Project Outline

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SENG 205 Project Outline, T3 2020
1.0 Project Outline
Royal Melbourne Hospital is looking to develop a unified health record system that can connect varied stakeholders of healthcare industry under one roof. As an Australian government initiative, Royal Melbourne Hospital wants to implement a unified health record system that is secured, quick and easy to access and this shall be implemented nationwide. It is identified that there are 4 major user types • administrator, consultant, insurance service provider and patient.
Some of the basic requirements. put forward by the hospital are as below:
1. The UHR data should be safe and secure. 2. User (patient) has complete control over what data they want to share with their healthcare professionals, and their healthcare providers. 3. Healthcare data should be maintained until the end of lifetime of the user and has to be kePt oP-To-date. All health record data should be deleted 1 month after the users demise. 4. Healthcare providers (insurance provider) should be able to access only the summary re, provided at the end of the users last visit to their GP. 5. The software has three interfaces, each for the corresponding entity (user, healthcare professional, healthcare provider) accessing the record.
More reauirements are tn be elicited from the client through week, meetings .h . RMH liaison. .T the purposes of this assignment, your lecturer will act as the RMH liaison. The meetings are to be conducted during the weekly consultation hour with your lecturer and during tutorials.
‘These requirements are subject to change depending on hospital’s budget and political clirnate.
2.0 Important Dates
Due Date
Assessment 1 – Initial Design, Plans, and Justification
Week 5
Assessrnent 2 – Project Report
Assessment 3 – Presentation
Week 11 Week 12
Plagiarism is when someone presents the thoughts or writings of another person as his/her own. Each student is, therefore, required to acknowledge direct quotations (irrespective of the soured WM, PomPhrosed 5,00sheal miormahon
SENG209 Project 0.11ne Version 13th luly, 2020
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