Patterns of World History

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ASU — HIS 132 — Section 1-8: Requirements — Sample Essays 3Marketing Research and Data Analysis
A Sample Essay: Examination 2 (Detailed Text Outlines)
[using: Patterns of World History (previously used in HIS 131 and HIS 132), Chapter 30]
The focus of Chapter 30 is the period in world history between 1963 and 1991.1 It is
divided into five principal parts: 30a., 30b., and 30c., 30d., and 30e. 30d. presents the summary
(by Student 3) of the “Putting in All Together,” which is the concluding segment in Chapter 30.
This is followed by personal concluding comments by Student 3 are given in 30e.3
30a. focuses on the slow decline of the power of the Soviet Union. Special attention is
given to the danger of nuclear war between Soviet Union and the USA.
4 Among the other topics
discussed here are the Soviet Union’s relations with China and with Eastern European states.
30b. includes discussion of Civil Rights Movements (30b-1.), and the Anti-War Movement
(30b-2.). Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech (1963), the Civil Rights Act (1964),and
the Voting Rights Act (1965) are all mentioned.
6 Protests against the War in Vietnam and
Groups that advocated revolutionary violence are also accorded attention.
30c. (From “Underdeveloped” to “Developing” World8, 1963-1991) contains segments on
China (30c-1.), Vietnam (30c-2.), the Middle East (30c-3.), Africa (3c.-4.), and Latin America
9 With the segment on Africa, some events in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and South Africa are
10 Laws restricting the rights of Africans were enacted in 1910 and were followed
by the creation of Apartheid in 1948; the Apartheid laws were repealed in 1991.
11 The segment
on Latin America provides information on Nicargua, El Salvador, and the “Dirty War” in
It would have been easier to document the contents of this Detailed Text Outline if
numbers and/or letters has been used (instead of symbols, squares, and circles). But overall,
Student 3 has done a very good job with this essay. The outline in 30a. through 30c. is easy to
follow. The summary (30d.) and thStude concluding comments (30e.) presented by Student 2
are both very well done. Through the Detailed Text Outline prepared by Student 3 I have gained
knowledge concerning some aspects of world history between 1963 and 1991.
1 Refer to the title (Student 3, at the top of page 1) of Patterns in World History, Chapter 30.
2 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 8 (30d).
3 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 8 (30e).
4 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 1 (30a-1, The years of Leonid Brezhnev).
5 Student 3, Chapter 30, pages 1, and 2 (30a-1, The years of Leonid Brezhnev and Glasnost and
Perestroika & Transformations in the Soviet Bloc).
6 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 3 (30b-1, The Postwar Drive for Civil Rights).
7 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 3 (30b-1, The Anti-War Movement).
8 Here “World” is been inserted in the place of “Word.” The latter was almost certainly a word processing
error here on page 4 (30c).
9 Student 3, Chapter 30, pages 4 through 7.
10 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 6 (30c-4, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and South Africa).
11 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 6 (30c-4, South Africa: From Apartheid to “Rainbow Nation).
12 Student 3, Chapter 30, page 7 (30c-5, Latin America: Proxy Wars).

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