Operations Management

141 views 10:33 am 0 Comments July 15, 2023

Unit Name – Operations ManagementHuman Computer Interaction


Feedback from ATHE


The learner has not presented their work in the media specified in the assignment brief.


LO1 – 3 The learner work just meets the LOs, although it is minimal and simplistic in places. The work would benefit from further development to ensure Ac standards are securely met. The learner considers Toyota to show understanding of operation management and business success in LO1.


LO4 The learner work for this LO is insufficient to meet the LO which is ‘Understand the impact of a range of


quality improvement techniques on competitive advantage.’ The work for AC 4.2 is descriptive rather than explanatory. There is no assessment or evaluation as required by AC 4.3 and 4.4. In addition, AC 4.4 requires the learner to refer to specific organisations and this has not been done.


The learner will need to resubmit LO4 for this unit.

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