
198 views 12:26 pm 0 Comments September 10, 2023


HD 84.50 – 100.00% Question One (20%)

D 74.50 – 84.49%

C 65.00 – 74.49%

P 49.50 – 64.49%

F 4.50 – 49.50%

Fail (content absent) 0.00 – 4.49%




A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear outline of one skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 8.45-10.00

A comprehensive and clear outline of one skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 7.45-8.44

A clear outline of one skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 6.45-7.44

An adequate outline of one skill or strategy which could support the student to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 4.95-6.44

A limited outline of one skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 0.46-4.94

A very limited or no attempt to outline one skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 0.00-0.45

A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear outline of a second skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 8.45-10.00

A comprehensive and clear outline of a second skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 7.45-8.44

An adequate outline of a second skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 4.95-6.44

A limited outline of a second skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 0.46-4.94

A very limited or no attempt to outline a second skill or strategy which could support you to successfully navigate the chosen transitional challenge as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian healthcare context 0.00-0.45

Question Two (20%)

A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario. 8.45-10.00

A comprehensive and clear outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario 7.45-8.44

A clear outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario 6.45-7.44

An adequate outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario 4.95- 6.44

A limited outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario. 0.46- 4.94

A very limited or no outline of the perceived power differential in the chosen scenario. 0.00-0.45

A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse 8.45- 10.00

A comprehensive and clear discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse 7.45-8.44

A clear discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse 6.45-7.44

An adequate discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse. 4.95-6.44

A limited discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse. 0.46-4.94

A very limited or no discussion of how this power differential could impact the patient care provided by the graduate registered nurse 0.00-0.45

Question Three (20%)




A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to

A comprehensive and clear discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to

A clear discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen

An adequate discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the

A limited discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen

A very limited or no discussion of how one leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen

Question Four (20%)


prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and expertly linked to the advanced nursing role. 8.45-10.00

prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and strongly linked to the advanced nursing role 7.45-8.44

advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and clearly linked to the advanced nursing role 6.45- 7.44

chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and linked to the advanced nursing role 4.95-6.44

advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is not appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and/or not linked to the advanced nursing role 0.46-4.94

advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is not appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and/or not linked to the advanced nursing role 0.00-0.45

A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and expertly linked to the advanced nursing role. 8.45-10.00

A comprehensive and clear discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and strongly linked to the advanced nursing role 7.45-8.44

A clear discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and clearly linked to the advanced nursing role 6.45- 7.44

An adequate discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and linked to the advanced nursing role 4.95-6.44

A limited discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is not appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and/or not linked to the advanced nursing role 0.46-4.94

A very limited or no discussion of how the second leadership skill could be developed by a graduate registered nurse in order to prepare them for the chosen advanced nursing role. The leadership skill is not appropriate for a graduate registered nurse and/or not linked to the advanced nursing role 0.00-0.45


A scholarly, comprehensive, and clear analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 8.45-10.00

A comprehensive and clear analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 7.45- 8.44

A clear analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 6.45- 7.44

An adequate analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 4.95-6.44

A limited analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 0.46- 4.94

A very limited or no analysis of how a new graduate registered nurse could use one aspect of the chosen NSQHS Standard to improve patient care in a specific patient context. 0.00-0.45

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has been expertly justified. 8.45-10.00

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has been strongly justified. 7.45- 8.44

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has been clearly justified. 6.45- 7.44

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has been justified. 4.95-6.44

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has been poorly justified. 0.46- 4.94

The importance of the chosen NSQHS standard for the specific patient context has not been justified. 0.00-0.45

Referencing and Presentation (20%)




Consistently integrates contemporary, scholarly references to support and reflect all ideas, information, and quotations with no more than 1 exception. Consistently accurate

Mostly integrates current, reliable references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 2 or 3 exceptions. Mostly accurate

Frequently integrates pertinent references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 4 or 5 exceptions. Frequently accurate with intext

Sometimes integrates applicable references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations with 6 to 8 exceptions. Some inaccuracies with

Infrequently attempts to integrate relevant references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations (>8 exceptions). Many inaccuracies with intext

No attempt to integrate relevant references to support ideas, information, and quotations. 0.00-0.22


intext citation referencing style (0 or 1 inaccuracies). 4.23-5.00

Evidence of reading widely on the topic through an extensive reference list (8 or more references from relevant, contemporary, and high-quality journal articles). 4.23-5.00

Reference list consistently adheres to APA 7th edition presentation guidelines (0 or 1 inaccuracies). 4.23-5.00

Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation (0-1 reoccurring inaccuracies). Excellent presentation of assignment, double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, and clear identification of each question and chosen response. Within 10% of the allocated wordcount. 4.23-5.00

with intext referencing (2 or 3 inaccuracies). 3.73-4.22

Evidence of reading widely on the topic through plentiful references included on the reference list (7 references from relevant, contemporary, and high-quality journal articles). 3.73-4.22

Reference list mostly adheres to APA 7th edition presentation guidelines (2 or 3 inaccuracies). 3.73-4.22

Mostly accurate with spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation (2-3 reoccurring inaccuracies). Very well- presented assignment, double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, and clear identification of each question and chosen response. Within 10% of the allocated wordcount. 3.73-4.22

referencing (4 or 5 inaccuracies). 3.23-3.72

Evidence of reading widely on the topic through adequate references included on the reference list. (6 references from relevant, contemporary, and high-quality journal articles). 3.23-3.72

intext referencing style (6-8 inaccuracies). 2.48-3.22

Evidence of satisfactory reading on the topic through the minimum required number of references included in the reference list. (5 references from relevant, contemporary, and high- quality journal articles). 2.48-3.22

referencing style (>8 inaccuracies). 0.23-2.47

Limited evidence of adequate reading on the topic through limited references in the reference list. (< 5 references from relevant, contemporary, and high-quality journal articles). 0.23-2.47

Reference list frequently adheres to APA 7th edition presentation guidelines (4 or 5 inaccuracies). 3.23-3.72

Reference list sometimes adheres to APA 7th edition presentation guidelines (6 or 7 inaccuracies). 2.48-3.22

Reference list does not adhere to APA 7th edition presentation guidelines (>7 inaccuracies). 0.23-2.47

No evidence of adequate reading on the topic with no inclusion of relevant, contemporary, and high-quality journal articles in the reference list. 0.00-0.22

Frequently accurate with spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation (4-5 reoccurring inaccuracies). Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, and clear identification of each question and chosen response. Within 10% of the allocated wordcount. 3.23-3.72

Some inaccuracies in spelling, grammar, and/or use of punctuation (6-8 reoccurring inaccuracies). Satisfactory presentation of the assignment, double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, and clear identification of each question and chosen response. Within 10% of the allocated wordcount. 2.48- 3.22

Many reoccurring inaccuracies (9-15) with spelling, grammar, and/or use of punctuation. Incomplete or inadequately presented assignment, double spacing not used, 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font not used, and unclear identification of each question and chosen response. Not within 10% of the allocated wordcount. 0.23- 2.47

No reference list included. 0.00-


Very frequent reoccurring

inaccuracies (<15) with spelling,

grammar, and use of

punctuation. Incomplete

assignment. Not within 10% of

the allocated wordcount. 0.00-







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