of key individuals).

Demonstrates a sophisticated, nuanced understanding of diagnostic assessment results by including appropriate test data in the report that are correctly interpreted for the reader. The data are appropriately presented, with the assessment findings clearly stated within the text of the report. If data are also presented within a table, this is clear and does not simply repeat what is said in the text.

Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of diagnostic reports by including the majority of the appropriate personal data being identified and included in the report (i.e., names, ages, personal relationships of key individuals).

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of diagnostic assessment results by including the majority of the appropriate test data in the report that are largely correctly interpreted for the reader. The data are presented very well, with the assessment findings stated well within the text of the report. If data are also presented within a table, this is clear and easy to follow.

Demonstrates a developed knowledge of diagnostic reports by including most of the appropriate personal data being identified and included in the report (i.e., names, ages, personal relationships of key individuals).

Demonstrates an understanding of diagnostic assessment results by including most of the appropriate test data in the report, but further development of interpretation skills is required. The presentation of data and assessment findings in the report needs further development.

Demonstrates an acceptable knowledge of diagnostic reports by including some of the appropriate personal data being identified and included in the report (i.e., names, ages, personal relationships of key individuals).

Considerable improvement in the understanding and interpretation of diagnostic assessment results, and presentation and inclusion of appropriate test data and findings in the report is needed.

Demonstrates limited knowledge of diagnostic reports, with greater inclusion of essential information (i.e., names, ages, personal relationships of key individuals) needed to meet the requirements of the task.

Fails to understand and interpret diagnostic assessment results. Presentation and inclusion of appropriate test data and findings in the report is incomplete.

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric


A: Excellent (> 80 %)

B: Very good (70 – 79%)

C: Good (60 – 69%)

D: Acceptable (50 – 59%)

N: Unacceptable (<50%)


The key referral question/issue is clearly identified and stated early in the report. Insightful and sophisticated analysis of the pieces of evidence collected during the assessment is systematically presented in main body of the report. This includes the names and purposes of each assessment being clearly indicated and information about the child’s performance and/or parents’ responses are provided in a way which clearly and accurately describes the child’s strengths and difficulties. A clear conclusion is provided about the scores and result from each assessment. Demonstrates a sophisticated, nuanced understanding of the complexities of the case by gradually guiding the reader through the various

The key referral question/issue is identified well and stated early in the report. Comprehensive analysis of the pieces of evidence collected during the assessment is thoroughly presented in main body of the report. This includes the names and purposes of each assessment being clearly indicated and information about the child’s performance and/or parents’ responses describe the child’s strengths and difficulties in a comprehensive manner. A clear conclusion is provided about the scores and result from each assessment. Demonstrates a well considered understanding of the complexities of the case by guiding the reader through the assessment results toward the final conclusion, which summarises the main

The key referral question/issue is identified and stated in the report. Analysis of the pieces of evidence collected during the assessment is presented well in main body of the report.
This includes most of the following: the names and purposes of each assessment being indicated; information about the child’s performance and/or parents’ responses; describing the child’s strengths and difficulties well. The conclusion is provided about the scores and result from each assessment is good. Demonstrates a good understanding of the complexities of the case, including the assessment results and final conclusion, which summarises the main findings and answers the referral question well. This

Acceptable presentation of the key referral question/issue in the report. Analysis of the pieces of evidence collected during the assessment in main body of the report requires considerable improvement.

This includes some of the following: the names and purposes of each assessment being indicated; information about the child’s performance and/or parents’ responses; describing the child’s strengths and difficulties well. The conclusion is provided about the scores and result from each assessment requires further development. Understanding of the case is still emerging, and the assessment results and final conclusion are acceptable.

Fails to present the key referral question/issue in the report. Incomplete analysis of the pieces of evidence collected during the assessment in main body of the report. Incomplete analysis of the scores and result from each assessment. Demonstrates limited understanding of the case, and the assessment results and final conclusion.

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric


A: Excellent (> 80 %)

B: Very good (70 – 79%)

C: Good (60 – 69%)

D: Acceptable (50 – 59%)

N: Unacceptable (<50%)

assessment results toward the final conclusion, which summarises the main findings and clearly answers the referral question. This conclusion is consistent with the referral question and the brief summary.

findings and clearly answers the referral question. This conclusion is largely consistent with the referral question and the brief summary.

conclusion is mostly consistent with the referral question and the brief summary.


The report is very well structured and professional in appearance. Appropriate sections are present and excellent sentence structure is used throughout. The flow of the report is logical and consistent.

The report includes a clear answer with well developed arguments to the referral question and a brief summary of the results at the start of the report.

The writing has a professional language tone, and the reader can easily follow the text of the

The report is well structured and professional in appearance. Appropriate sections are present and very good sentence structure is used throughout. The flow of the report is logical and consistent.

The report includes a logical answer with clearly expressed arguments to the referral question and a brief summary of the results at the start of the report.
The writing has a professional language tone, and the reader can follow the text of the report

The report structure, appearance, and flow are good. Appropriate sections are present and good sentence structure is used throughout.

The report includes a logical answer with good arguments to the referral question and a brief summary of the results at the start of the report.
The writing is good and incorporates professional language tone. The reader can usually follow the text of the report and the conclusion drawn. Appropriate terminology and non-biasing language are incorporated.

The report structure, appearance, and flow are acceptable. Some or all sections are present. Acceptable sentence structure is used throughout.

The report includes an answer, arguments to the referral question, and a brief summary of the results at the start of the report which may be unclear and require further elaboration or development to achieve clarity.

Whilst the writing is acceptable, it needs further development to incorporate professional

The report structure, appearance, flow, and sentence structure are unacceptable. The report is not logically organised. The report answer, arguments to the referral question, conclusion, and brief summary of the results may not be identifiable.

The writing does not use professional language tone. Inappropriate terminology and biasing language are incorporated.

Grammar and spelling are unacceptable. Frequent problems with expression clarity (e.g., idiomatic

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric


A: Excellent (> 80 %)

B: Very good (70 – 79%)

C: Good (60 – 69%)

D: Acceptable (50 – 59%)

N: Unacceptable (<50%)

report and the conclusion drawn.
Appropriate terminology and non-biasing language are used throughout. Grammar and spelling are accurate, and the text has been proof-read.

and the conclusion drawn. Appropriate terminology and non-biasing language are largely used. Grammar and spelling are largely accurate, and the text has been proof-read.

Grammar and spelling are good, and the text has had some proof-reading.

language tone. The text of the report and the conclusion drawn are difficult for the reader to follow.

Appropriate terminology and non-biasing language are somewhat incorporated. Grammar and spelling are acceptable.

language) and errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling or punctuation frequently interfere with understanding.

PSY3ASD 2023 Assignment 1: Case Study Report – Guidelines and Marking Rubric

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