Organisational Transformation

131 views 10:19 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

Organisational Transformation

Group Assessment – Client Led Presentation and Report (30% of module mark)

As a ‘small management consultancy firm’, your task is to advise your Client’s organisation what managerial and organisational changes they must make to significantly improve their performance and also advise your Client how to best to implement these changes successfully.

Each small management consultancy firm will normally consist of 3 or 4 students with the groups formed during the first week of tutorials. This simulates your future graduate employment experiences.

Possible Client Organisations






You are required to select one of the Client organisations, who have been chosen since either their recent performance or reputation are failing to match the expectations of their stakeholders during a period of rapid change in their wider environment.

You are expected to produce a recorded Presentation of your Client Report to the ‘Client organisations’ senior management (15 Minutes).

In the presentation, the consultancy team should cover the following:

Analyse the business, its organisational structures, resources and business environment.

Examine organisational structures in context (business environment). Consider, where this is suitable, possible and necessary, whether any organisational change is required (i.e. identify the most effective organisational structure for the company in the future).

Should organisational and managerial changes be required, select the most appropriate approach to organisational change, and write a recommendation outlining your specific managerial choices for this company.

Make recommendations about how senior management should address the implications of these changes in relation to what you know about the company’s organisational culture, power dynamics and politics.

You must refer to a wide variety of research evidence that justifies your recommendations.

Your references must include sources used in the module (e.g. the Managing Change textbook).

Advice on how to present your ideas in a professional setting is available on Aula. More guidance on this assessment will be offered in tutorials. The UWS library contains a wide range of books and journal articles on the management consultancy process.

Besides the presentation, the team must also complete a document on teamwork, in which team members must outline the key points of each meeting, and reflect on their experience (see appendix A for template).

Although this document is not assessed, not submitting the document on teamwork will result in a penalisation of 10 points for all team members.


The possibility of dismissal from your group exists if any group member fails to deliver an equitable contribution. This follows standard HR process involving the group minuting and documenting group each meeting, collecting evidence of lack of contribution, presenting their case to Module Moderator and Coordinator who then contact the individual student for their viewpoint, before any final decision is made.

Any ‘dismissed’ student must then complete the assessment at the next opportunity for submission.

The resit assignment assessment consists of a Recorded Individual Presentation to the ‘Client organisations’ senior management (10 Minutes), and an executive summary of your key findings and recommendations (500 words). More detail is provided in Aula.

Marking Criteria

Use of appropriate resources: journal papers; books; web resources etc.


Appropriateness of referencing, using the Harvard referencing style both in text and in reference list.


Appropriateness of written presentation e.g., style, grammar, spelling, paragraphing.


Group presentation skills e.g., team coordination, fluency, timing, pace, eye contact with audience


Contents e.g., knowledge of chosen firm and external environment; integration of theory and practice; strength and justification of recommendations provided.


Coursework Overall: (100%)



Link to the presentation video:


Date of Meeting Location

(F2F or online)

Attendees Work Completed & Decisions taken Any Other Issue or Comment


Each team member should write a brief comment on how the teamwork went.

At the end, team members should agree on a final shared comment.

General comment (agreed by all team members)

Signatures of all team members:

If any team member does not agree with the general comment, or any other information provided in this document, it should be noted here:

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