Professional Industry Development

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Shristi Uprety 23705278


HOTL 5007 Professional Industry Development

Assessment 1

Portfolio 1

Table of Content

Work Experience 1

Career Development Theory 1

Career Development Model 2



From a personal viewpoint, for some, work can be illustrated as a means of livelihood that makes paying off rent or loans easier. For some, it can be a pathway to building a career where they are super motivated and excited to be at that place. In contrast, some people take it as being independent. Further, to some, it is about the social status for showing off what they have achieved or gained. Conversely, what work means personally to me is something that I enjoy despite all the problems and situations I go through during work for personal career growth. 

An overview of my work experience to date has been very impressive. I have been catering for the hospitality industry for 4+ years. Initially, I have had various challenges and enjoyable problems, from being an intern to having a job. After all these years of experience, the clarity of knowing my personality led me to choose the Front Office department of the hotel. 



Holland’s Theory of Career Choice is the best fit for my personal career growth because it assists me in choosing a personality-fitted department at the hotel. By applying this theory to my future career growth, I believe I can achieve at least five personality traits out of the six. 


Investigative traits are necessary to achieve a managerial position where observance, analysis and evaluation are necessary for standing out of the crowd and working well with a group of people (Brookens, Verma & Orjioke 2021). Moreover, scoring an artistic personality is a must for career growth as they have traits of an actor, i.e., being expressive and independent. The hotel industry is an expressive industry where acting is needed to cover the personal bad days of life (Kaçaniku et al. 2022). Likewise, social personality attributes include taking care of and helping others. Being around people makes them happy, and the hospitality industry is a people industry; this is a must characteristic for a hotelier (Richards 2005). Furthermore, an enterprising feature can be a positive trait as they are persuaders who enjoy persuading and convincing people and brings positive marketing skills and profit to the businesses (Kaçaniku et al. 2022). Conversely, following conventional characteristics can make one organized, systematic and successful leader (Richards 2005).


DOTS career model by Law and Watts will be a suitable career development model for my career growth in future. Through self-reflection on skills I will acquire in my future career, following the leadership position values and acquiring personality traits will strengthen my curiosity driven by dedication and smart work instead of hard work. I intend to overcome weaknesses by building patience, rapport, and confidence to achieve the interest, i.e., the leadership position (Baba et al 2022). 

Furthermore, by conducting self-research and ditching comfort zone to grab opportunities because I believe unpleasant and uncomfortable situations make strong leaders. Nevertheless, I will be making decisions by setting a planned goal and implementing it to achieve these goals by doing what is right. Conversely, transitioning by grabbing opportunities through the set goal decision-making process will guide me toward a leadership position in my future career (Baba et al 2022).













Baba, KW, Roziah, MR, Zaremohzzabieh, Z & Ahrari, S 2022, ‘The Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediating Variable in CareerEDGE Employability Model: The Context of Undergraduate Employability in the North-East Region of Nigeria’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 4660, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

Brookens, Q, Verma, K & Orjioke, O 2021, ‘CHAPTER 3: CAREER DEVELOPMENT THEORY A SOLUTION FOR URBANIZATION: AN EXAMINATION OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES THROUGH CIP THEORY’, Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 184-194, viewed 13 July 2022, <>.

Kaçaniku, F, Maderbacher, I, Franz, E & Saqipi, B. 2022, ‘I Want to Become a Teacher because…? Student-Teachers Change in Attitudes of Becoming Teachers in Austria and Kosovo’, Education Research International, vol. 2022, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

Richards, WT 2005, ‘Additions to John L. Holland’s theory of career choice and development based on Maharishi Vedic Science’, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Maharishi University of Management, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.




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