Preamble Updates on Presentation

144 views 8:06 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023

Gustavo Fernandes Oliveira
1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, London, ON, N6A 3A6
[email protected]
March 21, 2021
Jeff Weingarten
Professor COMM 6019
1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, London, ON, N6A 3A6
Subject: Preamble Updates on Presentation
Dear Jeff,
We hope you are well. I`m writing in specific to our progress so far on the presentation
assignment so you can acknowledge our next steps towards submission. Currently, with the
flow of our work, no further amendments are required from you, but we would appreciate any
necessary feedback that could rectify the flow of our presentation as we progress.
While our group (Group 1, which incorporates Yulia Balcar, Krushnakumar Modi, Jessica
Sotelo, Shahrukh Ahmed and myself) are conducting in depth analysis with respect to the
potential communication solution in the workplace, we are probing how important is to be
aware of different types of hazards in the workspace and how reporting them plays a vital role
when it comes to ensure the prevention of any accidents and incidents.
According to our workback plan and the evidence PPT file attached for the reference, it is
observed that we are on schedule with the assignment. The topic we have chosen is: “The
importance of reporting hazards and injuries at work”. And after brainstorming meetings, we
have identified that the main problem is that many employees failing to report injuries in the
workplace for numerous reasons. Based on historical data, real companies’ examples,
recommendations and best practices from the research background, we want to expose what
companies are doing to encourage workers to report any near miss, incident and/or accidents
present in the workplace instead of keeping them to themselves.
Overall, the research is continually improving, and the first draft of the presentation is ready.
Our research is encompassing around the objective to comprehend the welfare of the workplace
and recognize the workplace hazards of their work areas and various strategies to upgrade these
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practices. In addition, the accumulation of consecutive ideas of strategies/analysis to improve
the health and safety process at the workplace.
Early week of March, our group gathered the prime nature of the problems associated with
workplace safety. Furthermore, each team member is working on a specific part for the
presentation to increase efficiency. Following are the phenomenon for this presentation:
Have each section of the presentation ready.
Merge and format accordingly.
Video recording of the complete presentation via Zoom call.
Compose a written description of the research Report.
Our Group also plans to emphasize on analysis where industries approach to evaluate
hazards and encourage workers to report any associated injuries or hazards.
Our main objective for this research report and presentation would conclude the quest
by Week 10 and initiate compiling final presentation slides and reports for the research
by Week 11.
All of us from Group 1 look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on our work.
Gustavo Fernandes Oliveira
Jessica Sotelo
Krushnakumar Modi
Shahrukh Ahmed
Yulia Balcar
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