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RMIT Classification: Trusted School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain — OMGT2287 Supply Chain Modelling and Design Assessment 2: Evaluation report Assessment type: Evaluation report [Individual] Word limit: 3,500 words Due Date: Sunday Week 5, 23:59 (Melbourne time) Weighting: 30% Overview In this assignment, you are required to work on a real company using LP preferably from topics in weeks 1–2. The aims of this assessment are to understand the problem, to use an appropriate approach in LP to solve the problem, to discuss a solution, to compare findings across scenarios, and to propose sensible recommendations. The purpose of this assessment is to develop your capability in solving problems in a real situation and writing reports. Course learning outcomes This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes: CLO1 Analyse and apply the theories and practices of logistics systems in logistics management CLO2 Formulate and propose supply chain and logistics systems solutions to improve the management of logistics and supply management CLO3 Implement mathematical models to solve problems in logistics in contemporary business environment CLO4 Critically reflect your proposed supply chain and logistics solutions in communicating with relevant stakeholders RMIT Classification: Trusted Assessment criteria You will be marked on the following criteria: • Introduction (Word) (1.5 pts) • Background information of the company • Current situation (Word) (3 pts) • Current problems in operations • Data collection (Word) (4.5 pts) • How data was collected and who provided data • Problem Formulation (Word) (6 pts) • Explanation of how the problem was formulated • Clearly defines decision variables and explains objective functions and their constraints correctly and clearly. • Problem solving (Word & Excel) (6 pts) • Demonstration of how the model was implemented and how the solution was generated in a step-by-step manner in the report • Clear evidence of using an Excel spreadsheet to solve the model • Discussion (Word) (4.5 pts) • Discuss the solution to the integer linear programming model thoroughly by using concepts that were taught in the learning content • Recommendation (Word) (3 pts) • Recommendations provided are grounded in the discussion and analysis presented within the report • The recommendation links to improvements in the current state of the situation and explains how in relation to the context feasibility • Presentation (Word & Excel) (1.5 pts) • All report components such as executive summary, table of content, lists of figures/ tables, and references are present • General formatting of your report and Excel spreadsheet Assessment Details This report requires you to solve a problem in a real company using any technique that you have learned in this course, preferably from topics in weeks 1–2. You are expected to demonstrate your capabilities in understanding the nature of the problem, collecting data, formulating a mathematical model, and creating and designing a spreadsheet solution using Excel and Excel Solver. You can work on any topics discussed in the course but you need to address the following areas when writing your report: • You are required to apply your knowledge on optimisation in real and practical environment. For doing so you need to find a real company and then decide what optimisation technique you are going to apply in the company based on their issues. Having an initial discussion with the company will help you choose the appropriate technique. Provide background information regarding the company including size, business type, areas of operations, competitors, and their operational problems. • The company must be from the same country that you are currently living. For example, if you are living in Australia, you are expected to collect data from the company in Australia. • You are required to briefly discuss about the chosen topic. For example, if you choose an LP model in a manufacturing company, you need to first explain about LP modelling and then justify why you choose LP for the company and why not the other technique, what are the advantage of LP compared to other methods. • Then you are required to collect real data for the chosen topic and show the current status of the company in the chosen topic. For example, if your topic is transportation, you need to discuss about nodes, cost of transportation per unit, function for total transportation cost, all the constraints, complete mathematical models, input and output data for Excel, and optimal answer. • The data are not required to be the exact data from the database of the company. It can be approximate data based on the exact ones. It also can be estimated data from verbal discussion with the employees (e.g. managers) in the company. • After analysing the current situation, you need to provide solution to improve the performance and efficiencies of the operations in the company (e.g. how to reduce the total transportation cost). Analyse the data explaining the process and where is the data coming from and what does it represent. A clear step-by-step instruction that can be understood by an individual with no previous Excel experience. Guidelines: Report Structure Please refer below for guidance on how you should structure your report. 1. Front page a. Include the report’s title, your name and student ID, the class and facilitator’s name. 2. Executive summary 3. Table of contents 4. List of figures/tables 5. Introduction a. Provide detailed background information of the company such as size, business type, areas of operations, and competitors. 6. Current situation a. Identify and describe the current problems in their operations. Justify why this issue is important and should be addressed. 7. Data collection a. Comprehensiveness of the data collected required to formulate a mathematical model. You are required to collect real data for the chosen topic. You must clearly explain how data was collected and provide contact details of those who provided data. Please note that data are not required to be the exact data (e.g. daily demands). It can be approximate data (e.g. average weekly demands). Please ensure that you clearly state the assumptions when you use such data (e.g. constant demands across seven days). 8. Problem formulation (please ensure that all mathematical symbols are correct and consistent). a. Define decision variables with a measurement unit (e.g., pallets, kg, or km). b. Provide an objective function and constraints and clearly show how you formulate them with an explanation of what each equation means. c. Ensure that decision variables and each equation are linked back to the data. 9. Problem solving (i.e., step-by-step process of how you find the solution) a. Explain how you implement the model in the Excel spreadsheet. b. For example, explain how you implement each equation in the model using what functions in Excel (e.g., SUMPRODUCT) and where you place it on the spreadsheet (e.g., at Cell B2). c. If constraints are the same kind and implemented in the same way, you just need to explain the first one and summarise the rest. d. Explain how you set up Solver in Excel. e. Don’t forget to submit the Excel spreadsheet together with the Word report. 10. Discussion a. Discuss the optimal solution based on the results you find. b. Compare and highlight the differences and areas of improvement between your findings and the current operations in the case. c. If you conduct sensitivity analysis, the results should be presented here. 11. Recommendations a. List and discuss what action should be taken based on the discussion. b. For example, the results may suggest that the optimal solution for the production problem is to make 3 units of X and 4 units of Y. In addition, sensitivity analysis indicates that an increase of each Resource A can increases the profit by $5, up to the maximum of 100 units of Resource A. Your first recommendation can be to produce 3 units of X and 4 units of Y, and the second recommendation is to procure additional 100 units of Resource A. 12. References 13. Presentation a. Discussion and explanation are succinct. b. There is a link between each section. And when the report is read, the reader should not feel jumpy (i.e., some important information is omitted). c. Cross-referencing and citations are correct (if any). d. All headings and sections are in place. e. Images or figures are clear. f. The writing is readable. You may use Flesch–Kincaid readability tests to evaluate your report. g. Font Size: 11pt or 12pt h. Font Style: Calibri or Times New Roman i. Document Margins: 2.5cm for top, bottom, left and right j. Spacing: Single or 1.5 spacing Length The word limit for this assessment task is 3,500 words. You are expected to follow the structure suggested above and ensure that your submission is aligned with the assessment rubric. Submission format For this assessment, you need to submit the following files in Canvas as a file upload. Both files should be submitted together. You must submit: 1. An evaluation report in a single Word document (.docx) • The Word document is to explain your mathematical model, to report and discuss your answers, draw a conclusion and provide recommendations for decision makers based on the solution. 2. An Excel file (.xlsx) • An Excel file to demonstrate how you use Solver to identify solution(s). • You must ensure that the file is in a workable condition before submission. Each model must be implemented in a separate spreadsheet in the same file. Referencing guidelines Use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment. You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing. Academic integrity and plagiarism Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have: • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods • Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own. RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including: • Failure to properly document a source • Copyright material from the internet or databases • Collusion between students For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website. Assessment declaration When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration. Assessment 2 Criteria Criteria Ratings Pts Excellent Good Fair Poor Introduction (Word) The report describes the background of the company such as size, business type, areas of operations, and competitors well. The report describes the background of the company such as size, business type, areas of operations, and competitors well, but there are some unclear areas. The report inadequately describes the background of the company such as size, business type, areas of operations, and competitors. The report does not, or hardly, describe the background of the company such as size, business type, areas of operations, and competitors. 1.5 to >1.12 pts 1.12 to >0.74 pts 0.74 to >0.37 pts 0.37 to >0 pts 1.5 pts Current Situation (Word) The report identifies and describes the current issue in the operations of the chosen company well. The importance of why it should be addressed is justified. The report identifies and describes the current issue in the operations of the chosen company well. The importance of why it should be addressed is justified. However, there are some unclear areas. The report inadequately identifies and describes the current issue in the operations of the chosen company well. The importance of why it should be addressed is not well justified. The report does not, or hardly, identify and describe the current issue in the operations of the chosen company well. The importance of why it should be addressed is not justified. 3 to >2.24 pts 2.24 to >1.4 pts 1.4 to >0.74 pts 0.74 to >0 pts 3 pts Data Collection (Word) The report describes what kind of data was collected from the company and demonstrates the comprehensiveness of the data well. The report describes what kind of data was collected from the company and demonstrates the comprehensiveness of the data well, but there are some unclear areas. The report inadequate describes what kind of data was collected from the company and demonstrates the comprehensiveness of the data. The report does not, or hardly, describe what kind of data was collected from the company and demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the data. 4.5 to >3.37 pts 3.37 to >2.24 pts 2.24 to >1.12 pts 1.12 to >0 pts 4.5 pts RMIT Classification: Trusted Problem Formulation (Word) The report shows how the problem was formulated, defines decision variables, and explains objective functions and their constraints correctly and clearly. The report shows how the problem was formulated, defines decision variables, and explains objective functions and their constraints correctly, but there are some unclear areas. The report inadequately shows how the problem was formulated, defines decision variables, and explains objective functions and their constraints correctly. The report does not, or hardly, show how the problem was formulated, define decision variables, and explain objective functions and their constraints correctly. 6 to >4.49 pts 4.49 to >2.99 pts 2.99 to >1.49 pts 1.49 to >0 pts 6 pts Problem Solving (Word & Excel) The report explains how the model was implemented and how the solution was generated in a step-by-step manner in the Excel sheet well. The model implemented in the Excel spreadsheet and specified in Solver was correct. The right answer was obtained. The report explains how the model was implemented and how the solution was generated in a step-bystep manner in the Excel sheet well, but there are some unclear areas. The model implemented in the Excel spreadsheet and specified in Solver was mostly correct. The report inadequately explains how the model was implemented and how the solution was generated in a step-by-step manner in the Excel sheet. The model implemented in the Excel spreadsheet and specified in Solver was partly correct. The report does not, or hardly, explain how the model was implemented and how the solution was generated in a step-by-step manner in the Excel sheet. The model implemented in the Excel spreadsheet and specified in Solver was mostly incorrect. 6 to >4.49 pts 4.49 to >2.99 pts 2.99 to >1.49 pts 1.49 to >0 pts 6 pts Discussion (Word) The report discusses the solution and highlights the areas of improvement against the current situation well. The report discusses the solution and highlights the areas of improvement against the current situation well, but there are some unclear areas. The report inadequately discusses the solution and highlights the areas of improvement against the current situation. The report does not, or hardly, discuss the solution and highlight the areas of improvement against the current situation. 4.5 to >3.37 pts 3.37 to >2.24 pts 2.24 to >1.12 pts 1.12 to >0 pts 4.5 pts Recommendation (Word) The report discusses the sensible recommendations for the decision maker based on the findings well. The report discusses the sensible recommendations for the decision maker based on the findings well, but there are some unclear areas. The report inadequately discusses the sensible recommendations for the decision maker based on the findings. The report does not, or hardly, discuss the sensible recommendations for the decision maker based on the findings. 3 to >2.24 pts 2.24 to >1.49 pts 1.49 to >0.74 pts 0.74 to >0 pts 3 pts Presentation (Word & Excel) The report and spreadsheet are very easy to follow. Presentation is very clear. All report components such as executive summary, table of content, lists of figures/tables, and references are present. The report and spreadsheet are easy to follow. Presentation is clear. Some report components such as executive summary, table of content, lists of figures/tables, and references are absent. The report and spreadsheet are difficult to follow. Presentation is unclear and/or confusing. Many report components such as executive summary, table of content, lists of figures/tables, and references are absent. The report and spreadsheet are very difficult to follow. Presentation is very unclear and/or confusing. Report components such as executive summary, table of content, lists of figures/tables, and references are mostly absent. 1.5 to >1.12 pts 1.12 to >0.74 pts 0.74 to >0.37 pts 0.37 to >0 pts 1.5 pts Total: 30 pts

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