Assignment 1: Policy Problem Scoping Paper: 700 Words (25%)
It is recommended you choose the same policy for Assignment 2: Policy problem scoping paper, and Assignment 3: Policy Briefing paper.
A scoping paper is to include an outline of the policy issue, a well-developed outline of the stakeholders and related policy actors (internal and external), and a list of the legislative requirements that frame the policy area.
A scoping paper must include the following parts:
- The policy area of your interest (brief outline) and identification of the specific policy (150 words), full sentences are required.
- An outline of the causal factors that contribute to the policy problem (150 words), full sentences are required
- A list of the policy stakeholders and actors involved in the policy issue (100 words), full sentences are required.
- A list of the legislative requirements, for example Acts, Parliamentary Inquiries, Strategy papers and reports (100 words); dot points are acceptable
- Provisional reference list (not part of the word limit, must show research beyond the unit readings)