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RTO No 31136 I CRICOS:O101OG
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el, Phone: 61 7 3221 1626 roil; Fax: 61-7.4221 1627 Entall: info.queentford odu au www.quebansford edu 44.1
ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET (Please ensure this cover sheet is completed and attached on top of each assessment) QUALIFICATION CODE AND TITLE: FNS60215 Advanced Diploma of Accounting_
TITLE: Prepare tax documentation for individuals
Student Number – Student Name Assessor Name Assessment Name and Number Assessment Task Number and Name Assessment Due Date Submission Date
STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that: • This assessment is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from and other source except where due acknowledgement/reference has been made. • If this assessment was based on collaborative/teamwork, as authorised by the trainer, I have not submitted the same final version of any assessment material as another student. • I have not previously submitted this assessment or any part of this assessment for this or any other course/unit. • I have kept a copy of my assessment. • I give permission for my assessment to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism. • I understand that plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing it off as one’s own work and that the attached assessment maybe checked for plagiarism. • I understand that collusion is presenting another person’s assessment as one’s own and/or providing your own work to another person to allow them to pass it off as their own. • Any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted. • I am aware that in the event that I disagree with the assessment outcome I have the right to appeal that result. I will follow the complaints and appeals process.
Student Signature: 23′ Assessment Receipt (must be completed by the person accepting the assessment and retained by the student) Code and Title Student Name Student Number Trainers Name Assessment Due Date Assessment Submission Date Receiving Staff Signature/Date/Time