Programming Assignment

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COP 3503 Programming Fundamentals for CIS Majors II, Spring 2017
Programming Assignment 3
Out: Wednesday Mar. 22, 2017
Due: 7:25am (firm deadline) on Friday Apr. 7, 2017
Problem Description
In this problem, you should implement the lexical analysis task for a limited version
(i.e., the depth of the nested loops) of a programming language. Lexical analysis is the
first stage that compilers parse and detect the possible syntax errors.
Ideally, any new (programming) languages can be designed and analyzed in the similar
manner. You will need to analyze a Pascal-and-C-like language in this programming
Given a segment of the source code, your C++ code should analyze the code and
extract all tokens, which include:
Keywords: keywords are the words reserved by the language. They are all uppercase. In the case of this simplified language, the keywords are restricted to the set
{ ”BEGIN”, ”END”, ”FOR” }
Identifiers: An identifier is used to describe the variables, which are all lower-case
Constants: Numbers like 10, … .
Operators: all arithmetic operations (i.e., +, -, *, and /), ”++” and ”=”
Delimiters: like ”,” and ”;”
Your C++ code should input a text file from user, which contains the expression
he/she wants the compilers to analyze. Then, your code should parse the input, detect
the tokens, classify them, and print out the results.
With this assignment, you will get practice with the stack implementation which is
one of the most widely used data structures. Besides, you will be familiar with string
processing and input parsing, which are of crucial importance in most C++ projects.
1. (Data Structures:) You need to implement a stack data structure to keep track of the
processing and compute the depth of the nested loops. Adding elements to the stack

(push) and removing objects from it (pop) are two essential methods that must be
implemented. You can use any data structure to implement the stack, e.g., arrays,
linked-lists, etc.
2. (Algorithms:) Once the input expression is given, your program should decide which
character should be inserted to the stack, and when the result needs to be computed.
You need to detect the possible syntax errors while tracing the depth of the nested
Example Run
Try to keep your output as close to the given format as possible: In this example, the
input file is ”code.txt” It contains the code segment below:
Text Case I
FOR (i, 10, ++)
FOR (j, 10, ++)
sum=sum + i + j;
> ./pa3.out
INPUT> Please enter the name of the input file:
OUTPUT> The depth of nested loop(s) is 1
Identifier: sum i j
Constant: 10
Operatros: ++ = +
Delimiter: ; ,
Syntax Error(s): BEGAN
Test Case II
FOR (i, 10, ++))
sum=sum + i + j;
INPUT> Please enter the name of the input file:
OUTPUT> The depth of nested loop(s) is 0
Keywords: FOR BEGIN
Identifier: sum i j
Constant: 10
Operators: ++ = +
Delimiter: ; ,
Syntax Error(s): END )
Text Case III
FOR (i, 10, ++)
FOR (j, 10, ++)
sum=sum + i + j;
FOR (k, 5, ++)
mul=mul * k;
INPUT> Please enter the name of the input file:
OUTPUT> The depth of nested loop(s) is 2
Identifier: sum i j mul k
Constant: 10 5
Operators: ++ = + *
Delimiter: ; ,
Syntax Error(s): NA
1. You should get your stack data structure working well before implementing the lexical
analysis task.

2. The string processing to parse the input is an essential part of this assignment. You
should make sure that you parse the input correctly, and you take care of all edge
cases, e.g., more than one spaces between characters, no spaces, etc.
Submission Guide-lines
1. You must finish this assignment with your individual effort. Your C++ source code
file MUST be named as ”pa3.cpp” and C++ header/class file should be named as ”pa3.h”.
2. Please test your program via the g++ compiler on the CISE machines to make sure it
runs correctly.
3. Please upload the source code file(s) to CANVAS system as the attachment(s). Please
submit the source code file(s) ONLY. NO need to compress the source code file(s) if the
size is small.
4. Make sure you submit your assignment BEFORE the deadline. Late submission will
NOT be graded !!
Grading Criteria
1. Successful Compilation (30%): Your source code should be able to compile using ”g++
-std=c++11 -Wall” command without any error or warning. The output should be a valid
executable. Please note that we will be using g++ compiler on Linux to grade your programs. If you are using other compilers or IDE (e.g., Visual C++), it is recommended
that you test the source codes with g++ before the CANVAS submission (i.e., make sure
there is no warning).
2. Program Correctness (40%): The executable should be able to run correctly by giving
out the required output.
3. Programming Style (30%): Good coding style is a key to efficient programming. We
encourage you to write clear and readable codes. You should adopt a sensible set of coding
conventions, including proper indentation, necessary comments and more. Here are some
guidelines of good programming style: style
Final Notes
1. AGAIN, remember to start the programming assignments as soon as possible. Unlike
the conventional assignments, programming assignments sometimes take un-predictable
amount of time to finish. Thus, have the code running first, then polish it later with the

extra time before the deadline.
2. Remember you should always write your own code and never copy-and-paste from
other students’ work or other sources. There are indeed many tools (like Stanford Moss)
to detect the code similarity.
3. Programming assignments are usually designed by TAs. If you have any question
or concern, please feel free to contact TAs. Our goal is to let you experience the fundamentals of computer science. If you like the programming experience, you are one of us

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