Professional Ethics in Computing

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T3 2020: ICT303 Professional Ethics in Computing
Assessment 3: Ethical Analysis Assessment type: individual assignment one (1500 words) Purpose: This assessment will allow students to conduct ethical analysis of the situation provided based on ethical theories presented in textbook. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcomes a and b.
Value: 15%
Due Date: Week 5 Sunday 23:55
Task Details:
Topic: Ethical analysis Assignment Details:
Background Smart technologies are on the rise. There is a body of literature discussing the key benefits of Smart Technologies, however smart technologies also introduce many ethical issues.
scenario ,MytravelChoice app makes it easy to book, track as well as pay for taxi bookings in greater Sydney. The app is available for download by consumers. While such types of apps are user friendly and improve user experience, there is also a security concern that hacker’s can use some loopholes in such apps to modify or delete customer information. Discuss how vulnerable these apps are and if there have been privacy breaches? Is it ethical for companies to introduce apps with only basic level of security? Analyse it based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Scenario 2: Wearable technologies is a category of devices that can be worn as accessories, implanted in users’ body, or even tattooed on the skin. What ethical issues arise from the use of wearable technologies in workplaces? Identify at least one such scenario and analyse it based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Scenario 3: The google glass sits on ones face just like any other glasses but there are no actual lenses. It is asymmetrical as the prism is only on one side of the glass. Given the intrusive natures of these technologies it is easy for employees to take videos or photographs of other people at work and share it with others. What ethical issues arise from the use of wearable technologies in workplaces? Analyse it based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Scenario 4: Self-driving vehicles are cars in which human drivers are never required to take control to safety operate the vehicle. Also known as Driverless car technology, it has attracted significant interest in manufacturing industry over recent years. Identify what ethical issues arise from use of driverless cars. Will you embrace this emerging technology from an ethical perspective? Analyse it based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
ICT303: Assessment 3
Compiled by: Divya Leekha 1 P a g
<‘3’›rir1T;271e1 Scenario 5• In many ways, social media platforms have created benefits for our society by expanding and diversifying the way people communicate with each other. Posting hurtful messages about other people is a type of
at least one such scenario and analyse it based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Investigate and reflect upon one of the above scenarios using Ethical Guidelines published by organisations such as: EA and ACS. Students with ID ending with 0 or 5, answer Scenario number 1 Students with ID ending with 1 or 6, answer Scenario number 2 Students with ID ending with 2 or 7, answer Scenario number 3 Students with ID ending with 3 or 8, answer Scenario number 4 Students with ID ending with 4 or 9, answer Scenario number 5
Students will prepare a business style report of approximately 1500 words which analyses the above scenario through the lens of any of the FOUR (4) ethical philosophies presented in lecture. For assistance in report writing techniques, see: A suggested report structure is as follows. • title page

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