Project Management

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MNG900785 – Project Management 1 MNG00785 – Project Management Contents Assessment overview…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Grade descriptors………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Assessment policies and information ……………………………………………………………………….. 4 Referencing guidelines ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Academic integrity ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Timely feedback for learning ………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Late submissions ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Special consideration………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Inclusive and equitable assessment………………………………………………………………………. 5 Assessment 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Learning outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Assessment task………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Assessment structure …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Case study………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Preparing your assessment …………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Submission format ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Assessment 1 rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Assessment 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 Learning outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Assessment details…………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Assessment structure …………………………………………………………………………………………11 Preparing your assessment …………………………………………………………………………………11MNG900785 – Project Management 2 Submission format ……………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Assessment 2 rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………..13 Assessment 3……………………………………………………………………………………………………….15 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 Learning outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………….15 Assessment details…………………………………………………………………………………………….15 Presentation structure…………………………………………………………………………………………16 Preparing your assessment …………………………………………………………………………………16 Submission format ……………………………………………………………………………………………..16 Assessment 3 rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………..17MNG900785 – Project Management 3 Assessment overview Name Type Length Weight Due 1 Assessment 1 Project proposal 1,500 35% 11pm Sunday Week 5 2 Assessment 2 Project report 3,000 40% 11pm Sunday Week 9 3 Assessment 3 Presentation 8-10 mins 25% 11pm Sunday Week 12 Grade descriptors High Distinction (HD) 85 and above In addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, the assessment demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. Distinction (DI) 75-84 In addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, the assessment demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. Credit (CR) 65-74 In addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, the assessment demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. Pass (PA) 50-64 The assessment adequately, competently satisfies the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. Fail 49 and below The assessment fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.MNG900785 – Project Management 4 Assessment policies and information Referencing guidelines Please use the SCU Harvard referencing style for all assessment tasks in this unit. Refer to the Library’s Referencing guides for more information. Academic integrity All students are expected to practice academic integrity and to be aware of and comply with the Rules – Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules along with all other relevant Rules, Policies, Procedures and the Code of Conduct. Timely feedback for learning Marked assessment tasks submitted on time, other than examination scripts, will be returned to students within fourteen (14) days of submission. Late submissions Late submission of assessment tasks without approved extension will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be applied as soon as the deadline is reached. A deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will be imposed for each day a submission is late. This penalty will be applied until the pass mark for the assessment has been reached. Any work submitted 10 or more days after the expiry of the deadline will be deemed a non-submission and assigned a mark of zero. Special consideration Students wishing to request Special Consideration in relation to an assessment task the due date of which has not yet passed must submit a Request for Special Consideration form as early as possible and prior to start time of the due date, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. For more information, visit: – Project Management 5 Inclusive and equitable assessment Reasonable adjustment in assessment methods will be made to accommodate students with a documented disability or impairment. Contact Student Access & Inclusion for more information. If you are unlikely to deliver your assignment on time, please contact the Unit Assessor (UA) to discuss your options.MNG900785 – Project Management 6 Assessment 1 Assessment type Project proposal Word length 1,500 words approx. Weighting 35% Due date 11pm Sunday Week 5 Overview The project charter is a key document for the initiating phase of a project. It “formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project management with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities” (PMI cited in Kloppenborg 2018, p. 63). As project managers, one of our first tasks may be to develop a project charter. This assessment seeks to build your understanding of the elements of a project charter and practice applying them to a case study. An output of this assessment is a project charter that may be used as a model for future projects that you are involved with. Learning outcomes This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles of project management as prescribed in the global standard (PMBOK® Guide). 2. Select and initiate a project, taking into account organisational goals, structure, culture, stakeholders, and competition for resources. 3. Critically analyse, interpret and apply the project management knowledge areas to the various phases of any project, as appropriate, and demonstrate an understanding of the activities and interrelationships critical to the successful completion of each phase of a project. 6. Appraise the acquiring, induction, assessing, developing, decision-making, and conflict resolution issues of a project team. Assessment task You are asked to describe the purpose of each element of the project charter, discuss the theory behind each element, and to develop a project charter based on the case study provided. You are asked to draw primarily from the theory contained in the textbook (Kloppenborg 2018) and the PMBoK (6th edition).MNG900785 – Project Management 7 Assessment structure Please structure your assessment around each of the following key sections and tasks. Task Section Section Description Cover page Table of contents TASK 1 Theory of a project charter Describe the purpose of each element of the project charter and discuss the theory behind each element of the charter. Using appropriately cited paraphrasing, you are expected to include and draw on the textbook description for each of the following sections: • Scope overview • Business case • Background • Milestone schedule with acceptance criteria • Risks, assumptions and constraints • Resource estimates • Stakeholder list • Team operating principles • Lessons learned • Signatures and commitment TASK 2 Project charter A project charter based on the case study provided. The project charter should: • include all of elements in Sections 3-4 to 3-5, pages 65-79 of Kloppenborg 2018; • be formatted as per the example on pages 94-96 of Kloppenborg 2018; and • use relevant Exhibits from Kloppenborg 2018 as the models for the tables. TASK 3 References A list of references in Harvard style. Case study New playground for the community The local council have given in-principle approval for the installation of a new playground, incorporating climbing nets with two slides. They have allocated 1,000 square meters of green space, and have allocated a nominal budget of around $250,000. The open space is currently home to a derelict vehicle, as well as other waste materials dumped over the years. It is also prone to flooding, so this will need to be accounted for, as will the installation of pathways from the street to the playground equipment. The council occupational health and safety office have stipulated that the surface under the climbing nets must be made of soft-fall material. The council want the playground opened to coincide with the summer holidays, which is only six months away. You are required to develop a project charter for presentation to the council.MNG900785 – Project Management 8 Preparing your assessment 1. As there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text citations MUST include the page numbers. 2. Your textbook is expected to be the foundational source of theory and should be explicitly utilised as a reference for Task 1. Additional reference material may be included. 3. Headings are recommended as per the ‘Assessment Structure – Sections’. 4. You are encouraged to use diagrams, tables or similar to improve the readability and clarity of your assessment. These should be formatted as per the Exhibits in Kloppenborg 2018. 5. Word count is approximate only given the amount of information that will be provided in tables. 6. Cover and contents pages, tables, references, appendices are not included in the word count. Submission format Upload as one single MS Word file via the Assessment 1 Submission portal in the Assessment Tasks and Submission folder within Blackboard.MNG900785 – Project Management 9 Assessment 1 rubric Scale 5 Scale 4 Scale 3 Scale 2 Scale 1 TASK 1 Theory 30% Description and discussion is sophisticated and insightful. Description and discussion is accurate, succinct, and clear. Description and discussion is mostly accurate, though some inaccuracy or confusion may be present. Description and discussion is inadequate or inaccurate. Description and discussion is missing or is not relevant. TASK 2 Project charter 40% Project charter elements are complete, insightful and show sophisticated understanding. Project charter elements are complete and show accurate understanding. Project charter elements are complete and show a developing understanding. Project charter elements incomplete or inaccurate. A lack of understanding is evident. Project charter elements missing or not relevant. A lack of understanding is evident. Presentation, structure and formatting 10% Presentation is highly professional and structure and formatting follows textbook examples. Presentation is professional and structure and formatting follows textbook examples. Presentation is sound, and structure and formatting adequate. Presentation is not up to professional standard or the structure and formatting does not follow textbook examples. Presentation is not up to professional standard, and structure and formatting does not follow textbook examples. Paraphrasing and referencing 20% Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is strong and well integrated. In-text citations and references are fully consistent with Harvard style. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is strong. In-text citations and references are mostly consistent with Harvard style. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is sound. In-text citations and references contain errors. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is weak; plagiarism evident or relies on direct quotes. In-text citations and references are inconsistent with Harvard style. No or minimal paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources. In-text citations and references are missing or are not relevant.MNG900785 – Project Management 10 Assessment 2 Assessment type Project Report Word limit 3,000 approx. Weighting 40% Due date 11pm Sunday Week 9 Overview The planning process group seeks to “establish the project scope, refine objectives, and define plans and actions to attain objectives” (PMBOK cited in Kloppenborg 2018, p. 10). This assessment seeks to build your understanding of some of the key work processes, deliverables and tools within the planning process group and practice applying them to a case study. An output of this assessment will be a project management plan that may serve as a model for other projects that you are involved with. Learning outcomes This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles of project management as prescribed in the global standard (PMBOK® Guide) 3. Critically analyse, interpret and apply the project management knowledge areas to the various phases of any project, as appropriate, and demonstrate an understanding of the activities and interrelationships critical to the successful completion of each phase of a project. 4. Create an integrated project plan for a real project, including schedule, human resources, budget, risks, and quality, and prepare appropriate Project Management documentation of the plan Assessment details You are asked to describe the purpose of work processes, deliverables and tools within the project planning process group and discuss the theory behind each. You will then apply these using the case study provided to develop a project management plan. You are asked to draw primarily from the theory contained in the textbook (Kloppenborg 2018) and the PMBoK (6th edition).MNG900785 – Project Management 11 Assessment structure Please structure your assessment around each of the following key sections and tasks. Task Section Section Description Cover page Table of contents TASK 1 Theory of project planning Describe the purpose of each of the following components of project planning. Using appropriately cited paraphrasing, you are expected to include and draw on the textbook description for each of the following sections: 1.1. WBS 1.2. RACI chart 1.3. Schedule – Gantt 1.4. Schedule 2 – AoN 1.5. Resource overloads 1.6. Budget 1.7. Risk Management 1.8. Change Management 1.9. Stakeholder Management 1.10. Project closure TASK 2 Project management plan A project management plan based on the case study provided. The project management plan should: • include all of elements noted 1.1-1.10 • use relevant Exhibits from Kloppenborg 2018 as the models for the tables, tools and outputs. TASK 3 References A list of references in Harvard style. Preparing your assessment 1. As there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text citations MUST include the page numbers. 2. The academic nature of this essay requires the use of in-page citation and referencing in accordance with SCU Harvard Referencing Standards. Further information regarding SCU referencing standards are available at: 3. Your textbook is expected to be the foundational source of theory and should be explicitly utilised as a reference for Task 1. Additional reference material may be included. 4. Headings are recommended as per the ‘Assessment Structure – Sections’. 5. An Excel template will be provided to assist you will preparing 1.3 Schedule – Gantt. 6. You are encouraged to use diagrams, tables or similar to improve the readability and clarity of your assessment. These should be formatted as per the Exhibits in Kloppenborg 2018. 7. Word count is approximate only given the amount of information that will be provided in tables.MNG900785 – Project Management 12 8. Cover and contents pages, tables, references, appendices are not included in the word count. 9. Headings are encouraged as per the section and components 1.1-1.10. Submission format Upload as one single MS Word file via the Assessment 2 Submission portal in the Assessment Tasks and Submission folder within Blackboard. The Excel file which contains the 1.3 Schedule – Gantt should be embedded within your MS Word file. To embed the Gantt into your MS Word file: select the cells in Excel you want to display, for example A17 to CI37, and press CTRL-C. Switch the window to MS Word and select the location you want the Gantt to appear and press CTRL-ALT-V – and select Picture (Enhanced Metafile) for the best result. Please do not paste as a Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object. You can leave the picture in the size it appears, the marker will be able to zoom in and see the details.MNG900785 – Project Management 13 Assessment 2 rubric Scale 5 Scale 4 Scale 3 Scale 2 Scale 1 Task 1 40% WBS Excellent paraphrasing and insightful detail. Demonstrates an exception level of understanding. Strong paraphrasing and level of understanding demonstrated. Sound paraphrasing and level of understanding demonstrated. Poor paraphrasing/ acknowledgement of sources or understanding still developing. Poor paraphrasing/ acknowledgement of sources and understanding incomplete. RACI chart Schedule – Gantt Schedule 2 – AoN Resource overloads Budget Risk Management Change Management Stakeholder ID and comm. Project closure Task 2 40% . WBS Exceptional execution and applied understanding demonstrated. Strong execution and applied understanding demonstrated. Sound execution and applied understanding demonstrated. Poor execution or application not accurate Poor execution with significant omissions or errors.. RACI chart Schedule – Gantt Schedule 2 – AoNMNG900785 – Project Management 14 Resource overloads Budget Risk Management Change Management Stakeholder Management. Project closure Referencing 20% Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is strong and well integrated. In-text citations and references are fully consistent with Harvard style. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is strong. In-text citations and references are mostly consistent with Harvard style. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is sound. In-text citations and references contain errors. Paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources is weak; plagiarism evident or relies on direct quotes. In-text citations and references are inconsistent with Harvard style. No or minimal paraphrasing of textbook and academic sources. In-text citations and references are missing or are not relevant..MNG900785 – Project Management 15 Assessment 3 Assessment type Oral presentation Time limit 8-10 minutes max. Weighting 25% Due date 11pm Sunday Week 11 Overview Professional communication and presentation skills are central to employability in the business sector. This assessment builds these skills while asking you to demonstrate an understanding of one of the key PMBOK process groups. Learning outcomes This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcome: 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles of project management as prescribed in the global standard (PMBOK® Guide). 3. Critically analyse, interpret and apply the project management knowledge areas to the various phases of any project, as appropriate, and demonstrate an understanding of the activities and interrelationships critical to the successful completion of each phase of a project. 5. Calculate project progress by comparing actual to planned performance and create improvement plans as needed. 6. Appraise the acquiring, induction, assessing, developing, decision-making, and conflict resolution issues of a project team. Assessment details You will record an oral presentation that discusses and analyses one of the following process groups: • Executing OR • Monitoring and controlling OR • ClosingMNG900785 – Project Management 16 Presentation structure Your presentation should be between 8-10 minutes in length. Please follow the below structure for your presentation. Section Section Description Student identification Provide your name and an image of your student identification (student number hidden). Introduction Provide an overview of the presentation and its key points. Description Describe the process group you have chosen; its purpose and what it involves. Discussion and analysis Discuss the outputs, tools and work processes that are relevant to the process groups. Please illustrate your discussion and analysis by including at least three examples from real project scenarios. Conclusion Summarise the presentation and what you have learn about the process group. Preparing your assessment 1. Your presentation should be prepared based on information from the Study Guide, lectures and the unit textbook. Additional sources may be used. 2. Be careful to avoid plagiarism. The presentation should all be in your own words or words that have been effectively paraphrased. 3. The recording should focus on you as the presenter. Powerpoints or other presentation slides may be used, but please use these sparingly and for illustration purposes only. 4. It is up to you what you use to record your presentation; a laptop camera or mobile phone are suitable 5. The presentation recording can placed on a YouTube channel or on Google Drive. Please provide the link through the submission portal. 6. Presentation notes, slides and scripts should be uploaded through the ‘Supplementary Materials’ Turnitin submission portal. Submission format Upload your recording to Google Drive or YouTube, and save the relevant link for viewing. Upload a MS Word file containing the link to your recording via the ‘Assessment 3 Video Link’ portal in the ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ folder within Blackboard. Presentation notes and scripts should be uploaded as one single MS Word file via the ‘Assessment 3 Notes and Script’ portal in the ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ folder within Blackboard. Powerpoint slides should be uploaded as a single file via the ‘Assessment 3 Slides’ portal in the ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ folder within Blackboard.MNG900785 – Project Management 17 Assessment 3 rubric Scale 5 Scale 4 Scale 3 Scale 2 Scale 5 Introduction, description & conclusion 30% Clear and concise information that demonstrates exceptional insight into the process group. Clear and concise information that demonstrates a strong understanding of the process group. Somewhat unclear or verbose information that demonstrates a sound understanding of the process group. Unclear or verbose information that demonstrates that the understanding of the process group is still developing. Unclear or verbose information and understanding of the process group is not evident. Discussion and analysis 30% Exceptional breadth and depth of analysis with three or more illustrative examples provided. Strong breadth and depth of analysis with three or more illustrative examples provided. Sound breadth and depth of analysis with three or less illustrative examples provided. Inadequate breadth and depth of analysis and/ or less than three illustrative examples provided. Inadequate breadth and depth of analysis and/ or no illustrative examples provided. Professional communication & presentation 25% Exceptional professional communication and presentation skills demonstrated. Strong professional communication and presentation skills demonstrated. Adequate professional communication and presentation skills demonstrated. Professional communication and presentation skills are still developing. Communication and presentation skills are not of a professional standard. Supplementary information 15% Supplementary information is complete. Strong paraphrasing is evident. Supplementary information is complete. Paraphrasing is sound. Supplementary information is complete. Some inadequate paraphrasing evident. Supplementary information is incomplete or plagiarism is evident. Supplementary information is missing or plagiarism is evident

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