Online Discussion

147 views 8:20 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023

“The last thing IBM needs right now is a vision.” (July 1993)
“What IBM needs most right now is a vision.” (March 1996)
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., CEO, IBM Corporation
Assignment 2 – Online Discussion
Consider the following statement:
Strategic direction should be based on what the organisation does well
relative to its competitors and the capabilities and/or resources the
organisation needs to develop to create and sustain competitive
Hints: Answers could also include the role of strategic leadership and
strategic direction.
Assignment 3 – Your Strategic Plan
Vision, Mission, Values statements for your selected
organisation or start-up.
See examples in Module 2, Activity 1.
Strategic Intent or Purpose: Vision, Mission,
Values: Resources
OnStrategy; Short Videos, Module 2, Activity 2:
How to write a Mission Statement
How to write a Vision Statement
How to write a Values Statement (or set of values).
The Textbook:
Chapter 3, pp. 39-46; What Strategic Direction should
be, p. 56.
Before writing anything, consider
The power of a single word…
In the window of a locksmith’s shop was a sign: Keys
made while you wait
Business was slow so the proprietor decided to
diagnose the problem. Rewrite the sign…to reflect
something different?
Keys made while you watch.
(Reading: McLean…The truck driver that reinvented

The power of a single word…
Our Mission
To add value for our customers and
stakeholders by facilitating trade in a
commercial and efficient manner
Our Vision
To be recognised by our customers as a leading
world port
Tasports will not be a or the world leading port!
Mission Statement
Answers the
“What is Our
Vision Statement
Answers the
What Do We Want
to Become?”
(Future state)
Vision Versus Mission
To be Australia’s leading port: Here for the future.
To grow trade through the port in a sustainable manner, which optimises stakeholder
satisfaction and shareholder returns, by:
•retaining and developing a team of highly capable and engaged employees
•providing world-class infrastructure to service customer demand
•developing innovative commercial solutions to grow trade
•working cooperatively to ensure a safe and secure port environment.
– we care for each other.
Innovation – we look for new solutions.
People – we value teamwork.
Integrity – we do the right thing.
Accountability – empowerment with responsibility.
Strategic Intent, Direction or Purpose:
Vision, Mission, Values
Strategic street-smarts:
Pour energy into the process to energise
your people; bring people along with you;
Not ‘fluffy’;
Not an expanding file .
Q: What do we do?
A #1:Our shipping company moves goods
from port to port (hmmm?)
So: Who wants their goods to end up at a
A #2: Our shipping company moves goods
from where they are to where they need to
Q: What need do we meet?
A#1:Our company transports freight.
Q: Does your company do anything else?
A hint – Many years ago when hard-copy study
materials were used and editing and production
outsourced…my study packages should have been at
Patrick Stevedores Sydney Office (but they were not!).
Ironically, they were on the dock. So, what needs does
the company really meet?
A#2: Our company transports, tracks and provides
secure management of freight.
So, is your company a provider of solutions?
Q: Whose need do we meet?
Key issues: can stakeholders identify with the
statement/s? Is it just words on walls?.
We need a living, breathing plan ;
That is representative of the employee,
customer’s…stakeholder’s viewpoint?
How to Write a Mission Statement
(OnStrategy key issues):
What do you want to be remembered for?
Not fluffy (Neither are values/vision)!
Why do we exist as an organisation?
What is our organisation’s core purpose?
What business are we in?
‘The t-shirt test’? Will it fit on a t-shirt and would
your staff be happy to wear it (hmmm)?

A vision statement should answer the basic question,
“What do we want to become?”;
A mental picture of the environment an organisation
aspires to create within a broad time horizon…a desired
future…which can create engagement ;
Short, preferably one sentence.
The Strategic Intent/Purpose: current
practice and street smarts:
Vision, Mission, Values as a ‘set’;
Current trend (Mission, Vision): one
sentence/paragraph; which then directs…corporate
goals, objectives and strategies…
Concise, unambiguous & readable (on first read);
Reasonably enduring (determine time frames);
The Strategic Intent/Purpose
The ‘set’ which then directs
corporate goals, objectives and
For whom is the strategic intent
Has meaning to all who read it/need it;
Is ‘felt’ and based on strong values;
Provides a decisional guide –
conceptually/holistically and the
‘things/tasks’ we focus on everyday.
Summing Up Core Values
Core values can control…direct and
encourage behavior; the way we do things…
Key question: What do your stakeholders
Warby Parker revisited (Module 1: workshop)
Strategic intent/purpose…SCA:
“The best businesses come from real needs – how do we create
a solution here”?
Thinking values: Why might Warby Parker’s business intent be
difficult to imitate?
Their unique approach to philanthropy and shared values. The ‘buy
one, give one” policy creates a buying situation where buyers can
feel good about not only getting lower prices on eyewear, but also
on contributing to a good cause. The organization’s strategic
purpose contributes to their success and makes their model most
difficult to imitate.

Johnson & Johnson: Reading
The Credo.
Our values are clearly stated and dictate
decisions. J & J can provide examples;
Universal across companies – cuts across
functions and inhibits silos;
Telling stories about what we value;
We walk the talk;
Part of recruitment and training…builds into
Assessment hint: essential for effectively
establishing goals, objectives and formulating
strategies (the links between the stages must be
logical/transparent for assignment 3 and the
Have a great week!
Better than Lego

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