Overview and Instructions

154 views 9:30 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023

Assignment #3 Overview and Instructions


Students will be presented with an organisational case study which includes a number of potential scenarios outlining what an organisation might do in response to the ethical issue introduced in Assessment 1. Students will critique each scenario based around their own ethical framework (identified in Assessment 1) and their understanding of the causes, consequences and leverage points of the problem in the system (developed in Assessment 2). They will recommend one of the scenarios based on their analysis, and justify their recommendation.

Weight: 50% | Length: 2,500 words | Due (indicative): Week 13




Writing Reports with Recommendations


Information about your specific industry

If you are looking for some overview of your industry for your assignment, you could consider the IBIS World Industry reports or the Passport which give a succinct overview of industries



Another resources are databases which provide overview of industry journals and newspapers. Good sources are:



You can also find great resources by many of the international organisations (e.g. UN, UNDP, ADB, etc.)

Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2022 (adb.org)Links to an external site.


BSN550 – Assignment #3 : Critical Essay [submission portal and CRA]

Due: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 23:59Due: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 23:59

Ungraded, 50 Possible Points50 Possible Points



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You can submit multiple versions of your assessment, but only the final one submission will be marked.

When you submit, please check the feedback from the plagiarism software and revise your assignments so that you haven’t inadvertently included text which is not properly referenced or paraphrased.

Ensure that you submit by the deadline.

If you can’t submit by the deadline, please apply for an extension.

It is always wise to submit what you have done by the due date, even if you apply for an extension. If your extension is approved your final submission will over ride the one already in the system

If you receive an extension, always include this on the front page of your assignment to avoid delays in marking your work



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BSN550 – Assignment #3

BSN550 – Assignment #3




[PC3.1] Written communication

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10 to >8.49 pts

High Distinction

Writing is professional, well- structured and persuasive. Fluent, coherent and concise writing style. Meaning is consistently clear with a very high level of attention to grammar, syntax and spelling

8.49 to >7.49 pts


Writing is well-structured, and mostly professional. There may be minor problems with flow or conciseness. Meaning is clear with high level of attention to grammar, syntax and spelling

7.49 to >6.49 pts


Writing is generally well- structured though there are minor lapses in the use of business language. Shows organisation and coherence. Overall meaning is clear with attention paid to grammar, syntax and spelling with some minor errors.

6.49 to >4.99 pts


There is an attempt at structure. Content is somewhat organised, but there are some problems with fluency, conciseness or use of business language. The intended meaning can be discerned.

4.99 to >3.99 pts

Marginal Fail

Writing lacks structure, coherence and organisation. Use of language fails to make meaning clear with many errors of grammar, syntax and spelling

3.99 to >2.49 pts


Work provides minimal evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

2.49 to >0 pts

Low Fail

Work provides little evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

0 pts


No evidence provided

/ 10 pts

[SE5.1] Ethical and legal principles and practices

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10 to >8.49 pts

High Distinction

Comprehensively and critically examines each scenario using a range of deontological frameworks.

8.49 to >7.49 pts


Examines each scenario using a range of deontological frameworks.

7.49 to >6.49 pts


Examines each scenario using a selection of deontological frameworks, focusing on those that align with own ethical framework.

6.49 to >4.99 pts


Examines each scenario using a limited range of deontological frameworks.

4.99 to >3.99 pts

Marginal Fail

Examines each scenario using a single deontological framework

3.99 to >2.49 pts


Mentions deontological frameworks but doesnt examine the scenario using a framework

2.49 to >0 pts

Low Fail

Work provides little evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

0 pts


No evidence provided

/ 10 pts

[SE5.2] Socially responsible behaviour in national and international business contexts

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10 to >8.49 pts

High Distinction

Comprehensively and critically examines each scenario using a range of consequentialist frameworks.

8.49 to >7.49 pts


Examines each scenario using a range of consequentialist frameworks.

7.49 to >6.49 pts


Examines each scenario using a selection of consequentialist frameworks, focusing on those that align with own ethical framework.

6.49 to >4.99 pts


Examines each scenario using a limited range of consequentialist frameworks.

4.99 to >3.99 pts

Marginal Fail

Examines scenarios from a single consequentualist perspective

3.99 to >2.49 pts


Does not examine each scenario using consequentialist frameworks.

2.49 to >0 pts

Low Fail

Work provides little evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

0 pts


No evidence provided

/ 10 pts

[HO2.2] Independent judgement, planning, problem solving and decision making

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10 to >8.49 pts

High Distinction

Makes a clear and compelling case for a specific course of action (one scenario). Supports recommendation by comparing its merits and costs with those of other scenarios. Justifies recommendation with evidence from academic and other reliable sources.

8.49 to >7.49 pts


Makes a strong case for a specific course of action (one scenario). Supports recommendation by comparing its merits and costs with those of some other scenarios. Justifies recommendation with evidence from academic and other reliable sources.

7.49 to >6.49 pts


Makes a case for a specific course of action (one scenario), clearly identifying benefits. Supports recommendation with evidence from academic and other reliable sources.

6.49 to >4.99 pts


Recommends a specific course of action (one scenario), outlining some reasons for its selection. Supports recommendation with limited evidence from academic and other reliable sources.

4.99 to >3.99 pts

Marginal Fail

May fence site or make a recommendation with minimal justification or support from the literature. Recommendation may be at odds with earlier discussion or case.

3.99 to >2.49 pts


Does not provide a recommendation or simply mentions options

2.49 to >0 pts

Low Fail

Work provides little evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

0 pts


No evidence provided

/ 10 pts

[TS4.1] Self-reflection, responsibility and accountability

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10 to >8.49 pts

High Distinction

Critically compares the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues. Clearly articulates plans for dealing with future potential conflict in values.

8.49 to >7.49 pts


Examines the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues. Articulates future plans for dealing with conflicts in values.

7.49 to >6.49 pts


Compares the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues. Discusses future plans for dealing with conflicts in values.

6.49 to >4.99 pts


Mentions the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues. Mentions future plans for dealing with conflicts in values

4.99 to >3.99 pts

Marginal Fail

Does not discuss the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues, OR does not mention future plans for dealing with conflicts in values.

3.99 to >2.49 pts


Does not discuss the recommended action for the company in relation to your own ethical values and virtues, AND does not mention future plans for dealing with conflicts in values.

2.49 to >0 pts

Low Fail

Work provides little evidence of learning in relation to this criterion

0 pts


No evidence provided

/ 10 pts

Total points: 0



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